If last week wasn't bad enough with all of us being sick, the aftermath is really ugly too.

It seems that just as everyone has described it, just as Sabrina started to get better and kept food down, she decided she liked being coddled and wanted to continue to make demands on her parents even though she isn't sick anymore.

The past few nights have been filled with CIO that doesn't work, not falling asleep until 1AM or falling asleep easily but waking up at 5AM and wanting us to change her diaper every half hour.

Tonight she didn't want a bathtime or bedtime book. She wanted her pajamas off. She didn't want to nurse but didn't want me to put my shirt back on. She is asleep but I am praying she stays asleep until the morning.

AF is here. I am cranky and tired and I have to write two essays for grad school. I just want to send her off to my parents for the night but since they watch her all day I can't do that to them.

Please tell me she will return to a normal sleep pattern before adolescence.