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Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
I don't. Andy has an immature swallowing reflex and has had too many close calls just sitting in his high chair, I would never forgive myself if he started choking when I couldn't pull over.
Posted 7/18/07 3:02 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
I will give Julia some juice in her sippy while I'm driving, but she really never wants it anyway so I will just keep it in front with me till we are out of the car.
No eating in my car, I'm to afraid of her choking and I couldn't get to her in time! Big fear of mine!
Posted 7/18/07 3:07 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
No eating. I just like to keep a clean car, I am neurotic about a messy car! I do let them have sippy cups in the car while we drive though.
Posted 7/18/07 3:13 PM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
MArissa has a sippy cup and if we are going on long trips like to my mom's then I will bring some snacks with me and if she wants them then I give them to her
Posted 7/18/07 3:16 PM |
Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06 14917 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
Aly will have a sippy in the car once in awhile, thats about it...
Posted 7/18/07 3:35 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
sometimes she gets a sippy and if I have to run out of the house and she is hungry I will pass her one goldfish at a time Or give her a cookie or something...
Posted 7/18/07 3:36 PM |
Rest in Peace baby Rogan

Member since 6/07 1122 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
Usually milk, but I have given her food like goldfish, Gerber puffs or even cheerios in her Snack Trap. I don't think I would give her something that she could bite a large piece off and choke, and I try to limit the food in the car to long rides to keep it a little cleaner.
Posted 7/18/07 3:39 PM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
only drinking
Posted 7/18/07 3:43 PM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
Only drinking no eating. Unless we are driving far and he is hungry. Then while DH is driving I will jump in the back and feed him.
Posted 7/18/07 3:43 PM |

Member since 5/05 6856 total posts
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
No eating at all in the car (she's 18 mos.)
ETA: She can eat if one of us is in the back w/ her, but we haven't had to do that yet.
Message edited 7/18/2007 7:17:25 PM.
Posted 7/18/07 3:47 PM |
3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05 6683 total posts
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
Alex will drink in the car but no eating by himself. If we are on a long drive DH or I will feed him while the other drives.
Posted 7/18/07 5:25 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
I let my kid eat or drink wherever he wants. Especially in the car, yesterday we were sharing a Frappucino and some Cheerios. If it keeps the kid happy, it keeps the driver happy!!!
Posted 7/18/07 5:30 PM |
April already?

Member since 3/06 5297 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
I didnt want to start this as a habit but we were on a road trip and stuck in traffic and had to keep her happy so we gave her the snack trap with goldfish and some water. Now and again she will ask for them while we are in the car.
Posted 7/19/07 9:35 AM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
No to eating, but yes to drinking. I give her a cup with water on hot days.
Posted 7/19/07 9:37 AM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
To clarify.... DS is 4 now, so he can eat/drink whatever he wants. DD is 15 months, so she doesn't get food. We transitioned to more food over time.
We also have a cover over the back seat (actually designed for large dogs, so it's water resistant, and tear-resistant), so the mess doesn't get on the car, just the cover, which is pretty easy to clean.
Posted 7/20/07 8:07 AM |
Blessed x 3

Member since 6/05 2460 total posts
Name: Laurie
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
No snacks just drinks
Posted 7/20/07 8:09 AM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
I have become a pro at breastfeeding in the backseat It saves so much time.
Posted 7/20/07 8:10 AM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
Yes, I allow DS to eat and drink in the car. He eats mostly small snacks if he is alone back there - if it is something bigger than someone is in the back seat with him.
Posted 7/20/07 8:12 AM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
A sip cuo with water and if one of us are back there she can have Cheerio's or pretzels
Posted 7/20/07 8:52 AM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
Posted by Janice
I have become a pro at breastfeeding in the backseat It saves so much time.
Me too, I Breast Feed her in the carseat
Posted 7/20/07 8:53 AM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
Yes, for my older ones (3 yrs old and almost 5 yrs) The baby (14m) just has drinks. I pay the price as far as a clean car goes, good Lord the crumbs!! I am always vaccuming
Posted 7/20/07 11:45 AM |
Member since 5/05 1854 total posts
Re: Do you let your kids eat or drink in the car?
No eating or drinking for us.
I never thought it was a big deal until I heard an EMT talk about this topic. She said just imagine yourself driving down Jericho Turnpike or the LIE and your child starts choking. You'd have to safely pull over, get yourself unbuckled, go around to the child, get them unbuckled from their seat and then move to a place to start the heimlich manuever.
What scared me is that she said that you have less than FOUR minutes to do all of this before brain damage could possibly occur. And just imagine doing all that when you are in a panic and your hands are shaking. That was enough for me.
From the AAP: Choking: Common Dangers for Children
When children begin crawling, or eating table foods, parents must be aware of the dangers and risks of choking. Older infants and children less than 5 years of age can easily choke on food and small objects. Choking occurs when food or small objects get caught in the throat and block the airway. This prevents oxygen from getting to the lungs and the brain. When the brain goes without oxygen for more than four minutes, brain damage or even death may occur. Many children die from choking each year. Most children who choke to death are younger than 5 years of age. Two-thirds of choking victims are infants younger than 1 year of age.
Food is one of the most common choking dangers for young children. When infants and young children do not grind or chew their food well, they may attempt to swallow it whole. If the food is in large pieces, it can lodge in their throat and cause choking. You can help reduce the chances of choking by not feeding children younger than 4 years of age any round, firm food unless it is chopped completely. Round, firm foods are common choking dangers. The following foods can be choking hazards:
Hot dogs Nuts and seeds Chunks of meat or cheese Whole grapes Hard, gooey or sticky candy Popcorn Chunks of peanut butter Raw vegetables Raisins Chewing gum
Message edited 7/20/2007 1:10:06 PM.
Posted 7/20/07 1:09 PM |