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Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Do you want to read it? It's long..
Before I send it I thought I would get some opinions..
Message edited 7/14/2006 2:44:33 PM.
Posted 7/14/06 2:35 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 12023 total posts
Name: Sonia
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR
I wanna read it.
Posted 7/14/06 2:35 PM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR
Posted 7/14/06 2:35 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR
It's a 3 pager! I can't believe it..
Are you sure?
Posted 7/14/06 2:36 PM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR
Posted by Blu-ize
It's a 3 pager! I can't believe it..
Are you sure?
Posted 7/14/06 2:37 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Maybe Too Long
Ok, it includes one of my stories that you already heard.. It stems from an article today in Newsday that asked for it. I'm not sure they really wanted 3 pages, but here it is:
Dear Mr. Bruchey,
Thank you for allowing me the chance to tell about rude behavior on the LIRR. I have formally complained to the LIRR public affairs in the past.
I have been a rider for about 10 years. While I generally think most people “get it”, there are inevitably some that do not. I’ve witnessed it all:
Nail polishers Flossers Toe nail clippers Loud I-pod users Loud and continuous cell phone talkers Trash everywhere..6 pack of empties on the seat
One story comes to mind. I was on a rush hour train that was delayed. At Jamaica two young men get on the train and stand in the aisle since it was a crowded train. They were huffing and puffing since it seemed that they ran for the train. They both stood around my seat. I was in a three seater in the aisle seat. One stood behind me since there was a 2 seater in the row behind, and the other stood next to me. The young man who was standing behind me was leaning on my seat and breathing on my neck since he was still huffing and puffing. He was a mere 4 inches from my head. The one standing next to me had one had one hand on the back of my seat and one had on the seat in front of me basically trapping me in my seat. Huffing and puffing and laughing they were telling each other jokes and singing.
Hey buddy, this is not American Idol and I am not Paula Abdul. Save it for the Karaoke bar.
I gave then some time to compose themselves and after about 10 minutes they were still singing and laughing and telling jokes. I turned to them and asked them to keep it down. One sucked his teeth at me and they quieted down. Not more than a few minutes later, the one in back of my seat 4 inches from my head decides to start singing again. I don’t know the name of the first song, but the second song was clear. He was singing “Lady in Red”….badly..
I tolerated about 15 seconds of this and turned around. “I’ve asked you nicely once, now I’m asking you to please be quiet. You are disturbing the whole train. I can’t read my paper while you are singing at me.”
The young man then proceeded to tell me that he wasn’t doing nothing and I should shut up. I told him he was rude and this was in-appropriate behavior on the train. I also told him that the whole train would back me up on this. No one on the train even looked at me. Nice..glad I have comrades in arms here.
One of them proceeded to **** his teeth at me in disgust and said to me that I’m just a big girl trying to make a scene. Yep, that’s me, after a 12 hour day, I’m looking for a fight..I’m looking to match wits with the witless. I just wanted to read my Daily News comics without “Lady in Red” in my ear.
Then after the heated debate was over I felt a feeling of panic. Here I was coming close to my stop and I would be getting off the train..there were two of them,,there was one of me. I did not feel safe. I got off the train and walked fast to my car with keys in hand.
These two were obviously brazen and self-centered. It was a pointless discussion. I realize that a crowded train could bring out the worst and that standing on the train really stinks as I have done it more times than I care to remember, but train etiquette is train etiquette if you’re standing or sitting.
A few of my biggest pet peeves are the IPOD users and the volume. I can tell what most people are listening to although hearing it through the ear buds is painful. The bleed through from those earbuds is ridiculous. Maybe Apple needs to address this? Are people deaf that they can’t hear their music?
Cell phone talkers don’t bother me if it’s short and low but lots of people talk about business and their personal life loudly and for the whole trip! I don’t care what servers you are putting in or what your Aunt Mary wants for her birthday and where you’re going to buy it and for how much. I also don’t care that you are installing central air and feel you got ripped off and you decided that you would fight with the contractor on the train.
I use my cell phone. Only two people call me during commuting hrs. My office never calls me. I have a blackberry..I answer in text. I wouldn’t have a business conversation in public. My husband calls me..the call is short maybe no more than 2 minutes and I keep it very low. My parents may call and I keep that very short. In fact, the conversation usually starts with “Hi, I’m on the train, can I call you back?”
Sometimes I experience the happy hour mentality. It’s 7am and people are yacking like it’s 7pm at the pub. Oh how I wish they would shut up or at least keep it down to a low roar.
The train time is my time to unwind, read, take a snooze..I’m sure most would agree.
How about some solutions you ask?
The conductors have to start being the LIRR police. Maybe the conductors could make announcements through the train intermittently. I find that if you confront most people, they will adjust their behavior. If the conductors already come through the train asking for tickets..they could add, please keep it low..or turn down your IPODs or make sure you take all your garbage. If they see toe nail clippers-I vote they get thrown off the train. Fellow riders could encourage this as well. People don’t say anything to each other for fear of retribution. I shouldn’t be able to hear your IPOD from 7 rows back! This brings me back to the days of the boom boxes and how they were barred from subways years ago.
Posters could be hung with a list of courteous train behavior. I’m no ad wizard but maybe this would work:
Please make your cell phone calls brief and quiet Please keep your music at a reasonable volume to avoid bleed through from your headphones Take all of your garbage with you All personal hygiene tasks should not occur on the train: It’s not hygienic to brush your hair, clip or polish nails, floss teeth..etc.. Saving seats is not permitted If your behavior becomes a nuisance to another rider you may be asked to get off the train. Your fellow riders would appreciate your train courteous behavior.
Hey-what about a spot on News12 from the LIRR with a 30 second video of good behavior and bad?
The new trains are just bad. LIRR goofed. Maybe that’s why more people are rebelling?
Can you tell I’ve had enough?
Thanks for reading. I’m sure you will have many more like this. Sorry it’s so long.
Posted 7/14/06 2:42 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR
Posted by Blu-ize
It's a 3 pager! I can't believe it..
Are you sure?
A 3 page letter about LIRR???? I'm shocked
Message edited 7/14/2006 2:43:31 PM.
Posted 7/14/06 2:43 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR
Posted by shamrock12472
Posted by Blu-ize
It's a 3 pager! I can't believe it..
Are you sure?
A 3 page letter about LIRR???? I'm shocked
Hmm...I detect some sarcasm?
Posted 7/14/06 2:44 PM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
My FH actually drives to queens and takes the subway to avoid the LIRR
One thing that puzzles me : Why are you allowed to drink alcohol on the LIRR? When i saw people with open containers i was shocked. I think it adds to the "happy Hour" mentality
Posted 7/14/06 2:49 PM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by Blu-ize
Posted by shamrock12472
Posted by Blu-ize
It's a 3 pager! I can't believe it..
Are you sure?
A 3 page letter about LIRR???? I'm shocked
Hmm...I detect some sarcasm?
Oh, I love being asked to move out of the seats that face each other in the front of the car because the men want to play cards. Yeah - let me go stand in the aisle for you.
Posted 7/14/06 2:49 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by JenniferEver
My FH actually drives to queens and takes the subway to avoid the LIRR
One thing that puzzles me : Why are you allowed to drink alcohol on the LIRR? When i saw people with open containers i was shocked. I think it adds to the "happy Hour" mentality
Yeah it does, but in the afternoon I can understand it, but at 7am in the morning..people need to keep it down..I haven't even had my coffee yet!
Posted 7/14/06 2:50 PM |
I am what I am

Member since 12/05 2825 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Not only was it detailed and informative, it was also quite amusing. Bravo for speaking your peace!!
Posted 7/14/06 2:50 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
they asked you to move?
Posted 7/14/06 2:50 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by Diva
Not only was it detailed and informative, it was also quite amusing. Bravo for speaking your peace!!
Thank you!
Posted 7/14/06 2:51 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Think I should send it as is?
Posted 7/14/06 2:52 PM |

Member since 5/05 1965 total posts
Name: Leese
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by Blu-ize
Think I should send it as is?
I liked your letter. The only thing I would point out is that (being a LIRR rider for years too)...unfortunately the conducters can only do so much.
I'd actually write something in there about making sure the conductors contact the PD if there are serious behavioral problems or threats. In reality, they can't be the police of the LIRR - but they certainly can and should identify problems and seek resolution.
Otherwise, great letter!!!!!
Posted 7/14/06 2:56 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by leese
Posted by Blu-ize
Think I should send it as is?
I liked your letter. The only thing I would point out is that (being a LIRR rider for years too)...unfortunately the conducters can only do so much.
I'd actually write something in there about making sure the conductors contact the PD if there are serious behavioral problems or threats. In reality, they can't be the police of the LIRR - but they certainly can and should identify problems and seek resolution.
Otherwise, great letter!!!!!
Thanks -I spoke to the LIRR about this and they said that I should find a conductor next time and tell them I don't feel safe and they will call the police. They also suggested I move to another car.
Posted 7/14/06 2:59 PM |
Time flies!

Member since 1/06 5698 total posts
Name: Aimee
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by shamrock12472
Oh, I love being asked to move out of the seats that face each other in the front of the car because the men want to play cards. Yeah - let me go stand in the aisle for you.
Yeah, what is that about...i'm not giving up my seat so you can play cards! I hate that! If I'm not having fun on the train, neither are you!
Posted 7/14/06 2:59 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by Blu-ize
Think I should send it as is?
I think if you are sending it to newsday, you should change daily news to newsday, even if thats a little white lie!
Posted 7/14/06 2:59 PM |
Member since 5/05 10278 total posts
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by JenniferEver
My FH actually drives to queens and takes the subway to avoid the LIRR
One thing that puzzles me : Why are you allowed to drink alcohol on the LIRR? When i saw people with open containers i was shocked. I think it adds to the "happy Hour" mentality
i never understood that either. if you can't drink on the regular subway, what makes the LIRR different?
Posted 7/14/06 3:00 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by lululu
Posted by Blu-ize
Think I should send it as is?
I think if you are sending it to newsday, you should change daily news to newsday, even if thats a little white lie!
Smart cookie..good suggestion.
Posted 7/14/06 3:00 PM |
Member since 5/05 10278 total posts
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Forgot to mention- great letter, I hope it sparks a change!
Posted 7/14/06 3:00 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Clipping your tonails on the Train?????? I don't even let my DH do this in the bedroom!
Posted 7/14/06 3:01 PM |
I might steal your diamonds

Member since 2/06 4680 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Message edited 7/14/2006 3:03:16 PM.
Posted 7/14/06 3:01 PM |
Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05 32475 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Email I'm Sending to Newsday Re: LIRR-Very Long-Almost too Long
Posted by baghag
Posted by JenniferEver
My FH actually drives to queens and takes the subway to avoid the LIRR
One thing that puzzles me : Why are you allowed to drink alcohol on the LIRR? When i saw people with open containers i was shocked. I think it adds to the "happy Hour" mentality
i never understood that either. if you can't drink on the regular subway, what makes the LIRR different?
There's actually a bar cart right on the track before you get on! I've had a few on the way home too, but I still keep to myself.
Posted 7/14/06 3:01 PM |
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