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[elephant in the room]

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I love Gary too..on a plate!

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Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by greenybeans

Posted by JenniferEver

Posted by cncforever

I'm trying to find out why I still sort of feel for her. I wonder if it's because she's from here. Normally I'm very tough when it comes to these things so I'm surprised by myself and my reaction.

I kind of do too, I think it's because it was well documented here that something kind of snapped in her after she had her baby. I feel like she's maybe not a bad person just really screwed up and under the influence. It can make you do crazy things that are not in your nature.

However, all of these flaunting pictures kind of make me think twice. They either make me think she's a sick individual (as in evil), or a sick individual (as in really crazy out of her mind).

it doesn't make it forgiveable.

If i were accused of something like that (heaven forbid), I would not be flaunting myself around. I'd either stay low key because I can tell you I would not be grinning up a storm, or I'd be making serious statements about my innocence, not acting crazy

I feel a little bad for her as well. Probably because I went through PPD, and I did a few nutty things myself. (nothing like this of course) I know it alters your mind though.

On the other hand, I'm a mother. If it was my boy and a teacher was sleeping with him, and giving him drugs, I would f'n kill her ass. Plus, she is leaving behind her own poor little girl for this.

She's obviously sick. Any 30+ or even 20+ woman wouldn't ever consider having sex with a 16 year old. She's his teacher, how could she look at him like that? I think it's inappropriate when women tell me my brother is hot, and he's 19.

I just can't reconcile it in my mind. Throwing away your family, even if the marriage isn't perfect. She doesn't even look sorry. It's sad.

I think about it in a very simple way. For what it is!

"IF" this woman was from any town, not from LIF, I would be revolted, disgusted.

So no I don't have empathy.

If she was a he.. nobody would find excuses. Would we? A 35 yo male, who just had a baby, unhappy in his marriage, claiming he is so handsome all over the media, posing for the camera after being accused of sleeping with his 16 yo student. I HIGHTLY doubt we would feel bad.

Yeah... does not not sound as "sorry" for this guy, right?

Well... it's not different. She is a child molester. She is a pig. An arrogant pig posing for the media all laughing, defying that she will get her job back. She is disguting!

So no... NO EMPATHY!

I don't care if she was a nice girl at some point. I don't care how unhappy she was.

When I feel depressed I don't feel like sleeping with a MINOR. But that's me!!!

Posted 6/4/12 12:28 PM
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Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by Ayne11

Posted by colette

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by Ayne11

Will she always have to register as a sex offender, going forward?

If she's found guilty:
Level 1 offenders are required to register for a minimum of 20 years and Level 2 and 3 offenders for life

NYS Sex Offender Risk Level

But I'm pretty sure there will be a sweet plea deal where this may not even be required, as she won't be convicted on the most serious charges.

Such bull-shit

Yup. But it is EXTREMELY common in cases like this, especially where the child is close to legal age, for the plea to include a deal that she won't have to register as a sex offender.

Posted 6/4/12 12:29 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/12

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Re: [elephant in the room]

Message edited 6/4/2012 3:01:07 PM.

Posted 6/4/12 12:31 PM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MoralRelativity

yeah i sort of agree with you-- she had a ******* annoying, arrogant attitude. and ive never been on this site before today. its crazy how you guys reference something as insignificant as a blog post from 2 years ago. but i definitely relate w/ you----that 'i got it great' attitude of hers really turned me off to her after we reconnected a couple years after my HS graduation----she was NOT like this back in 2005

Many of us have been here for years and remember her quite vividly. I remember when she was a bride on LIW planning her wedding. She was innocuous and didn't really bother me much except for her usual lack of humility.

Over the years she would get just a crazier until eventually she became nuttier than squirrel turds. She acted delusional, nasty and arrogant. She made her infamous "bum hands and dirty glasses" post on here and got into a long drawn out drama fest over people asking if she was okay since she was typing like a stroke victim or someone REALLY HIGH. She turned it into a nasty shitshow and then 2 days later posted her half naked pics for the entire world to see. Who the hell does that?

I'm sure she might have been a nice person when you knew her, but who she is now is clearly not a stable individual.

Posted 6/4/12 12:37 PM


Member since 4/08

7758 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MoralRelativity

yeah i sort of agree with you-- she had a ******* annoying, arrogant attitude. and ive never been on this site before today. its crazy how you guys reference something as insignificant as a blog post from 2 years ago. but i definitely relate w/ you----that 'i got it great' attitude of hers really turned me off to her after we reconnected a couple years after my HS graduation----she was NOT like this back in 2005

I like you Chat Icon
But it wasn't insignificant at the time - it was memorable because people were GENUINELY concerned about her well-being. And the backlash including private FMs she sent to people were outrageous. FWIW, she never really left the site after that meltdown, she changed names and created a new account too.
If there's one thing I've learned in life it's that I don't try to "figure out" the crazy anymore; humans are capable of the greatest stuff, as well as the lowliest shit, most of us hang out somewhere in the middle, that's all. But I'll direct my empathy and compassion somewhere that it's better spent - not on this attention-whoring piece of work.

BTW I'm relatively sure her "Life is beautiful!" schpiel, as coached as it is, is covering up a very scared, very broken mind and heart at this moment. If I were facing these charges I know I'd grab on to anything my lawyer and family told me to do and follow it to the letter. I'm all for that. But this deliberate parading of her daughter for sympathy just crosses a line to me, perhaps worse than the original transgression itself. I don't know. Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/12 12:37 PM

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Member since 7/05

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Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by Goldi0218

Even if she cops a plea and it deals with the welfare of a minor - sexual or not - she won't be in a classroom. I think she will cop a plea. The evidence against her is too damning and she'd get convicted.

Have you read about this guy?

Posted 6/4/12 12:40 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MoralRelativity

yeah i sort of agree with you-- she had a ******* annoying, arrogant attitude. and ive never been on this site before today. its crazy how you guys reference something as insignificant as a blog post from 2 years ago. but i definitely relate w/ you----that 'i got it great' attitude of hers really turned me off to her after we reconnected a couple years after my HS graduation----she was NOT like this back in 2005

well I think the bottom dropped out. She found out her hubs was talking to a woman and sounds like he was cheating, then they were in talks of divorce. that can rock someone greatly, even a more balanced person.

Posted 6/4/12 12:41 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/12

19 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Message edited 6/4/2012 3:02:02 PM.

Posted 6/4/12 12:43 PM


Member since 4/08

7758 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by cncforever

Posted by MoralRelativity

yeah i sort of agree with you-- she had a ******* annoying, arrogant attitude. and ive never been on this site before today. its crazy how you guys reference something as insignificant as a blog post from 2 years ago. but i definitely relate w/ you----that 'i got it great' attitude of hers really turned me off to her after we reconnected a couple years after my HS graduation----she was NOT like this back in 2005

well I think the bottom dropped out. She found out her hubs was talking to a woman and sounds like he was cheating, then they were in talks of divorce. that can rock someone greatly, even a more balanced person.

Well they must have resolved that part because there were some TTC efforts going on last summer (under yet another moniker on here). Again, fabulous decision making, band-aid babies ROCK.

Posted 6/4/12 12:46 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by colette
And this is a woman with both a reason to get well, and access to resources she could have grabbed with both hands. .

I have been staying out of much of this. But I have to comment on this statement.

How on Earth does anyone on LIF know what she did or did not do to try to get well? Honestly, no one on here knows that she did not try to get well. What she tried, did not try, refused or accepted regarding getting help. I find it very wrong that people on here are acting as if they know fully what this woman did or did not do when she was struggling, in order to get better. That's all.

Posted 6/4/12 12:52 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MoralRelativity
that 'i got it great' attitude of hers really turned me off to her after we reconnected a couple years after my HS graduation----she was NOT like this back in 2005

I know you can't see this now but there is a line that a professional shouldn't cross. Let's put the worst (statutory rape) aside for a minute.

You had a teacher confide in you that she had PPD & connected with students on an inappropriate level. She had students friend her FB page? She posted boudoir pictures of herself for her students to see. That's not normal behavior.

She reminds me of that mom that wants to be the "friend mom". Great when you're a kid but as an adult, you can see something is amiss.

Posted 6/4/12 12:55 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by Goobster

Posted by colette
And this is a woman with both a reason to get well, and access to resources she could have grabbed with both hands. .

I have been staying out of much of this. But I have to comment on this statement.

How on Earth does anyone on LIF know what she did or did not do to try to get well? Honestly, no one on here knows that she did not try to get well. What she tried, did not try, refused or accepted regarding getting help. I find it very wrong that people on here are acting as if they know fully what this woman did or did not do when she was struggling, in order to get better. That's all.

I don't know what she did or didn't do. But my assumption is that she didn't "get well" given that she slept with her student.

What I don't get is why everyone is attributing this to PPD or drugs. How about she's a desperate, lonely woman who was looking for attention & got it from a 16 year old boy.

Posted 6/4/12 12:56 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/12

19 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by Goobster

Posted by colette
And this is a woman with both a reason to get well, and access to resources she could have grabbed with both hands. .

I have been staying out of much of this. But I have to comment on this statement.

How on Earth does anyone on LIF know what she did or did not do to try to get well? Honestly, no one on here knows that she did not try to get well. What she tried, did not try, refused or accepted regarding getting help. I find it very wrong that people on here are acting as if they know fully what this woman did or did not do when she was struggling, in order to get better. That's all.

I don't know what she did or didn't do. But my assumption is that she didn't "get well" given that she slept with her student.

What I don't get is why everyone is attributing this to PPD or drugs. How about she's a desperate, lonely woman who was looking for attention & got it from a 16 year old boy.

Because that's what the woman said herself. thats why

Posted 6/4/12 12:58 PM

My compass when I'm lost

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Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by Goobster

Posted by colette
And this is a woman with both a reason to get well, and access to resources she could have grabbed with both hands. .

I have been staying out of much of this. But I have to comment on this statement.

How on Earth does anyone on LIF know what she did or did not do to try to get well? Honestly, no one on here knows that she did not try to get well. What she tried, did not try, refused or accepted regarding getting help. I find it very wrong that people on here are acting as if they know fully what this woman did or did not do when she was struggling, in order to get better. That's all.

I kind of agree. I don't see the point to lambast her. She's clearly getting off on the attention. I think that feeding into all of these anonymous posters is only making her happier, probably because she's one of them! I don't think any single person on LIF knows that truth of what she went though or is going through right now. I am in no way defending her, I think we can all agree that what she did was wrong, immoral and clearly not the actions of a stable person, but the back and forth speculation is kinda silly since we have no idea what is true.

Posted 6/4/12 1:00 PM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by smdl

Posted by greenybeans

I feel a little bad for her as well. Probably because I went through PPD, and I did a few nutty things myself. (nothing like this of course) I know it alters your mind though.

On the other hand, I'm a mother. If it was my boy and a teacher was sleeping with him, and giving him drugs, I would f'n kill her ass. Plus, she is leaving behind her own poor little girl for this.

She's obviously sick. Any 30+ or even 20+ woman wouldn't ever consider having sex with a 16 year old. She's his teacher, how could she look at him like that? I think it's inappropriate when women tell me my brother is hot, and he's 19.

I just can't reconcile it in my mind. Throwing away your family, even if the marriage isn't perfect. She doesn't even look sorry. It's sad.

I think about it in a very simple way. For what it is!

"IF" this woman was from any town, not from LIF, I would be revolted, disgusted.

So no I don't have empathy.

If she was a he.. nobody would find excuses. Would we? A 35 yo male, who just had a baby, unhappy in his marriage, claiming he is so handsome all over the media, posing for the camera after being accused of sleeping with his 16 yo student. I HIGHTLY doubt we would feel bad.

Yeah... does not not sound as "sorry" for this guy, right?

Well... it's not different. She is a child molester. She is a pig. An arrogant pig posing for the media all laughing, defying that she will get her job back. She is disguting!

So no... NO EMPATHY!

I don't care if she was a nice girl at some point. I don't care how unhappy she was.

When I feel depressed I don't feel like sleeping with a MINOR. But that's me!!!

I agree. I probably would not feel bad for him at all if it was a man who did this. I also don't think I would be as shocked.

I am shocked that a woman with a family would do something like this, assuming it's all true. I know how I feel about my family. I guess in my mind there has to be something wrong with her because I can't imagine a woman (with a baby) doing this.

I feel bad for the little girl. I wish Snickers would stop posing for the camera, focus on her baby, and get herself some help.

Posted 6/4/12 1:03 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by Goobster

Posted by colette
And this is a woman with both a reason to get well, and access to resources she could have grabbed with both hands. .

I have been staying out of much of this. But I have to comment on this statement.

How on Earth does anyone on LIF know what she did or did not do to try to get well? Honestly, no one on here knows that she did not try to get well. What she tried, did not try, refused or accepted regarding getting help. I find it very wrong that people on here are acting as if they know fully what this woman did or did not do when she was struggling, in order to get better. That's all.

I don't know what she did or didn't do. But my assumption is that she didn't "get well" given that she slept with her student.

What I don't get is why everyone is attributing this to PPD or drugs. How about she's a desperate, lonely woman who was looking for attention & got it from a 16 year old boy.

Honestly, I would think many people should know that with mental illness or depression, it isn't always that cut and dry. It's not always that simple to fully recover and fully become well again. People who struggle with depression and mental illness can try everything and anything, but still never be able to get that magic bullet that cures all. KWIM? Now if drugs are now involved, that even moreso complicates the matter.

And maybe people are attributing it to PPD b/c that was when she seemed to change to many people on this site. After having her child.

Posted 6/4/12 1:05 PM


Member since 4/08

7758 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by Goobster

Posted by colette
And this is a woman with both a reason to get well, and access to resources she could have grabbed with both hands. .

I have been staying out of much of this. But I have to comment on this statement.

How on Earth does anyone on LIF know what she did or did not do to try to get well? Honestly, no one on here knows that she did not try to get well. What she tried, did not try, refused or accepted regarding getting help. I find it very wrong that people on here are acting as if they know fully what this woman did or did not do when she was struggling, in order to get better. That's all.

Let's put it this way, we know she has been in therapy on and off for years, perhaps decades, frankly. She is no stranger to therapy, counseling, and medicating. She had marital issues, ppd issues, body image issues, entitlement issues, and self-image issues. We know this because she TOLD us so.

But outweighing ALL of that, is the fact that we know what she did/didn't do because she got ARRESTED FOR STATUTORY RAPE. Abusing/endangering a MINOR.

Posted 6/4/12 1:05 PM

Love my little girls!!! <3

Member since 6/10

10818 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MoralRelativity

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by Goobster

Posted by colette
And this is a woman with both a reason to get well, and access to resources she could have grabbed with both hands. .

I have been staying out of much of this. But I have to comment on this statement.

How on Earth does anyone on LIF know what she did or did not do to try to get well? Honestly, no one on here knows that she did not try to get well. What she tried, did not try, refused or accepted regarding getting help. I find it very wrong that people on here are acting as if they know fully what this woman did or did not do when she was struggling, in order to get better. That's all.

I don't know what she did or didn't do. But my assumption is that she didn't "get well" given that she slept with her student.

What I don't get is why everyone is attributing this to PPD or drugs. How about she's a desperate, lonely woman who was looking for attention & got it from a 16 year old boy.

Because that's what the woman said herself. thats why

I thought you just said she told you she is innocent of everything she is accused of? Chat Icon

Posted 6/4/12 1:07 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by Bearcat

Posted by MoralRelativity

Posted by nrthshgrl

I don't know what she did or didn't do. But my assumption is that she didn't "get well" given that she slept with her student.

What I don't get is why everyone is attributing this to PPD or drugs. How about she's a desperate, lonely woman who was looking for attention & got it from a 16 year old boy.

Because that's what the woman said herself. thats why

I thought you just said she told you she is innocent of everything she is accused of? Chat Icon

Right here:
Posted by MoralRelativity

I know her now, too. I spoke to her three days ago. She says she's innocent of everything that she's being accused of.

Message edited 6/4/2012 1:10:06 PM.

Posted 6/4/12 1:09 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/12

19 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

i obviously dont believe her =\

Posted 6/4/12 1:11 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by colette

Posted by Goobster

Posted by colette
And this is a woman with both a reason to get well, and access to resources she could have grabbed with both hands. .

I have been staying out of much of this. But I have to comment on this statement.

How on Earth does anyone on LIF know what she did or did not do to try to get well? Honestly, no one on here knows that she did not try to get well. What she tried, did not try, refused or accepted regarding getting help. I find it very wrong that people on here are acting as if they know fully what this woman did or did not do when she was struggling, in order to get better. That's all.

Let's put it this way, we know she has been in therapy on and off for years, perhaps decades, frankly. She is no stranger to therapy, counseling, and medicating. She had marital issues, ppd issues, body image issues, entitlement issues, and self-image issues. We know this because she TOLD us so.

But outweighing ALL of that, is the fact that we know what she did/didn't do because she got ARRESTED FOR STATUTORY RAPE. Abusing/endangering a MINOR.

I know what you are saying. But that's my point. Sometimes nothing can help people who are struggling, all the therapy or medications or chat boards in the world. Hence here we are today with her in this senario. I am not in any way justifying her actions. I am saying that the reality is just b/c people TRY to get well, doesn't mean they succeed.

I still don't get the statement that we know what she did or did not do. Just b/c ones does things to recover or improve their well being, mental health, etc, does NOT mean they will succeed. But of course that is not justifying any illegal actions, I want to be clear.

Posted 6/4/12 1:13 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/12

19 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Message edited 6/4/2012 3:01:17 PM.

Posted 6/4/12 1:15 PM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MoralRelativity

i obviously dont believe her =\

Why reach out to her and then spill it all on here?

Posted 6/4/12 1:15 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MoralRelativity

and i never said she blamed this entire thing on post-partum depression / drug use. I wrote that it was my opinion, after knowing her rather personally, that these things contributed to this whole mess. Her declaration of guilt OR innocence has no bearing on past confessions she had made to me involving her pregnancy or drug use---confessions that i would bet my life on were sincere. its a very different set of circumstances that she now admit or deny ANYTHING

I'm confused. Can you clarify? You said

Posted by MoralRelativity

Posted by nrthshgrl
What I don't get is why everyone is attributing this to PPD or drugs. How about she's a desperate, lonely woman who was looking for attention & got it from a 16 year old boy.

Because that's what the woman said herself. thats why

So she's attributing her actions to PPD or drugs but claims she's innocent of her actions?

Posted 6/4/12 1:18 PM


Member since 4/08

7758 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by Goobster

Posted by colette

Posted by Goobster

Posted by colette
And this is a woman with both a reason to get well, and access to resources she could have grabbed with both hands. .

I have been staying out of much of this. But I have to comment on this statement.

How on Earth does anyone on LIF know what she did or did not do to try to get well? Honestly, no one on here knows that she did not try to get well. What she tried, did not try, refused or accepted regarding getting help. I find it very wrong that people on here are acting as if they know fully what this woman did or did not do when she was struggling, in order to get better. That's all.

Let's put it this way, we know she has been in therapy on and off for years, perhaps decades, frankly. She is no stranger to therapy, counseling, and medicating. She had marital issues, ppd issues, body image issues, entitlement issues, and self-image issues. We know this because she TOLD us so.

But outweighing ALL of that, is the fact that we know what she did/didn't do because she got ARRESTED FOR STATUTORY RAPE. Abusing/endangering a MINOR.

I know what you are saying. But that's my point. Sometimes nothing can help people who are struggling, all the therapy or medications or chat boards in the world. Hence here we are today with her in this senario. I am not in any way justifying her actions. I am saying that the reality is just b/c people TRY to get well, doesn't mean they succeed.

I still don't get the statement that we know what she did or did not do. Just b/c ones does things to recover or improve their well being, mental health, etc, does NOT mean they will succeed. But of course that is not justifying any illegal actions, I want to be clear.

I know what you're saying too, but I'm not so quick to attribute her recent actions to mental illness, kwim?
Sex crap aside - the woman stored POT IN HER NYC DOE FILE CABINET.

Like holy shit who does that? THat's not mental illness that's arrogance and a belief that she was too smart, or too cute Chat Icon to get caught.

Eff her.

Posted 6/4/12 1:18 PM
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