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Dr. Suess

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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Here's an article I found helpful and thought provoking.

"In a study published earlier this month in Research on Diversity in Youth Literature, researchers Katie Ishizuka and Ramon Stephens found that only 2 percent of the human characters in Seuss' books were people of color. And all of those characters, they say, were "depicted through racist caricatures."

Those caricatures have a potent effect, even at an early age. Research shows that even at the age of 3, children begin to form racial biases, and by the age of 7, those biases become fixed."

I'm glad they're discontinuing those books but I'm not opposed to his work as a whole. I also don't think kids need to spend a whole month on his books alone when there are many other great options without the lack of diversity and stereotypes.

Posted 3/1/21 10:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/11

1284 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by MrsT809

Here's an article I found helpful and thought provoking.

"In a study published earlier this month in Research on Diversity in Youth Literature, researchers Katie Ishizuka and Ramon Stephens found that only 2 percent of the human characters in Seuss' books were people of color. And all of those characters, they say, were "depicted through racist caricatures."

Those caricatures have a potent effect, even at an early age. Research shows that even at the age of 3, children begin to form racial biases, and by the age of 7, those biases become fixed."

I'm glad they're discontinuing those books but I'm not opposed to his work as a whole. I also don't think kids need to spend a whole month on his books alone when there are many other great options without the lack of diversity and stereotypes.

Give me a break. At the age of 3 children form racial biases?!?! No, it is what parents teach their kids.

My kids all read dr Seuss and don’t have an ounce of “racial bias” in them. Just stop this craziness.

Posted 3/1/21 10:56 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by LittleDiva

Posted by MrsT809

Here's an article I found helpful and thought provoking.

"In a study published earlier this month in Research on Diversity in Youth Literature, researchers Katie Ishizuka and Ramon Stephens found that only 2 percent of the human characters in Seuss' books were people of color. And all of those characters, they say, were "depicted through racist caricatures."

Those caricatures have a potent effect, even at an early age. Research shows that even at the age of 3, children begin to form racial biases, and by the age of 7, those biases become fixed."

I'm glad they're discontinuing those books but I'm not opposed to his work as a whole. I also don't think kids need to spend a whole month on his books alone when there are many other great options without the lack of diversity and stereotypes.

Give me a break. At the age of 3 children form racial biases?!?! No, it is what parents teach their kids.

My kids all read dr Seuss and don’t have an ounce of “racial bias” in them. Just stop this craziness.

I ADORE Dr. Seuss books and I think his writing style is brilliant BUT there definitely are racial overtones, stereotypes and depictions. I don't think Dr. Seuss should be "canceled" but it's silly to not at least acknowledge WHY some people take issue.

Posted 3/1/21 11:17 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/21

524 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by Valentinesbaby73

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by BFNY516

Just as an FYI the entity that the right says “cancelled” Suess is... Suess Enterprises...the company that manages his work. They announced it on his 117th “birthday.”

So Suess kind of cancelled Suess here. No one else.

I’m sure they came to that decision because of cancel culture pressure.

In one of his “cartoons”, it “features a crowd of men rendered in classic blackface caricature, with dark skin and pronounced red lips, being presented to a white shopper. A sign reads: “A n—- for your woodpile.”

That’s just one.

Dr. Seuss most definitely wrote many of his books with a racist undertone. Not everyone will be bothered by it, and that's fine.
Yes, there are some great ones- The Lorax and Oh the Places You'll Go come to mind.
But that doesn't mean some of his work wasn't offensive. Another cartoon of his depicts a man reading a book to Sally and the boy from The Cat in the Hat. The caption is "and the wolf chewed up the children and spit out their bones, but those were foreign children so it didn't really matter."

This is from a book you would read to a child?

It is from a comic strip. But, IMO, someone who thought was appropriate to create and publish, should not necessarily be celebrated and hailed a hero of children's literature.

So probably something a child wouldn’t even see or understand.

Posted 3/1/21 11:25 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Valentinesbaby73

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by Valentinesbaby73

Posted by Naturalmama

Posted by BFNY516

Posted by soontobemommyof2

Posted by BFNY516

Just as an FYI the entity that the right says “cancelled” Suess is... Suess Enterprises...the company that manages his work. They announced it on his 117th “birthday.”

So Suess kind of cancelled Suess here. No one else.

I’m sure they came to that decision because of cancel culture pressure.

In one of his “cartoons”, it “features a crowd of men rendered in classic blackface caricature, with dark skin and pronounced red lips, being presented to a white shopper. A sign reads: “A n—- for your woodpile.”

That’s just one.

Dr. Seuss most definitely wrote many of his books with a racist undertone. Not everyone will be bothered by it, and that's fine.
Yes, there are some great ones- The Lorax and Oh the Places You'll Go come to mind.
But that doesn't mean some of his work wasn't offensive. Another cartoon of his depicts a man reading a book to Sally and the boy from The Cat in the Hat. The caption is "and the wolf chewed up the children and spit out their bones, but those were foreign children so it didn't really matter."

This is from a book you would read to a child?

It is from a comic strip. But, IMO, someone who thought was appropriate to create and publish, should not necessarily be celebrated and hailed a hero of children's literature.

So probably something a child wouldn’t even see or understand.

You are completely missing my point. Nobody wants to cancel Dr. Seuss. They are no longer publishing six books. Only six.
I choose not to purchase his books, but I never said he should be outright shelved. Do I think he should be celebrated the way he is? No, I do not. But I don't think no child should ever hear his books again. The man was a genius and I admit that. These six specific books were taken off shelves. If you would like a copy, get one off of Amazon. If you don't, then why do you care?

Posted 3/1/21 11:31 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Dr. Suess

People here are defending a children’s author who would use the N word in his craft because “well, not all his writing had the N word” and don’t see why deciding to shift the focus from an author like him to ANYONE ELSE is maybe the right messaging.

Sounds about right.

Because how could any child miss out on a great piece of literature that is so riveting and life changing about green eggs and ham or a cat in a hat?

Message edited 3/1/2021 11:45:06 PM.

Posted 3/1/21 11:44 PM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Dr. Suess

I went back and read "If I Ran the Zoo". All I can say is I am glad it was pulled. For more than one reason. When you know better, you do better.

Message edited 3/2/2021 12:39:25 PM.

Posted 3/1/21 11:59 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/21

524 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted 3/2/21 1:52 AM

Love my boys!!

Member since 1/12

3548 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

And? I don't care who endorsed him. Doesn't change my opinion or who he was.

Posted 3/2/21 11:11 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

I have all of his books, looks like I'm sitting on a gold mine now! Chat Icon The four books that have been discontinued are blowing up online, it's crazy! Someone was asking $2500 for McElligot's Pool. Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/21 11:48 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/14

441 total posts


Dr. Suess

If you have the bad dr Seuss books what do you plan on doing with them?

Posted 3/2/21 12:49 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Anotherplease

If you have the bad dr Seuss books what do you plan on doing with them?

I have them all and I will keep them. I don't want to break up my Dr. Seuss collection and I like the books. Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/21 12:51 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Hofstra26

I have all of his books, looks like I'm sitting on a gold mine now! Chat Icon The four books that have been discontinued are blowing up online, it's crazy! Someone was asking $2500 for McElligot's Pool. Chat Icon

That's ironic isn't it?
The ones that were discontinued due to offensive content will end up being work a fortune.
Crazy how that works!

Posted 3/2/21 12:52 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/14

441 total posts


Dr. Suess

I ask just because if you sell them and make some money off of them then you are profiting off of his racism and that would make you wrong too. So do you just burn them so they cease to exist?

Posted 3/2/21 12:53 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/14

441 total posts


Dr. Suess

Serious rabbit hole stuff here right?

Posted 3/2/21 12:54 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Hofstra26

I have all of his books, looks like I'm sitting on a gold mine now! Chat Icon The four books that have been discontinued are blowing up online, it's crazy! Someone was asking $2500 for McElligot's Pool. Chat Icon

That's ironic isn't it?
The ones that were discontinued due to offensive content will end up being work a fortune.
Crazy how that works!

I know! It's crazy what people are asking for them. I don't know that anyone would actually pay that kind of money but still.

I think it's a shame they are being discontinued. I understand the issues people have, and I respect that, but when these books were written times were very different. I think it's possible to put the illustrations and writings within the context of the culture back then and still enjoy them today. I mean, do people not watch movies from the 30's and 40's as well because many of those were racist AF. But if you put those movies in context of the times, you can still enjoy them while doing better by others today. KWIM?

I will always love Dr. Seuss, his books were fantastical as a child.

Posted 3/2/21 12:59 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Anotherplease

I ask just because if you sell them and make some money off of them then you are profiting off of his racism and that would make you wrong too. So do you just burn them so they cease to exist?

People are free to do as they wish, I don't think it makes anyone wrong, just greedy. lol

Like I said, I won't part with mine. Chat Icon

Posted 3/2/21 1:00 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54921 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Hofstra26

I have all of his books, looks like I'm sitting on a gold mine now! Chat Icon The four books that have been discontinued are blowing up online, it's crazy! Someone was asking $2500 for McElligot's Pool. Chat Icon

That's ironic isn't it?
The ones that were discontinued due to offensive content will end up being work a fortune.
Crazy how that works!

I know! It's crazy what people are asking for them. I don't know that anyone would actually pay that kind of money but still.

I think it's a shame they are being discontinued. I understand the issues people have, and I respect that, but when these books were written times were very different. I think it's possible to put the illustrations and writings within the context of the culture back then and still enjoy them today. I mean, do people not watch movies from the 30's and 40's as well because many of those were racist AF. But if you put those movies in context of the times, you can still enjoy them while doing better by others today. KWIM?

I will always love Dr. Seuss, his books were fantastical as a child.

Yes, wasn't there controversy recently with Gone with the Wind? Same kind of a thing. I think maybe putting a disclaimer of some kind in regards to the culture of the times they were written might be a better solution

Posted 3/2/21 1:04 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Hofstra26

I have all of his books, looks like I'm sitting on a gold mine now! Chat Icon The four books that have been discontinued are blowing up online, it's crazy! Someone was asking $2500 for McElligot's Pool. Chat Icon

That's ironic isn't it?
The ones that were discontinued due to offensive content will end up being work a fortune.
Crazy how that works!

I know! It's crazy what people are asking for them. I don't know that anyone would actually pay that kind of money but still.

I think it's a shame they are being discontinued. I understand the issues people have, and I respect that, but when these books were written times were very different. I think it's possible to put the illustrations and writings within the context of the culture back then and still enjoy them today. I mean, do people not watch movies from the 30's and 40's as well because many of those were racist AF. But if you put those movies in context of the times, you can still enjoy them while doing better by others today. KWIM?

I will always love Dr. Seuss, his books were fantastical as a child.

Yes, wasn't there controversy recently with Gone with the Wind? Same kind of a thing. I think maybe putting a disclaimer of some kind in regards to the culture of the times they were written might be a better solution

It's kind of sad that anyone would need a disclaimer. I find it strange that people need to be told in advance that times, culture, opinions, social norms etc were different at various points in time. But I guess that might be the only option for some.

Posted 3/2/21 1:07 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Anotherplease

If you have the bad dr Seuss books what do you plan on doing with them?

I have them all and I will keep them. I don't want to break up my Dr. Seuss collection and I like the books. Chat Icon

Same here, I will hold on to mine.

Posted 3/2/21 1:14 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

I know some don't like Dr. Seuss, and that's fine, but am I the only one that is REALLY bothered by the fact that we're essentially BANNING books? People should be free to read what they wish and form their own opinions no matter the text. I don't need anyone making that decision for me, I'm really dismayed at this situation.

Message edited 3/2/2021 1:22:56 PM.

Posted 3/2/21 1:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/15

3992 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Hofstra26

I know some don't like Dr. Seuss, and that's fine, but am I the only one that is REALLY bothered by the fact that we're essentially BANNING books? People should be free to read what they wish and form their own opinions no matter the text. I don't need anyone making that decision for me, I'm really dismayed at this situation.

I really don't think they should be banning the books but at the same time, if enough parents are opposed then maybe they should stop introducing it in schools.

Posted 3/2/21 1:27 PM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Hofstra26

I know some don't like Dr. Seuss, and that's fine, but am I the only one that is REALLY bothered by the fact that we're essentially BANNING books? People should be free to read what they wish and form their own opinions no matter the text. I don't need anyone making that decision for me, I'm really dismayed at this situation.

I agree. And I look at it like it's a fabulous teaching moment. If DD and I come across something racist, sexist, etc. anywhere (TV, books, etc.), I teach her why it's wrong and that's how things used to be and how they're changing or have already changed.

Posted 3/2/21 1:27 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by StaceyWill

Posted by Hofstra26

I know some don't like Dr. Seuss, and that's fine, but am I the only one that is REALLY bothered by the fact that we're essentially BANNING books? People should be free to read what they wish and form their own opinions no matter the text. I don't need anyone making that decision for me, I'm really dismayed at this situation.

I agree. And I look at it like it's a fabulous teaching moment. If DD and I come across something racist, sexist, etc. anywhere (TV, books, etc.), I teach her why it's wrong and that's how things used to be and how they're changing or have already changed.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Exactly. There is always something to be learned from a book, ANY book.

Posted 3/2/21 1:29 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/21

524 total posts


Re: Dr. Suess

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by NervousNell

Posted by Hofstra26

I have all of his books, looks like I'm sitting on a gold mine now! Chat Icon The four books that have been discontinued are blowing up online, it's crazy! Someone was asking $2500 for McElligot's Pool. Chat Icon

That's ironic isn't it?
The ones that were discontinued due to offensive content will end up being work a fortune.
Crazy how that works!

I know! It's crazy what people are asking for them. I don't know that anyone would actually pay that kind of money but still.

I think it's a shame they are being discontinued. I understand the issues people have, and I respect that, but when these books were written times were very different. I think it's possible to put the illustrations and writings within the context of the culture back then and still enjoy them today. I mean, do people not watch movies from the 30's and 40's as well because many of those were racist AF. But if you put those movies in context of the times, you can still enjoy them while doing better by others today. KWIM?

I will always love Dr. Seuss, his books were fantastical as a child.

You can check out EBay and see if anyone is selling them and how much they have sold for even if you are not interested in selling.

Posted 3/2/21 1:56 PM
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