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Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

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Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

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Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Experts say it could happen.. if the volcano on the canary Islands were to erupt and send huge waves towards us. I don't understand why the public is not being educated on this topic, should this catastrophe ever occur. Chat Icon They say the good news is even if an earthquake hit, it would give us enough time to escape to higher ground. On another note, some scientists say that because a tsunami traveling toward New York must cross the continental shelf, a wide and shallow swath of water where the waves would move slower than in the deep ocean, there would be some time - one to two hours - to issue and respond to a warning.

In my opinion, we would be stuck, not being able to drive anywhere due to the traffic everywhere.. for this reason I need to get myself a private jet so that I can escape to the air with my hubby and two dogs..and maybe children if this happens 10 years or so from now..

Posted 6/25/08 9:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Message edited 11/22/2010 12:30:58 PM.

Posted 6/25/08 10:00 AM

Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Posted by JennyPenny

Hmmm, that's a tough one. I would probably just drown, because everyone would be in such a state of panic everywhere would be a mess, and 1-2 hours would NOT be enough time to escape. I too, will have to buy a private jumbo jet, so I can fly all I know to safetyChat Icon

Yea, I should have mentioned my parents and family and loved ones.. a jumbo jet is a fabulous idea. Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 10:11 AM


Member since 5/07

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

I would take my blow up boat from my pool and just coast, baby!Chat Icon

Realistically, we would all be screwed and have no where to go.Chat Icon

Message edited 6/25/2008 10:16:51 AM.

Posted 6/25/08 10:16 AM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

as soon as i heard i would book a flight out of islip...going anywhere west...i would book from my car in route the the airport with my kids and any other family members i could quickly gather...screew parking puilling right up to the gate...tow me....who care at that point.

as far as hubby goes....although is scares me to say this....he would probably stay and do his part to maintain order since he is in the NYPD...(i personally say efff that and come with us...but i know he would choose helping others before helping himself)

Posted 6/25/08 10:18 AM

Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Posted by Goobster

I would take my blow up boat from my pool and just coast, baby!Chat Icon

Realistically, we would all be screwed and have no where to go.Chat Icon

Chat Icon Yea, with a bottle of vodka in hand! I hear ya.. the reality is.. we would not be able to escape.. those who are wealthy though, I am sure will be made privy to an escape route..Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 10:19 AM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Thank you for ruining my day! Chat Icon

It's okay b/c DH brings this up to me all the time. I am in such denial and frankly I would like to stay there.

I am someone who would be absolutely useless in a crisis. DH tells me this all the time and it is the complete truth. Since I dread this day and think about it often, I better get prepared.

Posted 6/25/08 10:26 AM

Lets Get This!!!!!

Member since 1/07

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

No clue...I am definitely one of those people who says "Ill worry about it when the time comes" but in honesty I just dont see many people getting out

Posted 6/25/08 10:30 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

I'd just go to higher ground and hope for the best.

Posted 6/25/08 10:32 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

1-2 hours is not enough time to get anyone off LI. There are only a few ways out, and everyone would be trying to use them.
The only thing to do would be to find the highest ground and hope for the best. I think the middle part of the island would probably be pretty safe. I would not want to be anywhere near the coast, especially on the S. Shore.

Now if a category 5 hurricane was predicted for LI I would probably head upstate to my in-laws and take my parents with me. They are landlocked up there.

Message edited 6/25/2008 10:33:15 AM.

Posted 6/25/08 10:32 AM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

The thing that scares me the most is even if I could get on a plane... what about my dog Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 10:35 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

well the canary island scenario is highly unlikely, researchers said it's worst case scenario if a large piece drops completely into the water, but what always happens is that it drops into the water a little bit at a time and doesn't cause anything major.

But in reality, this is a serious problem of living on LI and why a bridge to CT might be a lifesaver for some people (but CT doesn't want it). It's also the reason that we don't have nuclear power in shoreham.

If I had a decent amount of warning for a tragic event, I would try to get off any bridge I could. this strengthens DH case for a motorcycle.

Posted 6/25/08 10:35 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Were you watching "Mega-Tsunami" on the Discovery Channel? I saw that a couple of years ago and taped it because I am so facinated by it - and terrified!

As for what I would do - seeing as how we are not rich or privy to private jets, I'd probably just wait for the inevitable. No point in spending my - possible - last hours caught up in a traffic jam.

I am convinced that, although they say it WILL happen, it won't happen the way they say and not as bad as they expect. (probably denial - but, hey, I like it here.Chat Icon )

Posted 6/25/08 10:42 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

I don't know...would it really affect the north shore?

Posted 6/25/08 4:25 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

personally I would be more afriad of a bad hurricane or a terriost attack

I don't think a mega tsunami is going to hit long island in my life time

Posted 6/25/08 4:31 PM

Team Pink!

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Posted by MissJones

I don't know...would it really affect the north shore?

I would think so - the Island is not that big.

Posted 6/25/08 4:33 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

How many planes do you all think there is on LI that can accomodate all of us? Even all the rich people????? The planes would most likely be grounded anyway.

I think 1-2 hours is not enough time to evacutate ANYONE.

Posted 6/25/08 4:34 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

We had minor flooding last year and LI was at a complete and total standstill.

It would be mass chaos and not worth it to ever try to leave.

So basically, yes, we are all dead.....

Posted 6/25/08 4:38 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Posted by MissJones

I don't know...would it really affect the north shore?

Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 4:39 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Posted by Beth1210

personally I would be more afriad of a bad hurricane or a terriost attack

I don't think a mega tsunami is going to hit long island in my life time

I'm knocking on wood for you.

Posted 6/25/08 4:46 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Posted by SweetTooth

1-2 hours is not enough time to get anyone off LI. There are only a few ways out, and everyone would be trying to use them.
The only thing to do would be to find the highest ground and hope for the best. I think the middle part of the island would probably be pretty safe. I would not want to be anywhere near the coast, especially on the S. Shore.

Now if a category 5 hurricane was predicted for LI I would probably head upstate to my in-laws and take my parents with me. They are landlocked up there.

I have thought about this too. If it was a situation where we had 1-2 hours, I would try to get us to the highest ground and hope for the best. Realistically I know we'd be done.

In the event of a hurricane, We'd head up to my mother's cousin's house in Long Lake or my brother's house in VT. It would be VERRRY crowded there but oh wellChat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 4:57 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Posted by dita

Posted by Beth1210

personally I would be more afriad of a bad hurricane or a terriost attack

I don't think a mega tsunami is going to hit long island in my life time

I'm knocking on wood for you.

let's be realistic- the odds of a hurricane or a terriost attach FAR outway a Tsunami hitting long island

and I am not going to sit here and worry about something that I have zero control over

I could walk over the throngs neck bridge before most people on LI could make it to the LIE - so I am not going to panic about it

I watched the show also- 3 years ago when it first came out after the tsunami on the 12/26 and It was more of a what if- then a this will happen

Message edited 6/25/2008 5:03:49 PM.

Posted 6/25/08 5:02 PM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

10128 total posts


Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Posted by SweetTooth
The only thing to do would be to find the highest ground and hope for the best. I think the middle part of the island would probably be pretty safe. I would not want to be anywhere near the coast, especially on the S. Shore.

LI is 23 miles at it's widest.
If a tsunami were to travel from the Canary Islands, I don't think it's going to stop mid-island.....

Posted 6/25/08 5:06 PM

Team Pink!

Member since 12/06

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Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

Posted by curliegirl

Posted by SweetTooth
The only thing to do would be to find the highest ground and hope for the best. I think the middle part of the island would probably be pretty safe. I would not want to be anywhere near the coast, especially on the S. Shore.

LI is 23 miles at it's widest.
If a tsunami were to travel from the Canary Islands, I don't think it's going to stop mid-island.....

I totally agree.

Posted 6/25/08 5:13 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: Heavy topic - where would you plan your escape to IF the East coast were alerted to a Tsunami?

I would climb on top of our house and make a pitcher of drinks and wait it out...we are on the highest point of LI, so we have the best chance of survival in that situation (which is none at all).

The reality is that there is no way all of the people on LI would make it off in 2 or even 3 hours....sit in morning traffic one day and see how long it takes you to drive 25 miles, imagine driving 70?Chat Icon

Posted 6/25/08 5:36 PM
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