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Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

I know my Dr said Pregnancy "might" make it worse...but its unbearable at times.

My fingers are all almost completly numb half the day if not more.

Sleeping is awful. I wear hand braces to bed but it still doesnt help.

I was actually going to have the surgery before I got PG but the DR wanted to wait...Chat Icon

Posted 12/9/06 5:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

I have it really bad. i was scheduled to have it nov 29th, however i found out i was preggo. there is nothing i can do for it. it def got worse for me with the first pregnancy.

Posted 12/9/06 6:05 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

Posted by MrsSchwags

I have it really bad. i was scheduled to have it nov 29th, however i found out i was preggo. there is nothing i can do for it. it def got worse for me with the first pregnancy.

did it get better after you delivered?

Posted 12/9/06 6:08 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

I got it at the end of the first trimester( dr. said its pregnancy induced carpel tunnel syndrome), really bad. My hands and fingers get numb to the point they burn. I have to wear night braces on my hands and wrist or I wake up in the middle of the night with intense pain that shoots from my finger tips to my shoulders and nothing helps it, I just have to wait till it goes away on its own. It went away for about 4 weeks and now at the end of my pg, its back with a vengence. I pray it goes away after pg, Im nervous I may not be able to hold my baby b/c my hands are so numb, even typing this they are numb. Chat Icon

Posted 12/9/06 6:19 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

Posted by girlygrl33

I got it at the end of the first trimester( dr. said its pregnancy induced carpel tunnel syndrome), really bad. My hands and fingers get numb to the point they burn. I have to wear night braces on my hands and wrist or I wake up in the middle of the night with intense pain that shoots from my finger tips to my shoulders and nothing helps it, I just have to wait till it goes away on its own. It went away for about 4 weeks and now at the end of my pg, its back with a vengence. I pray it goes away after pg, Im nervous I may not be able to hold my baby b/c my hands are so numb, even typing this they are numb. Chat Icon

thats what Im afraid of, not being able to hold the baby, and Now I cant have the surgery as planned right away b/c its a 4-6 week recovery where I truly wont be able to do "baby" things and hold him/her.


Can I ask what braces you wear at night?

Mine where from a orthotic place and they are so big and bulky, I think thats why they arent helping.

Posted 12/9/06 6:44 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

I got it in my 3rd trimester really bad. NOTHING helped except sleeping upright. Dr. said it was from the swelling. I had to prop pillows up so my hands would NOT get numb and I also had bad acid reflux

Message edited 12/9/2006 8:31:40 PM.

Posted 12/9/06 8:30 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

I had it before I was pregnant and it got worse during my pregnancy. It started to subside about 6 mos after birth. The bottle feeding and craddling used to hurt so bad. I still wear a night brace and wore it throughout my pregnancy. Feel better Chat Icon

Message edited 12/9/2006 9:14:39 PM.

Posted 12/9/06 9:13 PM

Mommy to 2 boys!

Member since 5/05

4565 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

I had it really bad during my pregnancy. I went and bought wrist guards/splints for each hand from National Wholesale Liquidators ($5each) and wore them every night. They helped me soo much. Thankfully, a week after I had my son it was completely gone and I haven't had it since. If you get the wrist guards and they help, don't forget to bring them to the hospital. I forgot to bring them with me and the first night I couldn't sleep Chat Icon

Message edited 12/10/2006 1:20:31 AM.

Posted 12/10/06 1:17 AM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

I got in my 2nd trimester. I used to wake up at night and sit on the edge of my bed shaking my hands because they were so numb and they hurt. I found a carpul tunnel brace for the night time and wore it on my right hand (it hurt the worst). It looked like a puffy blue cast but it was soft. I found it in CVS. That helped at night.

After I delivered they were just tingly, not numb. It finally went away at 3 weeks post partum. I was still able to take care of her.

Posted 12/10/06 9:10 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

Mine actually got worse after delivering. I'm 15 weeks PP and I am still in so much pain. I wear braces on both hands at night which are just as much of a pain.

I am to the point where I can't "turn" things. I can't open a jar or twist the nipple on the bottle.

It hurts to snap the buttons of her clothes.

I went for Hand Therapy and that did crap.

$20 a session for 15 minutes of my hand being massaged and I never felt any better.

So now I just try and deal. I wear the braces, put Icy Hot on, massage my own hands.

Posted 12/10/06 9:49 AM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

I had tendonitis when PG with my 1st and it got bad as I was farther along - it didn't help that I worked in an office and was ALWAYS at the computer.

I wore wrist guards to protect my thumbs since that's where it was the most painful and that helped.....

it was MUCH better after I delivered and then I was able to take a 2 wk dose of an RX anti-inflammatory, so between the two it was not a problem anymore.

Posted 12/10/06 10:13 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Does anyone have carpal tunnel?

Hi Donna, I have the Futuro ones from CVS( 25.00 each) and they are a godsend!!! try them on in the store too, I bought the wrong size the first night and ouch! now I MUST sleep with them and wake up now in these last few weeks with some numbness but before the 3rd trimester NADA- woke up pain free! good luck and feel better, I feel your pain, Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/10/06 5:37 PM

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