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LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/06 635 total posts
Name: Jaclyn
Extreme stranger anxiety
My adorable nephew is 10 months old. For months now, he gets so upset if someone else is holding him. My SIL has to be in the same room or else he will go ballistic. He is such a happy baby when it's just him and his mommy and daddy, but throw someone else in the picture, and he goes crazy. I feel bad b/c my brother and SIL can't go out alone together. He doesn't even feel comfortable with his grandma or grandpa. When does a baby grow out of this? I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but for months, he was always uncomfortable eating. It turns out he's allergic to practically everything, the poor thing. Maybe, because his mom was the only one to console him through those difficult times contributes to the problem. It's almost as if sometimes, you can't even look at him in the eye, because he will lose it. Anyone else's DC go through this? If so, how long did it last? I feel bad b/c I almost feel as if I don't know my own nephew b/c of this.
Posted 2/18/08 7:58 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Extreme stranger anxiety
Def just a phase they go through Don't take it personally and mommy/daddy prob didn't do anything to cause it
My DD from about 8 weeks old, wouldn't go anyone but me when she was upset, hungry, lonely, tired, or if she knew of didn't know you- it was very hard on me and DH since we would leave her with people and she'd scream the whole time. I can't tell you how many dinners, nights out, birthday parties were cut short cause we had to go home cause she wouldn't stop crying with grandma.
She started to grow out of it around 1 years old, and now at 21 months, she wayyyy better, but it still takes her 15 mins or so to warm up when we take her out to places, but she'll stay now with anyone she "knows".
hang in there It's hard i know
Posted 2/18/08 8:56 AM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Extreme stranger anxiety
It's a phase but one that it took my DD months to outgrow. For a while, she would only let me hold her and would go nuts if I dare left her sight. It started young....maybe 7 months and lasted too long....maybe until 12 months. It was tough. My family definitely understood; no-one's feeling were hurt. Tell your family to hang in there---this too shall pass!
Message edited 2/18/2008 10:37:41 AM.
Posted 2/18/08 10:37 AM |
Re: Extreme stranger anxiety
DS went through this and it is so hard. He had it more with men for some reason.. when someone would come over, he cry and cry and carry on for a while since he was so scared. He was only 100% comfortable around DH, me, and my mom... not my IL's or my dad since he didn't see them on a daily basis. I felt so bad since people just wanted to hold him and see him, but he had to grow out of it, and he did. I want to say that by 15 months or so he was completely fine.
Posted 2/18/08 10:43 AM |
My green-eyed boy

Member since 5/05 13499 total posts
Name: Cin
Re: Extreme stranger anxiety
My DD is starting to go through this now...she prefers mommy over everyone--even if DH is holding her. Also if anyone gets very close to her face she goes crazy...crying & fussing. Thankfully she is still okay w/ the grandparents (MIL watches her 5 days a week while I'm at work).
Posted 2/18/08 12:00 PM |
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