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Does anyone donate blood regularly?

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Does anyone donate blood regularly?

I'm O positive and feel like I should donate more often. Anyone else?

Posted 6/23/14 4:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

3534 total posts


Re: Does anyone donate blood regularly?

I do.

I am O positive too. But just FYI one the New York Blood Center gets your info they will call you CONSTANTLY to donate. They used to call my job all the time looking for me

I donate about 4x a year or so

Posted 6/23/14 4:25 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/13

431 total posts


Re: Does anyone donate blood regularly?

My mom does it all the time, and they do call you all the time. But I can tell you that people need your blood, especially O blood, it's universal. It's a great gift for others.

Posted 6/23/14 4:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/10

993 total posts


Re: Does anyone donate blood regularly?

I normally do a platelet donation instead of blood; it definitely takes longer but I can donate more frequently during the year.

Posted 6/23/14 4:55 PM

and one more girl on the way!

Member since 5/10

2954 total posts


Does anyone donate blood regularly?

I used to until I became Anemic...last time I went they turned me away

Posted 6/23/14 4:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

1528 total posts


Re: Does anyone donate blood regularly?

It's so important. People really need it. When I was blood drive captain I was surprised how horrified people were when I asked if they'd donate. So many said no just cause scared. Think how scared the person who needs the donation is.
Thank you for posting more awareness the better

Posted 6/23/14 8:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: Does anyone donate blood regularly?

Posted by Straightarrow

I do.

I am O positive too. But just FYI one the New York Blood Center gets your info they will call you CONSTANTLY to donate. They used to call my job all the time looking for me

I donate about 4x a year or so

I donated for them about 3 months ago for the 1st time in many years. I got a letter with a hot pink sticker that says O pos and they need my blood and they will make me a priority if I go in. I guess they have good marketing!! I will go this week.

Posted 6/23/14 8:10 PM


Member since 3/07

39159 total posts


Re: Does anyone donate blood regularly?

Not regularly. But I'm trying to do more of it this year.
Sometimes my iron is too low. But it was good on Friday so I was able to donate.

I needed blood about 7 yrs ago during surgery. So I really try to give back when I can.

Posted 6/23/14 8:11 PM


Member since 6/07

8274 total posts


Re: Does anyone donate blood regularly?

I do it 4 times a year, at work. I have very prominent veins so they normally don't have any trouble getting one & the flow is fast so it usually is pretty quick. I'm type O as well & I know there's a great demand so I'm glad to do it. Occasionally I get rejected for low iron though & I didn't do it for over a year when I was pregnant & then bfing. Otherwise I try to do it often.

Posted 6/23/14 8:23 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

3672 total posts


Re: Does anyone donate blood regularly?

We have 2 blood drives a year at work and I always give then - I should make the effort to do it more often though, its so easy to get tied up with life and not make the extra effort.

Posted 6/23/14 8:44 PM

I think I got this

Member since 11/10

1523 total posts


Does anyone donate blood regularly?

I wish I could but can't due to iron deficiency. And just getting blood from me is a challenge due to 7 years of iron infusions. I couldn't even donate when my son needed it.

Posted 6/23/14 9:14 PM

Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07

7060 total posts


Re: Does anyone donate blood regularly?

Im O-
I donated once and got sick. I want to do it more often but scared of feeling that way again
I did not give them my phone number. My brother is also o- and he made that mistKe and they call comstantly

Posted 6/23/14 9:17 PM


Member since 7/12

4287 total posts


Does anyone donate blood regularly?

I only did it once and wont do it again. I got so SO sick, and so nauseous. It took me almost an hour to get up from the donation chair, and my pint only took 7 min to get. And about another hour before they would let me go back to work.

I'm sick over it because I have VERY desirable blood (I'm B+, and don't have that other factor they look for).

So unless they cll that someone is dying and NEEDS my blood I don't intend to do it again, ever. HOWEVER, I am glad I did it the once. If it wasn't such a bad experience I would do it 4x a year. And I want to be clear, it was NOTHING the techs did. It was ALL my BODY saying "no".

but I am GLAD I did it.

Message edited 6/23/2014 10:23:54 PM.

Posted 6/23/14 10:23 PM

mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12

1952 total posts


Does anyone donate blood regularly?

I do it as often as I can ... but it's still not as frequently as I'd like to.

It's important and it's a good deed that doesn't cost money or take up too much time (and it gets me out of work for an hour lol). I don't see why more people don't do it.

Posted 6/24/14 10:07 AM


Member since 11/13

2868 total posts


Does anyone donate blood regularly?

My husband does. They only rejected him once and it was because we went to a country on a cruise on their no list (Honduras).

I am the anti blood giver. Doctors hate me. My veins run and hide from needles. I went through so much with my pregnancy with the blood tests and then when I was delivering with the IV and all that. It was horrible.

Posted 6/24/14 2:10 PM

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