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Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

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Mom of 3 - YIKES! =)

Member since 10/09

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

i think you get comments no matter what the combination is..peeople don't realize what they are truly saying if they are not in your situation

When I had Chat Icon Chat Icon people told me - oh that's of you are done....well guess what i didnt feel like I we had a third...and while I was pregnant I was told why did I go for a had one of each already Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I just ignored hard as that is sometimes!

Posted 2/21/13 6:41 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 9/12

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

Chat Icon I have 2 boys and people harass me about having my "girl". I feel like if I were to get pregnant with another boy people would be legit upset! Everyone loves girls these days, when I started telling people I was having a second boy they look disappointed (even strangers!)

If you are happy, that is all that matters Chat Icon

Congrats !

Message edited 2/21/2013 7:07:01 PM.

Posted 2/21/13 7:03 PM

Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

people are dumb.
pay them no mind.

we are hopefully going to try for # 2 soon. if its another boy I'd be thrilled. If it was a girl I'd be thrilled too. (although a bit scared b/c Im just used to having a boy

in any case, that saying "opinons are like a$$holes..everyone has one.." holds true here Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/13 8:00 PM

happy birthday sweet kate!

Member since 5/05

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I know that God exsists, I held her in my arms...

Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

Chat Icon Chat Icon

My biggest pet peeve is people that think that having one of each is the "perfect family". There is no such thing! I have 2 girls and my mil thought we'd go for the boy. No. We have 2 healthy kids and that is just what we wanted. And it's ironic because she has 3 boys! She loves to tell the story of how when she had number 3 not to wake her up unless it was a girl. (I don't know why she was knocked out but it was the 80's so who knows). So when the doctor woke her up, she said "I had a girl?" No it's a boy.

Sorry for the rant. I've heard it all. 2 girls, 2 boys you can't win

Posted 2/21/13 8:02 PM


Member since 6/09

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Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

People have NO filter!!! Congrats on your baby boy!!
This is exactly why I think I might go team green for #2- I'd rather people just be happy for me not the gender.
continue to be happy and enjoy your 3rd baby boy. People are idiots.

Posted 2/21/13 8:04 PM


Member since 12/09

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

Posted by missus-hbradio

People have something to say no matter what. I have twins, a boy and a girl. People like to say "oh perfect family". Um, no. My family would be "perfect" had I gave birth to 2 girls or 2 boys as well.

this exactly!!!!!!!!! people are morons!

Posted 2/21/13 9:07 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

congrats on the boy!!!!!!!! they'll all be able to play sports together!!!

I get people who tell me one boy, one girl, I'm all set now..... and I'm like no I still want a third baby, they look like I am crazy...... I would have been delighted if dd was a second boy because I see how welll dh and his brother get along.

Posted 2/21/13 9:24 PM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

This is one of those things where I do not think people *mean* to be assholess but they end up BEING assholess nonetheless Chat Icon Chat Icon

It is a stupid thing to say but I think people are projecting their own feelings about a 'complete family' onto others.
Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/13 9:26 PM

April Baby Girl is Here!

Member since 12/07

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

Some people say weird things... We have one of each and my DH coworkers said "oh good you're done right?" As if when you have one if each there is no reason for a third.

Posted 2/21/13 10:13 PM

Love my 4 kiddos!

Member since 11/08

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

As a mom who had Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon then Chat Icon I know how you feel.

When we had our second Chat Icon all that we heard was are you going to try for another to get a boy.

Then with DD #3, the comments got worse. Honestly I love my little girls and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

When we decided to go for #4 we were certain that we were having another Chat Icon and even after they told me it was a Chat Icon I was still in shock and didn't really know what to do. I was a girl mommy and that's what I know.

All the comments I got after that were just as bad, like, so your done now that you have a boy right? And soo on......

No matter what people have to learn to mind their own businesses and learn to keep their not so nice comments to themselves.

Good luck with your boys!! Having 3 of the same gender is awesome!

Posted 2/22/13 8:54 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

I am only on my second pregnancy but people are already asking if I'm hoping for a girl this time. I make it clear I'd be just as happy with another boy as I would with a girl. And I truly mean that. I also add that either way, this is going to likely be our last.

Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/13 9:09 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/10

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

We have two boys who I absolutely adore! My oldest is 2 1/2 and is a mush for his momma. We will have the final discussion about a third baby next year. I must admit I am one of the women who was a little taken a back when I heard I was having another boy. BUT The bond between my boys is amazing, there is nothing more sweet and perfect. I think that changed my whole attitude. I am hopeful if we had a third it might be a girl but I would be just as happy if it were another little boy. My boys are my world Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/13 9:11 AM

Big brother in the making

Member since 7/07

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Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

i have one boy and all these posts made me teary eyed. i love my son and would love him to have a brother

Posted 2/22/13 9:47 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/09

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

When I heard negative things about having a DD#2, I couldn't understand why people were being so rude, but at the same time I WAS a little disappointed that it was another girl. Deep down the truth was I HAD wanted one of each. So, I wonder, maybe it is a way of people acknowledging your potential disappointment? I know you are happy (as most of us end up being anyway), but maybe they are giving you a chance to express your disappointment, too?

Like, if you were to say, yeah, I kinda wished for a girl, the rejoinder would probably have been, well you will love your little guy so much and let's just pray that he is happy and healthy, kwim?

Posted 2/22/13 9:49 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

Im pregnant with DD#2 and and when we found out and announced it, my grandma (who does not live in the USA) said "Dont be upset Jennifer, girls are fine" lol, little did she know I am so excited!! Not just because I love girls, but because Im going to have 2 girls that will (hopefully) be best friends forever. Im just so happy that my babies are healthy.

DH is one of three boys, and the are BEST FRIENDS! They would rather be with each other than anyone else and are hughe support systems for each other, its really sweet to watch. You are really lucky, congratulations on another boyChat Icon

Posted 2/22/13 9:55 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

I have two boys and they are the sweetest little guys in the world. For the second baby I wanted a boy because I wanted ds1 to have a brother. I do not want to have a third baby, but if I did have a third I would definitely want a boy again. I love little boys and after teaching middle school, I had my fill of girls. Congrats on boy #3. I honestly think people just say dumb things all the time and you can only do your best to ignore it.

Posted 2/22/13 10:10 AM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

I don't think people mean to be jerks about this - they're just projecting their own feelings.

I have 2 boys - I don't think I could handle another PERSON (boy OR girl !!)

Congratulations and good luck !! Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/13 10:26 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/13

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

Posted by NervousNell

And if you had found out it was a girl they would have said- "oh you don't knw what you are in for- the DRAMA with girls!" "girls are more difficult than boys!" "Wait till she's a teenager!" "good luck with that!"
Etc Etc

Because some people don't have a filter and they can NEVER just be happy for you.

Brush it off. Don't even listen.

Congrat on the Chat Icon


Posted 2/22/13 10:29 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/11

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

I have a DS right now and would not trade him for the world. When I found out I was having a boy I was shocked. I come from a family of all girls. Its me and my sister. I have one boy cousin on each side and the rest are all girls. So boys were foreign to me, but I kinda expected it would be a boy. My DH is one of 4- 3 boys and 1 girl. My MIL kept telling me I'm having all the boys since my SIL has 3 girls. That is fine by me. I can go visit my nieces and do all the girly stuff with them and then give them back to my SIL when when the funs over! I plan on having more children one day but not any time soon. DS is going to be 1 next Saturday and I want to spend as much time as possible with him before we decide to go for #2. We will love the next baby Chat Icon or Chat Icon as much as we love Ds right now. Whatever #2 is i will be happy and not let anyone tell me different!

Posted 2/22/13 11:57 AM

<3 Cutest Giants Fan

Member since 10/09

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

OHHHHH how I hear you on this one! We are team green and due with our second in August- both families insist on referring to the baby as a she and it is starting to annoy the absolute crap out me.

I love my ds and I would be absolutely thrilled to have a dd, and EQUALLY thrilled to have another ds

definitely feel your pain Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/13 12:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

Posted by Christine2

When I heard negative things about having a DD#2, I couldn't understand why people were being so rude, but at the same time I WAS a little disappointed that it was another girl. Deep down the truth was I HAD wanted one of each. So, I wonder, maybe it is a way of people acknowledging your potential disappointment? I know you are happy (as most of us end up being anyway), but maybe they are giving you a chance to express your disappointment, too?

Like, if you were to say, yeah, I kinda wished for a girl, the rejoinder would probably have been, well you will love your little guy so much and let's just pray that he is happy and healthy, kwim?

I hear you..I wouldn't even really think twice if most comments were "awwww, well thats ok!" (assuming they thought i wanted a girl) but i've had a few really negative things said to me. One woman actually made a disgusted face and said "oh god help you". She doesn't know my kids from weird.

Anyway, thanks to everyone for the sweet words!! We are truly happy and that is all that matters!! Ryan would have liked a sister, lol! He'll learn to love his baby brother I'm sure Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/13 1:02 PM

Maybe this time?

Member since 7/07

1761 total posts


Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

congrats on your baby Chat Icon
People who make those commets are so stupid, and clearly never had the joy of boys.
If it were me, I'd respond to them with comments like..."I'm shocked you would say that to me....I wouldn't have it any other way." OR..."obviously, you never had boys." OR, "I love being the only lady in the house." OR....'I'm so greatful for 3 boys, they'll be the best of friends and playmates...I'm giving them all the greatest gift." OR, "I'm so happy its another boy...I see some of the girls out there an I know I wouldn't want to put up with the sassiness/bitchiness of most 5 year olds."

Posted 2/22/13 1:19 PM

We made a wish & you came true

Member since 2/10

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Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

I am sorry you have to deal with this. I only have one DS but multiple people have made the comment to me that I HAVE to have a girl and that "boys are for husbands and girls are for the wives". This makes me absolutely insane!

Honestly, while I would be just as happy either way, the idea of my DS playing around with a baby brother just makes my heart melt. Boy or girl, a baby is such a blessing!I know you already know that but I wish people would remind themselves of that before they open their mouths!

Posted 2/22/13 1:22 PM

Love being a mom!

Member since 5/08

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Re: Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

I get comments about DD when she turns a teen she's going to be so difficult or worse she's going to be a daddy's girl. That one hurts my feelings a little bit and I don't know why.

Honestly, I think people are making jokes and conversation. yes, it's annoying hearing it all the time but mostly I don't think they mean to offend.

Congrats of Chat Icon !

Posted 2/22/13 1:36 PM

My loves

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Feeling a little sad about something..(comments about gender)

I have 1 boy and hope that if we decide to have another it is a healthy baby above all! Secretly though, I hope DC 2 will be a boy as well. There is nothing better than having a same sex sibling. My sister is my best friend in the world and I want DS to experience that with a brother.

How exciting that you get to have 3 boys!!! That's a good beginning to a little sports team!

Posted 2/22/13 2:29 PM
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