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Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

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Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

Anyone read this and try out his suggestions?

I'm currently reading it, but I feel like with the 1.5-2 hour window of wakefulness, you baby will basically be napping all day...

Any feedback?

Posted 7/7/09 8:33 AM
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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

I found the book interesting. I didn't agree with everything in it, but I found some information helpful - particularly the idea that they need to nap every 2 hours in the beginning.

(check out the related topics to this post below for feedback)

Message edited 7/7/2009 8:58:30 AM.

Posted 7/7/09 8:45 AM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

I definitely used it as a reference. I couldn't read it page to page front to back. But it was helpful with suggestions and to grasp what "should" be going on.

Posted 7/7/09 8:47 AM

Baby #3 coming this June

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

I'm reading it know. It was very helpful to know that they should be taking alot of naps. I always thought the more they napped the more they would be up at night.
The only thing I don't agree with is that you have to stop your life because your child has to take his/her naps on time, and only in their crib. That is very hard to do all the time. Plus, sometimes my DS will not take a nap in his crib, but has no problem sleeping in the car or in his stroller.

Posted 7/7/09 8:52 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

Posted by Alli06

The only thing I don't agree with is that you have to stop your life because your child has to take his/her naps on time, and only in their crib.

I didn't agree with this either.

Posted 7/7/09 8:57 AM

I love my little munchkins!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

I read the book and used a lot of the ideas in the book for both my DS and DD. I really found the idea about putting you DC down after 1.5-2.0 hours very helpful, and did it with both my DC. I think he is right about the fact that babies have a difficult time staying up more than 1.5-2.0 hours.

Posted 7/7/09 9:08 AM


Member since 5/06

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

I also have read parts and while sometimes I get confused about only having a baby awake for 1-2 hours. I feel thats a lot of sleep, but to be honest, my DS gets cranky right around the 1 - 1 1/2 hour mark and once I pop that binky in his mouth his eyes start to close. Liek this morning he was up at 6 by 8 he was so tired and needed to go back down.

Posted 7/7/09 9:09 AM

Mommy of 2

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

Posted by jprimrose

I read the book and used a lot of the ideas in the book for both my DS and DD. I really found the idea about putting you DC down after 1.5-2.0 hours very helpful, and did it with both my DC. I think he is right about the fact that babies have a difficult time staying up more than 1.5-2.0 hours.

I read this book when DD was a baby and this is what I took away from it. I found it to be absolutely true and really helped DD get on a good napping routine.

Posted 7/7/09 9:24 AM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

I do feel like I am constantly putting Sasha down for a nap-- and like one nap bleeds into the next. But, after really following it and watching for her cues-- she is really taking naps, and sleeping longer than 30 mins which is what she was doing before. SOMETIMES, I can get her to sleep in the stroller, or car-- but, it's much harder, so for me-- it's easier to put her down at home.

I am just keeping track of when she wakes, when she goes to sleep-- watching her and the clock, to start to see patterns. IMO, if I have to sacrifice some time to dedicate to getting her on a nap schedule, so be it-- I will be happier later. But, I also have a baby who was not a good napper-- so to me, this sacrifice is well worth it and needed. Every baby is different though, and may not need as much "work" to nap.

Posted 7/7/09 9:24 AM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

I read and followed it when DS was almost 5 months. My DH was awesome at rocking DS to sleep, but he was going back to work (he was off for the summer) and I would be home alone with DS -- I needed to figure out a way to get him to sleep during the day. It really worked for us. He learned quickly to put himself to sleep and always woke up happy. As the months went by he got to know our routine so well that he would out his head down on my shoulder while I was closing the blinds in his room before a little rocking/storytime.

I did feel like I was tied to the house. I figured, though, that since I was home with him and did have any other children I would try it during the week. The weekends were a different story, but it worked out okay for us. I stuck with it until DS went to daycare at almost 12 months.

Things changed, then because he really was used to only sleeping in his dark room after our routine. He did not sleep much the first week, but adjusted okay in the end. Even though according to the book, he still should have been taking two naps it just was not happening. So, we adjusted his schedule and he went down for the night a little earlier.

I guess the point is.... if you have the time and don't mind being home a lot it can work. Also, make it work with your schedule if you can't follow it 100%.

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Posted 7/7/09 9:52 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

Posted by -Lisa-

Posted by Alli06

The only thing I don't agree with is that you have to stop your life because your child has to take his/her naps on time, and only in their crib.

I didn't agree with this either.

Same here. I'm thumbing through it as well and they also mention about no motion, don't let them sleep in swings, etc. Heck, if that's where she will sleep, that is where she will stay!

Posted 7/7/09 10:04 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

671 total posts


Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

Posted by -Lisa-

Posted by Alli06

The only thing I don't agree with is that you have to stop your life because your child has to take his/her naps on time, and only in their crib.

I didn't agree with this either.

I try to stay in for one of his naps, but I also need to get out, so if the other nap he is sleeping outside I don't mind.

DS wakes at 5-530, which is so early to start the day! But at night he's so tired and goes down by 730...

I wish he would start the day a little later!

Posted 7/7/09 10:32 AM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

Posted by AcquiredTheBGene

Same here. I'm thumbing through it as well and they also mention about no motion, don't let them sleep in swings, etc. Heck, if that's where she will sleep, that is where she will stay!

actually he says that if the baby falls asleep in the swing, etc., once the baby is asleep, you should turn it off, but not to remove the baby.

Posted 7/7/09 10:36 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

Posted by randella

Posted by AcquiredTheBGene

Same here. I'm thumbing through it as well and they also mention about no motion, don't let them sleep in swings, etc. Heck, if that's where she will sleep, that is where she will stay!

actually he says that if the baby falls asleep in the swing, etc., once the baby is asleep, you should turn it off, but not to remove the baby.

I know, I tried that but DD always wakes up!

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Posted 7/7/09 10:46 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

Posted by AcquiredTheBGene

Posted by randella

Posted by AcquiredTheBGene

Same here. I'm thumbing through it as well and they also mention about no motion, don't let them sleep in swings, etc. Heck, if that's where she will sleep, that is where she will stay!

actually he says that if the baby falls asleep in the swing, etc., once the baby is asleep, you should turn it off, but not to remove the baby.

I know, I tried that but DD always wakes up!

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DS would ONLY sleep in the swing until about a month ago (5.5 months). We did CIO at night, and during the day I would progressively make the swing go slower until it was stopped. I did this for about a week and then started putting him in the crib. Now he sleeps in the crib at night and for naps. I feel he is MUcH better rested now, so I think there is something to what he says about poor sleep while in motion. I have also read it in other sleep books.
I try to be home for all their naps during the day. It is pretty easy since I work at home.

Posted 7/7/09 11:26 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/08

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

I found the book to be very helpful. Especially the stuff about napping and looking for sleep cues. I was a little intimidated at first because I felt like a failure if DD didn't sleep. The book mentions how it could cause problems later on Chat Icon I decided to take some of the advice (not all).

Posted 7/7/09 12:41 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

I liked it for the sleep cues and information on sleep needs for chidlren at different ages, and some suggestions for ways to help your baby go to sleep. It's well worth skimming IMO. The one thing I took away from it is the idea that your child's sleep needs will keep evolving, and if what always worked doesn't anymore, you probably need to look at the routine, time for bed, etc.

I didn't agree with many things he said--the necessity of CIO, the need for 3 naps a day--I think I was reading this when DS was around 6 months, and he never took a third nap, or almost never.

Posted 7/7/09 2:07 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child?

DS was a colic baby and a terrible day time sleeper. I really found the book to be a huge life saver for me. I didn't follow things to the letter, but I did start putting him down for more naps (after the 1.5-2hours) and it made a huge difference. He still never napped for too long, but long enough that he woke up happier and refreshed. I went back to work part time 3 weeks after having him, so it was impossible for him to always nap at home. But I did make sure my mom amd MIL followed his nap schedule exactly. And his bedtime was always constant- even if I had to bring the Pack and Play and put him to bed at someomes house. At that early stage I didn't deviate from the schedule or it would mess DS up for days. Once he was on a great schedule it became easier to deviate from it for special occasions.

Posted 7/7/09 2:16 PM

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