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[elephant in the room]

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LIF Zygote

Member since 6/12

6 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

aww...mrs pb&j, myboysmyheart...i understand. you are jealous. she's hot. she's smoking hot. she's like one of the teachers who everyone knows, likes and is in love with. meanwhile youre overweight, never recovered from baby, with everyone walking by you not knowing you even exist. she's in park slope. youre out in stixvile. jealousy is so unattractive. just bc u have a bunch of hens around u who are equally jealous so they agree with u doesnt mean its okay. it's ugly behavior. whatever she really did is not good but to judge her rockstar good looks is pure delusion. now go take a jog in the park. maybe when husband comes home tonight he'll even consider holding you around that ample midsection. meoow-----

Posted 6/3/12 11:52 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2743 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

he looks like a doofus. I took offense to his comment. but my short sleeve wearing husband isn't married to a hussy who sleeps with 16 year olds, makes you wonder about the long sleeves?

Posted 6/3/12 11:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2743 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by candyman

aww...mrs pb&j, myboysmyheart...i understand. you are jealous. she's hot. she's smoking hot. she's like one of the teachers who everyone knows, likes and is in love with. meanwhile youre overweight, never recovered from baby, with everyone walking by you not knowing you even exist. she's in park slope. youre out in stixvile. jealousy is so unattractive. just bc u have a bunch of hens around u who are equally jealous so they agree with u doesnt mean its okay. it's ugly behavior. whatever she really did is not good but to judge her rockstar good looks is pure delusion. now go take a jog in the park. maybe when husband comes home tonight he'll even consider holding you around that ample midsection. meoow-----[/QUOTE

you are crazy! Erin, how did it feel to be handcuffed and put behind bars? Did you feel sexy in prison with all those "hard" women. Do you think all the cops and corrections officers were looking aat you bc your hot, umm, no. They were thinking what a digusting pig you are that sleeps with little boys, ones who arent fully developed yet. You are a disgrace to teachers, mothers, and women everywhere.

Obviously your husband wasnt holding you or you wouldnt of had to sleep with a 16 year old, one you had to bribe with drugs.

Posted 6/3/12 11:56 AM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/12

6 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

lol i think i hit a nerve that prompted a spastic rxn resulting in this tirade. now go and do some lunges and planks. being angry at her hotness wont make ur husband more attracted to you. itll probably make him more attracted to her. use this anger for that jog! hurry! before the feelings of jealousy give way to despair! meowwww

Posted 6/3/12 12:02 PM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

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Re: [elephant in the room]

External Image

"candyman" is just trying to rile up everyone for his/her own amusement. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/12 12:06 PM

My little angel is here <3

Member since 7/09

2851 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by myboysmyheart

Posted by candyman

aww...mrs pb&j, myboysmyheart...i understand. you are jealous. she's hot. she's smoking hot. she's like one of the teachers who everyone knows, likes and is in love with. meanwhile youre overweight, never recovered from baby, with everyone walking by you not knowing you even exist. she's in park slope. youre out in stixvile. jealousy is so unattractive. just bc u have a bunch of hens around u who are equally jealous so they agree with u doesnt mean its okay. it's ugly behavior. whatever she really did is not good but to judge her rockstar good looks is pure delusion. now go take a jog in the park. maybe when husband comes home tonight he'll even consider holding you around that ample midsection. meoow-----[/QUOTE

you are crazy! Erin, how did it feel to be handcuffed and put behind bars? Did you feel sexy in prison with all those "hard" women. Do you think all the cops and corrections officers were looking aat you bc your hot, umm, no. They were thinking what a digusting pig you are that sleeps with little boys, ones who arent fully developed yet. You are a disgrace to teachers, mothers, and women everywhere.

Obviously your husband wasnt holding you or you wouldnt of had to sleep with a 16 year old, one you had to bribe with drugs.

rockstar good looks huh?? she looks like a used up 2 bit whore, she has saggy skin on her face, jowels, and a big nose. And if this Candyman person is actually Erin, you should feel really good about yourself that you slept with a 16 year old BOY. no hunny, he didn't sleep with you for your looks, he slept with you because he is a horny 16 year old who took the opportunity because you are an attention seeking slut.

Posted 6/3/12 12:06 PM

MBA at your service!

Member since 7/06

12020 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by candyman

aww...mrs pb&j, myboysmyheart...i understand. you are jealous. she's hot. she's smoking hot. she's like one of the teachers who everyone knows, likes and is in love with. meanwhile youre overweight, never recovered from baby, with everyone walking by you not knowing you even exist. she's in park slope. youre out in stixvile. jealousy is so unattractive. just bc u have a bunch of hens around u who are equally jealous so they agree with u doesnt mean its okay. it's ugly behavior. whatever she really did is not good but to judge her rockstar good looks is pure delusion. now go take a jog in the park. maybe when husband comes home tonight he'll even consider holding you around that ample midsection. meoow-----

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This might be one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.

Seriously, THANK YOU for making me laugh.

Ooooo she lives in Park Slope -- clearly that means she is some type of royalty. Us suburban moms can't hold a candle to the 90210-esque notoriety of Park Slope, Brooklyn.

The only delusional one here is you - continuing on about her "rock star good looks". She looks like she was rode hard and put away wet haggard. If you're into "heroin-chic skankapotamus" look, then more power to you.

You can try and make comments about my looks and marriage like it's going to hurt me, but it doesn't in the least. Yup I'm a big gal, overweight, with an "ample mid-section" and you know what? I still have more than enough self-esteem that I wouldn't spread my legs and risk my ENTIRE LIFE for some 16 year old BOY. Unlike your rock star goddess, I have pride & dignity; something she lacks in spades.

I'd love to continue this intellectually stimulating conversation with a troll who is using a fake name, but I plan on going out and enjoying this day with my daughter. So enjoy defending this whorebag and maybe if you're lucky she'll thank you personally for your kind words with a BJ.

Message edited 6/3/2012 12:11:41 PM.

Posted 6/3/12 12:07 PM

My little angel is here <3

Member since 7/09

2851 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MrsPJB2007

Posted by candyman

aww...mrs pb&j, myboysmyheart...i understand. you are jealous. she's hot. she's smoking hot. she's like one of the teachers who everyone knows, likes and is in love with. meanwhile youre overweight, never recovered from baby, with everyone walking by you not knowing you even exist. she's in park slope. youre out in stixvile. jealousy is so unattractive. just bc u have a bunch of hens around u who are equally jealous so they agree with u doesnt mean its okay. it's ugly behavior. whatever she really did is not good but to judge her rockstar good looks is pure delusion. now go take a jog in the park. maybe when husband comes home tonight he'll even consider holding you around that ample midsection. meoow-----

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This might be one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.

Seriously, THANK YOU for making me laugh.

Ooooo she lives in Park Slope -- clearly that means she is some type of royalty. Us suburban moms can't hold a candle to the 90210-esque notoriety of Park Slope, Brooklyn.

The only delusional one here is you - continuing on about her "rock star good looks". She looks like she was rode hard and put away wet haggard. If you're into "heroin-chic skankapotamus" look, then more power to you.

You can try and make comments about my looks and marriage like it's going to hurt me, but it doesn't in the least. Yup I'm a big gal, overweight, with an "ample mid-section" and you know what? I still more more than enough self-esteem that I wouldn't spread my legs and risk my ENTIRE LIFE for some 16 year old BOY. Unlike your rock star goddess, I have pride & dignity; something she lacks in spades.

I'd love to continue this intellectually stimulating conversation with a troll who is using a fake name, but I plan on going out and enjoying this day with my daughter. So enjoy defending this whorebag and maybe if you're lucky she'll thank you personally for your kind words with a BJ.

Chat Icon Chat Icon "rode hard and put away haggard" describes her perfectly. maybe along with the BJ, she'll give you a nice STD as well. it's the gift that keeps on giving.

Posted 6/3/12 12:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11

534 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

I can't help but laugh my rear end off when I see anyone treat Park Slope, Brooklyn like its some Mecca neighborhood...Park Slope is ok but nothing special. Admit it, you boast about living in PS because you can't afford the REAL pricey areas like Upper West/East side of Manhattan....PS just isn't anything special. Sorry.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/12 12:24 PM

Our Ron is an awesome Ron

Member since 4/07

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baby fish mouth

Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by candyman

aww...mrs pb&j, myboysmyheart...i understand. you are jealous. she's hot. she's smoking hot. she's like one of the teachers who everyone knows, likes and is in love with. meanwhile youre overweight, never recovered from baby, with everyone walking by you not knowing you even exist. she's in park slope. youre out in stixvile. jealousy is so unattractive. just bc u have a bunch of hens around u who are equally jealous so they agree with u doesnt mean its okay. it's ugly behavior. whatever she really did is not good but to judge her rockstar good looks is pure delusion. now go take a jog in the park. maybe when husband comes home tonight he'll even consider holding you around that ample midsection. meoow-----

Id rather be fat & ugly than in jail for CHILD MOLESTATION

Posted 6/3/12 12:30 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/12

218 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by HeathKernandez

Posted by candyman

aww...mrs pb&j, myboysmyheart...i understand. you are jealous. she's hot. she's smoking hot. she's like one of the teachers who everyone knows, likes and is in love with. meanwhile youre overweight, never recovered from baby, with everyone walking by you not knowing you even exist. she's in park slope. youre out in stixvile. jealousy is so unattractive. just bc u have a bunch of hens around u who are equally jealous so they agree with u doesnt mean its okay. it's ugly behavior. whatever she really did is not good but to judge her rockstar good looks is pure delusion. now go take a jog in the park. maybe when husband comes home tonight he'll even consider holding you around that ample midsection. meoow-----

Id rather be fat & ugly than in jail for CHILD MOLESTATION


Posted 6/3/12 12:46 PM


Member since 4/08

7758 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

For anyone who cares Snicks is disliked over in hoity toity Park Slope, too, if her discussions on the Brooklynian website are any indication Chat Icon.

And while Candyman praises her rock star good looks - we all saw those boudoir pics, so draw your own conclusions.

I did think she was an attractive girl, and smart. But her complete and utter lack of humility FOR YEARS prior to this week's events, made her very very ugly in my opinion.

Even in her photo ops this week, if you look behind the dark sunglasses, you can clearly see the crazy eyes.

Oh and Candydude if you're so familiar with the Park Slope Princess surely you're aware (as we all are here) that her marriage would be considered "troubled" on its best day, based on the rants & vents she's posted here and God only knows where else.

Good luck to her as she tries to clear her sullied name, and God protect her innocent daughter from the fallout from her selfishness.

Posted 6/3/12 1:23 PM

I'm cranky

Member since 7/06

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Mama Cranky

Re: [elephant in the room]

Candyman is either snickers or or husband-and a joke. Rockstar good looks-that's awesome.

Posted 6/3/12 2:49 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by CrankyPants

Candyman is either snickers or or husband-and a joke. Rockstar good looks-that's awesome.

Why can't it be a student who is "in love" with her? Just a thought.

Message edited 6/3/2012 3:00:55 PM.

Posted 6/3/12 2:54 PM

Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09

6691 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MrsPJB2007

the Mayor of Batshitistan.

How many of these Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon can I put?!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

My dh said he's going to cut all the sleeves off his long sleeve shirts right now.

Posted 6/3/12 4:30 PM

Bring on the glitter and bows!

Member since 6/08

15158 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by JesusPeople

Posted by Ayne11

I think CandyMan IS Snickers, Dollface, Jesus People....


This just made me PIMP

Posted 6/3/12 4:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts




Message edited 6/24/2012 11:49:17 PM.

Posted 6/3/12 6:23 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/10

487 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

It's obviously her or her hipster wanna be husband.

So for being a complete ********* and trying to get all sassy on my friend here is what I have to say to you:

Snickers/Candywhore/whatever: How does it feel to wake up in the middle of the night and realize that it's not a nightmare, but instead this mess is your REAL LIFE?

How does it feel knowing you disgraced yourself, your family, your husband, your daughter, and your profession?

How does it feel to know you are a slob, who nobody will ever look at the same again?

How does it feel to know your little girl is the mother of the teacher at horndog high who couldnt keep her lips together and her legs closed in a High School?

And most importantly, how does it feel to know that you are most likely going to be sleeping on a mattress no thicker than a ream of paper, in a cell, with no windows and gray walls for a nice long time?

Toodles Ho. Enjoy the clink and missing the most important years of your daughters childhood.

Message edited 6/3/2012 6:34:47 PM.

Posted 6/3/12 6:33 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 6/12

21 total posts

Have you hugged a ghost today?

Re: [elephant in the room]

what's wrong with hipsters?

Posted 6/3/12 7:28 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by DumpsterBaby

Posted by Stacey1403

Posted by KristenRSF

I know who we can get on the case to figure out who Candy Man is!

Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute.


Oh crap it's her DH!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Did anyone else read that her husband shot down divorce rumors by saying "Who told you that? Someone who goes to work in a short sleeve shirt?"



What a pompous a$s!

Mr. Candygirl snickers and his freaknasty predator wife sound perfect for each other Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/12 7:39 PM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by MC09

Posted by DumpsterBaby

Posted by Stacey1403

Posted by KristenRSF

I know who we can get on the case to figure out who Candy Man is!

Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute.


Oh crap it's her DH!!!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Did anyone else read that her husband shot down divorce rumors by saying "Who told you that? Someone who goes to work in a short sleeve shirt?"



What a pompous a$s!

Mr. Candygirl snickers and his freaknasty predator wife sound perfect for each other Chat Icon

Wait I don't get it Chat Icon someone who goes to work in a short sleeved shirt? Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/12 7:44 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

Where is the link showing that he said that?

I read differently.

Also, doesn't she look so vacant in her eyes? Like the car is running, but no one is driving?

External Image

External Image

External Image

Posted 6/3/12 7:46 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

'We're doing awesome': Humiliated husband of Brooklyn teacher 'who gave student pot and repeatedly had sex with him' says their marriage is as strong as ever

Sayar also denied marital problems and declared her love for her husband. 'My husband is a great man, and I love him very much,' she said. 'There is no divorce in our future.'

Sayar revealed that she might be returning to James Madison High School in Brooklyn where the alleged illicit encounters occurred, adding that her colleagues were supporting her. 'I’ve spent my entire teaching career there, since 2000, and some of my best friends are there,' she said.

'I’ve heard from them, and they’re rooting for me. I have no plan on moving. It’s a great school. It’s a beautiful school with highly intelligent teachers and mostly wonderful students.

'I have a beautiful family and beautiful friends and a gorgeous daughter. I’m generally a positive and happy person, so I’m just really hoping for the best for everyone involved in this, actually.'

But friends and family of the couple have painted a different picture. A source had told the New York Post that Lathrop is looking for a lawyer to help him divorce his wife.

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Read more:

Message edited 6/3/2012 7:48:08 PM.

Posted 6/3/12 7:47 PM


Member since 1/12

6667 total posts


Re: [elephant in the room]

interesting, an old post from her...


Re: 17 year old West Islip girl...

I was sexually harassed by a student during the 6th grade. It was so bad, I went to the cool male teacher and he kind of rolled his eyes. This same teacher told a partner that I was working on the project with that I was "insert ditzy movement here." Meanwhile, I was getting sexually harassed by a boy and his crew everyday at school, had no father figure to protect me and my Mom was so sick at the time. SO I took matters into my own hands--in the sixth grade. I told my Mom that the program I was in was too hard for me and I wanted to go to the mainstream classes. I lived across the street from the school, so it wasn't like I could switch. It was one of the best decisions I ever made! I met lifelong friends and got away from that horrible clique-y over-achiever "you're the best" "No--YOU'RE the best..." mindset. Regular folks.

Posted 6/3/12 7:54 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: [elephant in the room]

Posted by cncforever

Sayar revealed that she might be returning to James Madison High School in Brooklyn where the alleged illicit encounters occurred, adding that her colleagues were supporting her. 'I’ve spent my entire teaching career there, since 2000, and some of my best friends are there,' she said.

'I’ve heard from them, and they’re rooting for me. I have no plan on moving. It’s a great school. It’s a beautiful school with highly intelligent teachers and mostly wonderful students.

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Does she really think this? Chat Icon

Posted 6/3/12 7:54 PM
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