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Does every baby hate to be changed?

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Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

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Does every baby hate to be changed?

Logan SCREAMS every time we change him.

I mean, bloody murder, the neighbors are going to call CPS kind of screams.

He doesn't appear to have anything wrong with him. No rash or penis issues.

Do some babies just hate being changed?

And do they outgrow it??

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Posted 6/1/07 5:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Yes and yes!

It will get better. I always said to DD it gets much worse than this sweetie - this is the easy stuff! Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/07 5:10 PM

Me and the guys

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Tyler has recently calmed down at diaper changing time. He still however HATES having to put on clothes and lets everyone know it.

Posted 6/1/07 5:49 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Posted by heidla

Tyler has recently calmed down at diaper changing time. He still however HATES having to put on clothes and lets everyone know it.

Oh god, yes, that too!

He has nudity issues, I think. Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/07 5:52 PM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

On the contrary, DH and I swear that DS LOVES his changing table. He could be scream crying and we lay him on there, almost instantly and almost always he stops!

I joke that I am going to buy one of the changing pads and put it in his crib!!

Posted 6/1/07 5:58 PM

Love her so much <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Yes Brianna screams her head off she hates it

Posted 6/1/07 6:51 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Posted by leighla

Posted by heidla

Tyler has recently calmed down at diaper changing time. He still however HATES having to put on clothes and lets everyone know it.

Oh god, yes, that too!

He has nudity issues, I think. Chat Icon

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Maybe it is boys?? Christopher HATES being changed as well. But I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel b/c he now stares at the bears on the mobile on his pnp.

Posted 6/1/07 7:48 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

DD doesn't mind diaper changes (she's 6mos old), but try to put a shirt over her head and LOOK OUT!

Posted 6/1/07 8:02 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

yes, my boys cried and screamed when they got does get betterChat Icon

Posted 6/1/07 8:18 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/06

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

My DS cried bloody murder up until he was about 2 mos. then all of a sudden he stopped now at 6 mos he loves it. He loves being naked!

Posted 6/1/07 8:18 PM

Happy Little Girl

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Thia (Cynthia)

Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

My DS screams bloody murder also. (He's 4-1/2 wks old.)

Posted 6/1/07 8:31 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Posted by MsKitty1274

On the contrary, DH and I swear that DS LOVES his changing table. He could be scream crying and we lay him on there, almost instantly and almost always he stops!

I joke that I am going to buy one of the changing pads and put it in his crib!!

This is us. I know that if DD is crancky and screaming and I don't know why...putting her on the changing table will ensure she will stop and start to feel better. She will even let me put 3 or 4 outfits on her (when I'm doing a fashion show when I buy all new clothes Chat Icon ) before she starts to get fussy. I consider myself very lucky Chat Icon

Hang in there Lauren...Logan will get used to it eventually Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/07 8:40 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

16353 total posts


Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Thanks everyone.

I feel so bad, I apologize to him the whole time I'm changing him. Chat Icon

I'm glad they do outgrow it.

Posted 6/1/07 8:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

In the very beginning yes, then by about 3 or 4 months they laugh and love me singing to them and playing with their legs and feet as I'm changing them. He'll outgrow it! Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/07 8:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Posted by FireIslandLove

In the very beginning yes, then by about 3 or 4 months they laugh and love me singing to them and playing with their legs and feet as I'm changing them. He'll outgrow it! Chat Icon

same here...HATED it, but now she doesn't mind at all! Sometimes I actually strap her in and leave her there while I get quick stuff done because she just has that much fun there.

One day I need to change her crib sheets and I put her on the changing table to play, I turned around and this is what I foundChat Icon

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Posted 6/1/07 9:04 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Posted by heidla

Tyler has recently calmed down at diaper changing time. He still however HATES having to put on clothes and lets everyone know it.

I could have written this post about my DD. You would think I was murdering her when I put on or take off her shirt! I hate to dress her Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/07 9:06 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

they grow out of it.....try singing to him....I'd sing to her (the ABC's) and that still calms her to this day!

Posted 6/1/07 9:07 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Posted by Charly

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That's great Chat Icon

Posted 6/1/07 9:24 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

not mine, since day one, he loves an chance he can get to have his junk hanging outChat Icon

Posted 6/1/07 10:21 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Yes in the beginning they scream like you'rre murdering them for everything - diaper changes, gas, hunger, etc.

Later on they'll learn to modulate their cries to communicate different needs (ie. how moms would say "that's a hungry cry")

I did the quickest diaper changes during the screaming.

Posted 6/1/07 10:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

DS1 was always fine with it, DS2 screamed bloody murder. Then one day, he didn't. Maybe around two months old.

Posted 6/1/07 10:52 PM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

DS did this too the first few weeks. He also hated to be naked, I think b/c they get cold. They are so used to be in our warm bellies. Now at 8 wks, he smiles when I dress him up. I think he knows he is handsome Chat Icon

Message edited 6/2/2007 12:27:39 AM.

Posted 6/2/07 12:26 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

I don't know what to tell you, because Marron is 13 months old and HATES to be changed. She didn't used to mind, but around 7-8 months, she got a really bad diaper rash and cried every time we changed her (understandably), but now still cries, even though she has no rash. I think it is just the anticipation of it hurting, and now it is just habit maybe? I don't know how long it will last for her. She just really hates being on the changing table now. Even when I lay her down after her bath to put lotion on her, she is crying real tears and just hating every minute of it. It makes me so sad for her. Chat Icon

Message edited 6/2/2007 5:53:07 AM.

Posted 6/2/07 5:52 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

Yes! Jordana is the same way- STILL at 13 months. I just have to give her a toy to play with- but that still doesn't guaranatee that we won't have a wrestling match. Chat Icon

Posted 6/2/07 8:05 AM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Does every baby hate to be changed?

He used to - then it was only for tight things over his head - you know, when I couldnt poke his head out in time!!!

Now, I strecth the neck part a little, and I talk to him and try to make it like a game - he is so much more tolerant now to things over his head... the rest of his body he doesnt mind at all!

Posted 6/2/07 8:11 AM
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