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Member since 3/06 699 total posts
Name: Latrice
EBF moms who bottle feed
I just dont know what we are doing wrong. I have been EBF my DD and introduced the bottle at 3wks with my BM that I pumped. She absolutely refuses to take the bottle from me. She recently began taking the bottle from my DH, which is great. However, he is at work during the day and when we are home or hanging (park, mall, etc.) I would like the convenience of giving my DD a pumped bottle of BM. But she refuses.
I never thought it would be this hard. She is 8 weeks now. I chose to BF for the nutritional benefits but didn't think the baby would become so attached and refuse to take a bottle.
Do any of you have any suggestions. I have changed bottles; Avent, Playtex. THis weekend I bought Dr. Browns, Evenflow, the First Years, and something else.
Is she doesnt take the bottle from me, will I have to go the entire year strictly breastfeeding directly from the breast? How will I be able to incorporate cereal when the time comes if she refuses the bottle? Please help!!
Posted 7/2/07 1:17 PM |
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Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: EBF moms who bottle feed
It's actually very normal for a breastfed baby to refuse a bottle from her mother. Get her used to taking a bottle from some one else and she may eventually start taking it from you. My breastfed baby liked Second Nature bottles and Playtex bottles, but wouldn't take any other types. He only takes the bottle when I'm not around anyway, so I don't know if he would take it from me or not. The way I see it is it's much easier to breastfeed when I'm with him than to worry about bringing a bottle with me anyway.
Don't worry about the cereal -- you'll just feed that from a bowel. Unless she has a reflux problem, you wouldn't put it in her bottle anyway.
Posted 7/2/07 1:50 PM |
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Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: EBF moms who bottle feed
I totally agree with the poster above. There is no reason other than for reflux for you to put cereal in a bottle. It is actually a choking hazard. My refused the bottle and I had to go back to work. He wouldn't take it from me or my mother the first few days I was back! It caused alot of stress. He finally took the Dr. brown's with the skinny nipple (not the wide neck).
Maybe you can try these..
Message edited 7/2/2007 2:12:09 PM.
Posted 7/2/07 1:54 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: EBF moms who bottle feed
I am having a similar problem...although Abby will eventually drink from the bottle, she fights it terribly sometimes.
My pediatrician suggested trying different bottles (which I see you have), also have someone else give her a bottle, preferably while you're not even in the room--my ped. said babies just seem to sense their mother's presence. Also, she suggested switching to a faster flow nipple, believe it or not, she said breastmilk comes out faster from the breast than the newborn size nipples (size 1) In my case, she also suggested Good Start formula--because I do supplement 1 bottle a day--since it's a thinner consistency, thus more like breastmilk. I know you said you're EBF though.
Hopefully, you will see an improvement soon because it's frustrating being the only source of nourishment!!!
Message edited 7/2/2007 1:57:15 PM.
Posted 7/2/07 1:55 PM |
Rest in Peace baby Rogan

Member since 6/07 1122 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: EBF moms who bottle feed
It's definitely common for babies to refuse to take a bottle from their mom if she's breastfeeding- the baby knows she is close to the real thing, imagine her thinking "come on mom, I know they're there!" If she just recently started taking the bottle, I would hold off and let her get used to the bottle from your husband, then you can try it again. Also try not holding her against your chest, and feed her in a different position, so she doesn't associate it with breastfeeding.
And as the above poster said, you don't need to put cereal in her bottle unless the doctor tells you to for reflux, so don't worry about that. Good luck!!
Posted 7/2/07 1:57 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: EBF moms who bottle feed
ITA 100% with the above posters..I had the same issue too, she wouldn't take it from me knowing I had the fresh stuff.
The only way I got her to take it and it took a couple weeks..was to "trick" her. I would do everything I normally did when I nursed, pulled up my shirt and everything-then I used to stick the warmed BM bottle in her mouth at the same time she thought she would latch.
I didn't force her at all, if she got upset, back to the boob she went.
I used/use advents.
Posted 7/2/07 2:05 PM |
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