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Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

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Member since 1/06

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Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

Last night we brought DS to see DH's Aunt. I am still so upset by what happened. She is SUCH a pushy lady (and I am totally non-confrontational and often get walked on by people...).

Here is our night in a nutshell:
* She YELLS "Give me that BABY" when we arrive which wakes DS up.

* Tells me that the only reason my Dr prescribed DS Zantac was because he wanted a "kickback from a Pharmaceutical company"

* Tells me that I am poisoning my baby by using plastic bottles and hopes her nephew who is a dentist knows better than to use that on their baby

* Tells me after I gave DS a pacifier that it is the "worst thing you could give a baby, that it gives them orthodontic problems later in life and adds to gas"

* Tells me to give DS water in a bottle and not to tell my pediatrician

* Tells me when DS "cries like that" he is hungry Chat Icon

* Tells me the correct way to burp a baby is to only rub the baby's back from top to bottom, patting only creates more gas.

* Tells me that the healthiest babies are breastfed (breastfeeding did not work out for me) and that breastfed babies do not have gas issues

* I asked her if she was sick, she said "No, I just have a little sinus congestion", she proceeds to GRAB DS from me, kiss his hands, and then put them in his mouth Chat Icon

* Tells me that she would NEVER stimulate her son to go to the bathroom, because she would damage his rectal tissues. Instead she took him off formula and only gave him cereal and yogurt at 8 weeks.

* Tells me that giving DS Chamomile Tea will cause allergies and that is the LAST thing I should be giving him (I did it ONCE when I was desperate to relieve gas for DS)

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This was only over the course of ONE HOUR.

My head is still spinning from the experience.

Please share your tips for how you deal with PUSHY women like this when you have a passive personality?

Message edited 5/14/2009 1:17:34 PM.

Posted 5/14/09 1:15 PM
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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

No advice because I don't have the nerve to ever say what I really want to say in situations like that. But wanted to give you some..

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She can have all the opinions she wants... he's still YOUR baby! Chat Icon

Posted 5/14/09 1:21 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

Chat Icon no advice.

but I really love when fam members, like my grandmother want to make sure I am doing everything possible for the sperm to meet the egg.

Believe me, to bring this up unsolicted at easter brunch for 30 was a nightmare.

"trying, we never had to try"
"this is what you get for waiting so long"
"if what you are doing isn't working try a new position"
"its probably all that bfing that has your body out of whack."

Posted 5/14/09 1:26 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

Posted by Janice

Chat Icon no advice.

but I really love when fam members, like my grandmother want to make sure I am doing everything possible for the sperm to meet the egg.

Believe me, to bring this up unsolicted at easter brunch for 30 was a nightmare.

"trying, we never had to try"
"this is what you get for waiting so long"
"if what you are doing isn't working try a new position"
"its probably all that bfing that has your body out of whack."

Luckily I never told people we were "trying" so I never had to deal with this... It's definitely just as bad though. I feel your pain. That last comment is the best.
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Posted 5/14/09 1:36 PM

Peanuts are here!

Member since 1/09

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

sorry she's being an ***..

but i can tell you from my friends experience that the breastfeeding and gas isnt true. infact her son had so many tummy issues that she had to stop breastfeeding him.

everyone will give you unsolicited advice. tell them to go stick it.

Posted 5/14/09 1:39 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

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Never sure why the dh's sides always feel they have a right to give it to the mother....let them give it to dh's instead.

Posted 5/14/09 1:41 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

This woman is a complete idiot. If you don't want to say anything to stir things up, just nod your head and tell her you'll ask the pediatrician about it or you'll look into it.

Posted 5/14/09 1:49 PM

Brotherly Love!

Member since 1/08

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

DS is breastfed and has LOTS of gas!!! so don't let her ffol you. I am not passive I would have put her in her place immediately!!!!! I understand you do not like confrontation but someone needs to put that woman in her palce!!!

Posted 5/14/09 2:00 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

Posted by babyonthebrain

DS is breastfed and has LOTS of gas!!! so don't let her ffol you. I am not passive I would have put her in her place immediately!!!!! I understand you do not like confrontation but someone needs to put that woman in her palce!!!

I know, someone totally does have to put her in her place!!! But I don't want to be the "bad guy" who does it!!!

I actually DID say that my best friend EBF's and her DD has gas, and she said "well, that is very unusual".

Posted 5/14/09 2:15 PM


Member since 10/06

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

Wow I am sorry you had to deal with that.

And for the record my ds was ebf and he had the worst gas. when he was a newborn, the pain he would be in would make me feel so bad since nothing would help. And when he farted I swear it was so loud it sounded like it came from a grown man.

Posted 5/14/09 2:25 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

Chat Icon don't tell the pediatrician.... Chat Icon

you should feel lucky you have such a baby authority in your family Chat Icon

she had her chance. it's your baby, and you get to do what you want. the thing that would have made me the most Chat Icon would have been her saying 'she only has congestion' and then she kissed his hands.

I promise you, if it were my DS, I would call her and tell her exactly the blow by blow of DS's illness immediately following the visit.

(I actually did do that. My SIL only told us 4 hours into easter dinner that our nephew has a raging headcold. At that point, it was already WAY too late... being that he's 3 years old, he was wiping his nose on his hands and touching everything for over 4 hours already. Mysteriously, the ENTIRE FAMILY got 'bad allergies' the following week. (we're talking grandpa, grandma, Oma, uncle, DH, me, and DS). I made sure everyone knew DS got sick from that idiocy... We called EVERYONE. Chat Icon

Posted 5/14/09 2:31 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

Posted by Janice

Chat Icon no advice.

but I really love when fam members, like my grandmother want to make sure I am doing everything possible for the sperm to meet the egg.

Believe me, to bring this up unsolicted at easter brunch for 30 was a nightmare.

"trying, we never had to try"
"this is what you get for waiting so long"
"if what you are doing isn't working try a new position"
"its probably all that bfing that has your body out of whack."

Janice, this is why I give very vague answers when people ask us when we're having another.

To OP, sorry you had to listen to that. Chat Icon Honestly, I probably would have gotten up and left.

Posted 5/14/09 2:40 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

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Actually she's wrong about the burping thing.Chat Icon

How do I deal with it?

Different ways for different people:

-Yes to death & then do whatever you want.
-Ask them more difficult follow-up questions as to why they think that way (hey, you could learn something new)
-Say "Thanks but I'm following my pediatrician's advice."

after that I turn a deaf ear & pretend they haven't spoken.Chat Icon Chat Icon But I'm very immature.Chat Icon

Posted 5/14/09 3:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/06

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

Your answer to this lady and all the others with unsolicited advice should be, I only listen to my DR. Thanks but I'm not interested.

Posted 5/14/09 3:10 PM

My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

WOW !!! I would have left Chat Icon And let her know next time pacifiers reduce the risk of SIDS ! But I don't know about you ,but with me there would be no next time after that Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 5/14/2009 3:21:45 PM.

Posted 5/14/09 3:21 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Had enough of people giving me UNsolicited advice...

I would have wanted to leave so badly, who needs this advice (most or all of it wrong on top of everything else)?

Chat Icon

My MIL is always telling me I shouldn't bother reading to DS--he's too young to understand the stories (he's 17 months). I remind her he is building his vocabulary, and enjoys the pictures even if he doesn't understand the stories yet.

Another gem I love is when I tell people DH and I are stopping with our son. Most immediately assume it's an age thing (sort of is, but there is more to it than that) and tell me about a 60 year old who gave birth to twins, just to remind me that it's never too late.Chat Icon

Posted 5/14/09 5:57 PM

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