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False Negative?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


False Negative?

Hey eveyone,

I have a 10 year old DD and have been trying for a year for a second. We've have several early miscarriages. I am 40.

I am 3 days late and just know i'm pregnant, feel pregnant, sick the whole nine years. Or so i thought.

I took a dollar tree test this morning and it was negative.

I am shocked, (I mean my boobs are on fire lol) anyone have that happen and still end up with a BFP?


Message edited 11/17/2017 12:47:04 PM.

Posted 11/17/17 12:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

7364 total posts


Re: False Negative

Never happened to me, but I think it's possible. I would go get a First Response test today and retest. GL.

Posted 11/17/17 12:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/13

1770 total posts


Re: False Negative?

I've always used dollar tree tests and IME they're pretty accurate. They came back positive both times I was PG, even when I tested early. Never had a false neg with them. That doesn't mean it can't happen. I mean there has to be a reason they are only $1 right? I would def get a good test and try it again. Good luck!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/17/17 1:44 PM

I'll love you for always

Member since 2/08

4624 total posts


Re: False Negative?

With my last pregnancy I had a very, and I mean very faint positive on a dollar store. Then I bought the digital, got a negative, took another digital got an invalid, went out and bought another one, it was defective. Waiting a day and took another dollar store one, and I was pregnant. She is now 6 weeks old Chat Icon

Posted 11/19/17 2:03 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

4798 total posts


Re: False Negative?

The thing is, if your symptoms are this strong already the test should be coming up positive. It could have just been a defective test.

But is it possible you ovulated later than you thought?

Posted 11/20/17 3:36 PM

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