girls that use the CBE digital OPK... ?????
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Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
girls that use the CBE digital OPK... ?????
ok, im a complete moron, and only I cannot do this test right.. or at least i dont know if i did..
yesterday i started it.. and i put the stick in the tester beforehand.. once i see the symbol come up.. i take it out right away?? or wait till the symbol dissapears? cause when i took the stick out, the book symbol appeared.. and i thought something was wrong..
in the end.. it took a while.. but the O came up.. not the smiley.. so im guessing it worked??
sorry for the DUMBEST question.. but i had to ask.
Posted 8/4/08 12:38 PM |
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Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: girls that use the CBE digital OPK... ?????
you are supposed to put the stick in, wait for the stick symbol to come up.... then use it (direct stream or dip in collection) once it sees the urine and starts "working" the stick sympol will flash. then you have to wait until you get the O or smiley- after that you take the stick out.
Posted 8/4/08 1:05 PM |
My Peanut

Member since 2/07 5199 total posts
Name: Ryan 3 boys EDD 11/6!
Re: girls that use the CBE digital OPK... ?????
On mine, it will have an arrow flashing with the stick pointing left to put it in. then is flashes by itself for 5 minutes while it reads the stick. Then it will flash with the arrow facing right to remove the stick, then you can take it out. But if you leave it and it turns off, take the stick out, then turn it on and it will tell you where you are.
Good Luck
Posted 8/4/08 10:10 PM |
Mommy to 2 divas
Member since 9/07 3389 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: girls that use the CBE digital OPK... ?????
Posted by Sassyz75
you are supposed to put the stick in, wait for the stick symbol to come up.... then use it (direct stream or dip in collection) once it sees the urine and starts "working" the stick sympol will flash. then you have to wait until you get the O or smiley- after that you take the stick out. ditto, the O means you didn't hit a surge yet. GK Deanna
Posted 8/4/08 10:38 PM |
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