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First RE appointment?

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

106 total posts


First RE appointment?

I just made my first appointment with an RE. We've been trying a little over a year, one mc and my periods are insanely irregular. Any advice on what I can expect? And is it normal to feel bad telling my regular gyn I'm going to see a specialist? lol This is all so new to me, and I was terrified to pick up the phone because I feel like I'm finally recognizing that there is a problem. Any words of advice are greatly appreciated!

Posted 11/19/13 12:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: First RE appointment?

I felt similar to you when I first made an appointment with an RE, but I did it because I knew my gyno could not get the detailed treatment and analysis that an RE could. I think I told them I was seeing an RE a few months after -and they didn't really care, they knew I was dealing with PCOS, etc., so it was fine.

An RE is great - just make sure to find a doctor that you really click with. This helped me tremendeously. I was a nervous wreck my first appointment - but the doctor was great. I went through a long round of different tests the first cycle, blood work, sonograms, etc. and then they were able to give me a diagnosis and then we took it from there.

It's a great first step. The girls on here can give you great recommendations if you need a doctor as well as support throughout the whole thing.

If you ever need to chat, feel free to message me.

Best of luck to you!

Posted 11/19/13 12:29 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/13

91 total posts


Re: First RE appointment?

It's a good thing that you made the appointment, don't feel nervous. You will feel better when you start getting answers and just know that there are a LOT of other people going through it.

Don't feel bad about calling an RE; my ob/gyn actually referred me to one after 6 months of trying. They understand, and if you tell them, they may be able to refer you to one they have worked well with in the past.

I am also new to this, so I'm not sure if it is all the same for everyone, but on my first RE appointment, they took blood from myself and my husband and explained the testing process. She gave my husband a script for a semen analysis, myself a script for an HSG (test where they use x-ray to check out the uterus and Fallopian tubes) and told me to call back on the first day of my next cycle to schedule bloodwork for day 3 of the cycle.

My doctor told me not to worry and after the results from those things came in we would have a better idea of what was going on and we would meet again to explore our options but she didn't do that on the first day because she felt it can be overwhelming.

Hope this helps you know what to expect!
Good luck!!

Posted 11/19/13 12:58 PM

I love my kiddies!

Member since 5/11

10413 total posts


Re: First RE appointment?

Your OB's job is to help keep you healthy and deliver a healthy baby. It's an RE's job to get you pregnant. Don't feel guilty.

Posted 11/19/13 2:35 PM

Sour Girl

Member since 3/08

5271 total posts


Re: First RE appointment?

Posted by NYCGirl80

Your OB's job is to help keep you healthy and deliver a healthy baby. It's an RE's job to get you pregnant. Don't feel guilty.

This! You are taking a step in the right direction. Good luck Chat Icon

Posted 11/19/13 6:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

885 total posts


Re: First RE appointment?

It's a big step but you won't regret it at all. Going to a RE was the best decision I made. We found out so many answers after months and months of constant let down. Don't feel guilty about your GYN, they are two totally different practices. Good luck! Chat Icon

Posted 11/19/13 7:24 PM


Member since 1/09

4429 total posts


Re: First RE appointment?

I cannot tell you how much time I've wasted just staying with my gyn. I only recently decided to see a RE, the best decisions I've made. I've gotten answers with him that I never got with my gyn. I wish I could go back by unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

Good luck, it was the best decision for me. Chat Icon

Posted 11/20/13 5:54 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

106 total posts


First RE appointment?

Thank you SO much for the support, ladies! I'm definitely feeling a little less nervous and a little more excited about starting the next chapter now. My first appointment is next week!

Posted 11/20/13 5:15 PM

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