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My 8 week old will not sleep!!! Help!!

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My little loves!

Member since 1/06

8093 total posts


My 8 week old will not sleep!!! Help!!

ALL she wants to do is nurse at night!! I can't get her to take the bottle at night. She'll fall asleep for, like, 10 minutes, and wake up again with feeding signs. But she yawns like crazy so I know she's tired. I get her to sleep on my shoulder and she wakes up as soon as I put her down. I nurse her to sleep in bed and she wakes up 10 minutes later.

Any advice on how to get her to sleep longer??? Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/08 12:35 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 4/07

1223 total posts


Re: My 8 week old will not sleep!!! Help!!

Have you tried to give her a pacifer.. that might help to comfort her to sleep... do you have a swing? if you do why dont you try to put her in the swing with the pacifier until she falls alseep and let her stay in there for about a half hour that way you now she is actully sleeping then switch her to her crib or bassinet


Posted 1/18/08 12:44 AM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: My 8 week old will not sleep!!! Help!!

Posted by boobanick

Have you tried to give her a pacifer.. that might help to comfort her to sleep... do you have a swing? if you do why dont you try to put her in the swing with the pacifier until she falls alseep and let her stay in there for about a half hour that way you now she is actully sleeping then switch her to her crib or bassinet


thats what i do, but i makes sure shes a sleep for about 15-20 mins before i move her. Question how long does she feed for? She may not be eating every time you put breast in mouth, she may be using your breast as a pacifier... thats what i found my dd was doing.

Posted 1/18/08 6:54 AM

Can't believe I'm 2

Member since 12/07

1260 total posts


Re: My 8 week old will not sleep!!! Help!!

I wish I had a solution for you, my DS is 6 weeks and he too wants to nurse all night. Has this been consistent or just recently? If its just recently, your DD may be going through a growth spurt and is nursing so frequently to increase your milk supply. That's what they say my DS is doing, only he seems to have growth spurts every couple of days. They also suggested that I pump a little before feeding him because it might be too much milk for him therefore making it more difficult for him to nurse.

Posted 1/18/08 7:49 AM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

8093 total posts


Re: My 8 week old will not sleep!!! Help!!

Thanks ladies.

I put her in the swing and she slept for 30 minutes. Chat Icon

So then I tried the bottle and she wouldn't take it. So I gave in a nursed her in bed at 1 am and she fell asleep for 5 hours!!! Chat Icon But that was only after nursing for pretty much 3 hours straight (10 pm-1 am) with little naps in between. She's definately using me as a pacifier. I don't know how to break that habbit.

Posted 1/18/08 12:52 PM

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