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first grade themes

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/07

339 total posts


first grade themes

I teach first grade teachers college in the city... it is all reading and writing and nothing is even based on themes for like soc. st. and science.. it's so boring. I want to take some initiative and try to incorportate themes into our curriculum through read alouds.. poems etc. does anyone have any good themes.. from sept. to june.. that I could see?? Like teeth.. community.. etc. and what month do you do them. Thanks in advance!

Posted 11/25/07 3:05 PM

Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07

7060 total posts


Re: first grade themes

its prety hard in NYC to incorporate themes in to reading.. its very structured and no time really to do it.

In writing we do.. (based on TC)
letter writing
all abouts

Posted 11/26/07 5:35 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: first grade themes

Here is what I do when (I numbered the months)

9-Johnny Appleseed, fall, apples,

10-columbus day, halloween, pumpkins


12-winter, holidays,

1-MLK, new years

2-pres. day, lincoln, groundhog's day, valentine's day, lunar new year, 100th day, dental awareness, black history

3-women's history, st. pats, non-fiction

4-spring, poetry, reschenka's eggs, biography

5-mother's day

6-summer safety, flag day, father's day.

There are more but I can't think off the top of my head right now.

Posted 11/26/07 5:41 PM

Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05

30339 total posts

Properly perfect™

Re: first grade themes

Can you do an author study? I did a whole unit on Eric Carle that I branched into different subjects (SS, Science, Math) when I student taught

Posted 11/26/07 6:31 PM

Hoping, wishing, waiting....

Member since 8/06

1418 total posts


Re: first grade themes

Posted by MissJones

Here is what I do when (I numbered the months)

9-Johnny Appleseed, fall, apples,

10-columbus day, halloween, pumpkins


12-winter, holidays,

1-MLK, new years

2-pres. day, lincoln, groundhog's day, valentine's day, lunar new year, 100th day, dental awareness, black history

3-women's history, st. pats, non-fiction

4-spring, poetry, reschenka's eggs, biography

5-mother's day

6-summer safety, flag day, father's day.

There are more but I can't think off the top of my head right now.

I do pretty much the same thing too.

Posted 11/27/07 6:56 AM

I love the summer

Member since 1/06

2063 total posts


Re: first grade themes

In December, I do a Jan Brett Author Study and a Holidays Theme Unit. I fit it into read aloud time and social studies/science time.

Posted 11/27/07 8:21 PM


Member since 8/05

12296 total posts


Re: first grade themes

I use read alouds, picture books etc. to teach about the majority of our SS/ Science units. Some include:

Cycles/ Life Cycles (ongoing all year- apples, pumpkins, seasons, mammals, birds, amphibians,etc.)
Animals in Winter

Friendship/ Getting Along
Holiday Traditions
Lots of Character Ed.

I also like to do author studies throughout the year. Kevin Henkes is my favorite.

Posted 11/27/07 8:47 PM

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