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Fellow February Mommies To Be....

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LIF Infant

Member since 3/07

350 total posts


Fellow February Mommies To Be....

Just got home from my 35w4d appt. Mentioned to Doctor that I've been feeling so much more pressure down below lately - so she did an internal exam and said "oh, your cervix is starting to thin and you're 1cm dilated".

All I could think was "oh god, this is really going to happen...." Hearing those words just made this whole preggo/labor thing so much more REAL.

Anyone else have this moment of clairity yet? Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/08 1:19 PM
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love my boys!

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Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

Chat Icon not yet!!! i can't believe its next month!!!!

Posted 1/3/08 1:24 PM


Member since 10/06

3013 total posts


Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

Posted by nickipa

Chat Icon not yet!!! i can't believe its next month!!!!

Me neither.Chat Icon Next month makes it sound so close.

Posted 1/3/08 2:00 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

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Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

I KNOW!!!!!!

I was at the pizzeria yesterday, and someone asked me what my EDD was, and I was like... Oh it's Feb 18th...

Their eyes opened wide, and they were like - U ARE DUE NEXT MONTH?!??!?!!!!!!

That's when it hit me! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/08 2:18 AM

So in Love....

Member since 3/07

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A Family of 4

Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

WOW thats so exciting. I go for my 35wk 2day appt today and I also have been feeling some more then usual pressure so lets see what my dr tells me!!

Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/08 7:32 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

3014 total posts


Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

I'm due on February 14th and I'm feeling the same thing. I have an appointment's becoming more real lately siince everyone notices that I got bigger over the week I had off.

I had DS at 37 weeks (all was fine, he was 7 12 lbs and 20 inches) so be prepared.

Posted 1/4/08 8:27 AM

Texting king

Member since 10/05

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Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

I've been getting "that pressure" for a week now and my appointment isn't until the 15th.

Sometimes I can't believe that this time last year I was going to a fertility specialist and the possibility of me not being able to have kids was my reality. Now..six weeks to go until he's here!!

Posted 1/4/08 8:37 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

Posted by WannaBeAMommy

Just got home from my 35w4d appt. Mentioned to Doctor that I've been feeling so much more pressure down below lately - so she did an internal exam and said "oh, your cervix is starting to thin and you're 1cm dilated".

OMG are you serious?!?! I've had sooooooo much pressure down there that I swear that this kid is going to fall out when I walk but I just assumed it was normal. Chat Icon

Congrats to you - maybe you'll be a January mommy instead Chat Icon

Posted 1/4/08 9:28 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

563 total posts


Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

Posted by Leeners

Posted by WannaBeAMommy

Just got home from my 35w4d appt. Mentioned to Doctor that I've been feeling so much more pressure down below lately - so she did an internal exam and said "oh, your cervix is starting to thin and you're 1cm dilated".

OMG are you serious?!?! I've had sooooooo much pressure down there that I swear that this kid is going to fall out when I walk but I just assumed it was normal. Chat Icon

Congrats to you - maybe you'll be a January mommy instead Chat Icon

Yay! That is so exciting! Leeners, maybe you'll find out something similar at your next appointment! I can't believe I have 6wks left.

Posted 1/4/08 10:44 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/06

997 total posts


Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

Bumping this post for updates...

I just went for my first internal today. Not so bad. Just like a regular exam.

I have not start to dilate yet but she did say that the baby was in a good position and definately low so that can account for all the pressure I feel. I go back next week, so hopefully Ill have some progress by then. Im 36W2D.

Posted 1/21/08 8:28 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

8257 total posts

Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

I am so excited for this it's ridiculous..... When I was at L&D this week, the nurse did an internal, and she told me that I was thinning and she felt DD's head....

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am so ready for this baby to be here!!!!!!!

Posted 1/22/08 6:59 AM

Texting king

Member since 10/05

5289 total posts


Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

I went for my 37 week appt last night and I'm one cmm dialated.

When the dr said that and that she also feels the head, I thought that dh was going to pass out!! He's like "so, this is it?", and the dr. and I looked at each other, smiled and she just told him that we could be like that for a while, not to worry. He came home to make sure my hospital bag was packed..which it's not.

This will be a long three weeks for me.

Posted 1/22/08 8:38 AM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

2566 total posts


Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

I had the moment of clarity to weeks ago when I had my first internal at 35 weeks and was already dilated 2-3 cm. I hadn't even packed my bag yet. I went home and did it that night Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 8:51 AM


Member since 10/06

3013 total posts


Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

I have my first internal on Friday. I can't wait to see if I've made any progress!

Posted 1/22/08 9:00 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

3014 total posts


Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

I had my 1st internal on Friday and the baby is in position and very low.

Posted 1/22/08 9:18 AM

May the Force Be With You!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Fellow February Mommies To Be....

At my 37 week appt on Friday I was a fingertip dilated and 70% effaced. The head is nice and low.

I have 13 days until my due date. I think I need to pack my bags!

It's coming soon!Chat Icon

Posted 1/22/08 9:59 AM

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