I am 11 DPO and have had some spotting for the past three days. Sunday and Monday was like a one time deal each day. Today I just had some more so I'll see if it continues.
I was excited at first thinking it was implantation spotting but I don't think it would still be going on. My temps were up pretty good (yesterday was 98.44) but today it dropped down to 97.96. My coverline is 97.40.
Some peopole have an implantation temp dip so if you combine early spotting with a temp dip it may eb a good sign. You can read about implantation dip on fertility friend
For those that have had implantation spotting - does it usually last more than a day? I looked this up on fertility friend and it seems it only lasts a day or two and happens, generally, 7 - 8 DPO - where I am now 11 DPO. Also, I broke down and took a HPT and got a BFN.
I had spotting on 12dpo and 13dpo. Spotting like af was coming any moment. I would run to the bathroom but each time it was just spotting. I was so sure that I was getting af that I enjoyed some wine and hit the roller coaster at the amusement park. The spotting had stopped and af was no where to be found so I tested. And well I got a bfp on 14dpo. It is not over till af shows. That's why they say no testing or worrying till af is late. Good luck