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gestational diabetes

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LIF Infant

Member since 12/09

211 total posts


gestational diabetes

did anyone have this during their pregnancy? can you share your experience with me? I did the glucose test and failed it. I have an ppointment with my dr. today but am so stressed out and worried. I have been reading a lot and there are some bad stories Chat Icon

any advice is welcomed TIA!

Posted 8/28/14 9:56 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 8/11

382 total posts

Vicki S

Re: gestational diabetes

I had it with my first pregnancy and again this time around. I think the things you read online tend to be extreme cases. It honestly wasn't that bad once I got the hang of it and understood that GD isn't something that was my fault. With monitoring and a good diet, you can keep it relatively under control but I also had to accept that at some point, my body was just physically unable to break down carbs/sugars normally.

You'll likely have to meet with a nutritionist/GD expert who will talk you through creating a diet specific to your needs. It's a lot of carbs counting to make sure you're consuming the right amount, but not too much. You'll also have to test your blood sugar several times a day. This terrified me at first, but honestly, the finger pricks are barely felt and once you get into a routine, it's bearable.

If you can't keep your blood sugar at an acceptable level with the diet plan and exercise (even walking daily 15 minutes can keep your numbers down), they might put you on oral medication like glyburide or insulin shots. I never had to take insulin but from what I've heard from others, it hurts even less than the finger pricks for testing.

It was initially rough but I think what got me through it was knowing I was doing everything to keep my baby safe and healthy. Plus, you'll get extra growth ultrasounds towards the end, which was a consolation to me...

Posted 8/28/14 10:07 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/09

211 total posts


gestational diabetes

Thank you so much for responding so quickly! you have put me more at ease. I just feel guilty like its all my fault, but I will follow the diet very strictly! I am 31 weeks so I have 9 more weeks to go. I just wish I knew this sooner. I was just tested this past weekend.

Posted 8/28/14 10:19 AM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


gestational diabetes

Just remember it is not your fault. There is nothing you did or could have done to prevent it. It is just how your body reacts to the pregnancy.

I was diagnosed very early on - 13 weeks (tested early due to diabetes in my immediate family). It was rough at first and again towards the end. At first b/c I had to look at labels constantly and figure out what I could or couldn't eat. At the end b/c I was sick of not being able to eat what i wanted, when I wanted. But once you get the hang of it, it's really not too bad. I was able to maintain my sugar level and only needed metformin towards the end b/c my fasting numbers were slightly elevated. The finger pricks were annoying but not painful.

They made me so nervous that I was going to have a big baby but my peanut was delivered at 39w weighing 7lb5oz. On the bright side, you get extra sonos!

Posted 8/28/14 10:46 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/07

766 total posts


Re: gestational diabetes

I was just diagnosed as well and started testing my levels yesterday. The finger pricks are no big deal at all and the diet isn't bad. I am actually eating way more food than I was before I was diagnosed, just the right kind of foods. What I am finding the most difficult is planning all my meals out but I think that will come with time. I also am never hungry and sat down to dinner still full from my afternoon snack, so I will have to talk to the dietician about cutting back on some of the food, it is just too much for me! I never in my life thought I would say that! :)

I am making a list of all the foods I want to eat once I deliver the baby!Chat Icon

Good luck!

Posted 8/28/14 11:06 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 12/09

211 total posts


gestational diabetes

thank you all for your responses. I will get my list of foods today, which I look forward to getting because right now I have no idea what i can or cant eat. Well, I am only drinking water! no more juice and switched to whole grain wheat bread. I just want to have a healthy baby! So I will do whatever is asked on me. Once again, thank you all so much!

Posted 8/28/14 1:21 PM


Member since 10/09

1320 total posts


Re: gestational diabetes

Posted by LondonMarie

thank you all for your responses. I will get my list of foods today, which I look forward to getting because right now I have no idea what i can or cant eat. Well, I am only drinking water! no more juice and switched to whole grain wheat bread. I just want to have a healthy baby! So I will do whatever is asked on me. Once again, thank you all so much!

Don't take the list of foods too seriously. It all comes down to what spikes your BS and what doesn't. I can eat ice cream and a ton of pasta without having a spike, but I can't even look at a peach. It's a lot of trial and error in the first couple of weeks. I'm not going to lie, it sucks having to research every meal before eating, but you'll get into a rhythm and figure out what works for you.

Posted 8/28/14 2:02 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 2/11

32 total posts


Re: gestational diabetes

This is my first and found out I have GD at 29 weeks. At first felt the same way - even knowing it is NOTHING I did or didn't do but was def overwhelmed at first...

I was immediately put on insulin, and yes, the finger pricks actually hurts more! lol

Everyones situation is different, none of my friends experienced this so I felt alone but just like anything else, once you get the hang of it, or know what works best for you, it really isn't the worst. Looking for the bright side, it actually is obv forcing me to be oh so aware of how much sugar and carbs I am taking in, and I am def benefiting on eating healthier!

I give myself insulin before bed and before breakfast. I also call in my numbers everyday and speak to my doctor and/or nutrition dr This is just my experience as my numbers are very high in the morning and seems as if my real issue is surge of hormones at night.. as the preg goes on, I am constantly increasing my insulin units. Increased activity level and contractions make me now experience some dips in my sugar which makes me feel dizzy and faint, but I find adding more snacks and eating more frequently and testing sugars more often I can try to stay ahead of the dips.. things you will, if you have to, get use to but not terrible!

Good luck, Im sure you will be FINE! As far as now, I am 37 and a half weeks and baby is in the 46th percentile with no signs of any complications due to GD. As long as its under control, no reason to worry!

Posted 8/28/14 2:25 PM

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