HELP! gas and sleep issues with 4 week old
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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05 6707 total posts
Name: Noel
HELP! gas and sleep issues with 4 week old
i give dc his bottle and put him down around 7-730. i go in about 11 before he wakes and give him a bottle but he hardly takes any( refuses to open his mouth, i get maybe an ounce in him) then by 2 or so he wakes to eat. after i feed him i burp him and the get him back to sleep, as soon as i get back in bed i hear him squirming then eventually crying. when i go in his legs are almost always puled up to his body which i know is a sign of gas. i have been using the gripe water or mylicon with every feeding and its not doing much. i use the playtex drop ins any other brand better for gas? how about dr browns??
Also i think i discovered he doesnt like to be swaddled of corse this is after i spend $30 on the miracle blanket. Last night when he was fussiing i decided he may be able to lift his legs better not swaddled and sure enough he stayed calm for a bit lionger than he had been.
So my questions..
Should i switch bottles?
Should i continue to use the gripe water or mylicon drops?
Also since i am setting my alarm to go in there and feed him at 1130 ( tryign to do dream feed form the baby whispeer book) and he is waking at 2 anyway bc he hardly eats at 11 shuold i just skip that and wake up when he wakes me up to feed?
Posted 5/2/08 8:13 AM |
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Member since 5/05 4789 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: HELP! gas and sleep issues with 4 week old
MY DS had gas too, so I can only tell you what I did. I used Dr. Brown bottles and I love them. Whether or not they really work for gas, I can't say, but they seem too. Also I use the mylicon with every feeding. Not mylicon or gripe water, always mylicon. I use the gripe water if he gets the hiccups (works wonders) or if he spits up as it settles the tummy. I don't think the gripe water helps all that much with gas. Try burping him in the middle of the bottle and then again at the end. Also before he goes to bed and first thing in the morning bicycle his legs and try scrunching them up for him. Gas builds up so you can help him get it out this way.
Good luck!
Posted 5/2/08 8:18 AM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: HELP! gas and sleep issues with 4 week old
Ryan gets fussy at breast when he is gassy I stop and burp him then. We have been trying to be consistent with mylicon drops too. Also, when he seems to have a problem pooing I sit him on my thighs (put my legs up so his head is elevated at my knees) and churn his little legs around. I call it the poo-poo pilates.
Posted 5/2/08 8:27 AM |
I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05 6707 total posts
Name: Noel
Re: HELP! gas and sleep issues with 4 week old
thanks girls
Posted 5/2/08 11:48 AM |
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