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How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

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Member since 5/05

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How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

We went to a BBQ last night and someone had asked this couple that was there were "Josh" was. They said oh probably trying to find a spot in the yard to peeChat Icon Chat Icon OK???

They continued to say that they let him do this all the time at home when they are playing outside or in the pool. It is easier then bringing him in the bathroom. They just let him pee outside in their backyard. He is 4.

Then we are all eating and there he is pants down, right in front of us, peeing on the side of the garage.

The parents thought it was soo funny.

Ummm, I don't think it is funny at all. It was really disgusting.Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/08 8:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Not right. He's 4, they should take the time to bring him inside to use the potty. I don't see anything funny about that.

Posted 8/4/08 8:43 AM

Welcome 2010!

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

This is gross. I wouldn't allow it if it was my yard, I would politely ask them to take him to the bathroom.

What are they thinking? What is he going to do when he's 9 and this is not acceptable?

Posted 8/4/08 8:44 AM

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Posted by cjik

This is gross. I wouldn't allow it if it was my yard, I would politely ask them to take him to the bathroom.

What are they thinking? What is he going to do when he's 9 and this is not acceptable?

Okay, I need to edit, this isn't acceptable at 4 either. Not if he can use the potty.

Posted 8/4/08 8:45 AM

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Posted by Stefanie

Not right. He's 4, they should take the time to bring him inside to use the potty. I don't see anything funny about that.

I agree!

Posted 8/4/08 8:46 AM

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Absolutely not a fan of it. I think it's gross. But I do have to admit since we only have one bathroom, Joseph has been allowed to do it when we're in a bind.

Posted 8/4/08 8:47 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

My neighbor's 3 year old daughter does this on her front lawn on occasion. Her mom even tells her "open your legs wide and squat" - I think it's disgusting Chat Icon Yes, I allowed Alex to use her potty in the living room to LEARN how to pottytrain, but I think it's setting them up for bad habits and embarassing moments to let them pee outside randomly.

Posted 8/4/08 8:50 AM

Chase is one!

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Um, that's completely disgusting and unsanitary. How the hell do you know where this kid has already peed so you can avoid that area?Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/08 8:54 AM

summer fun!

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

GROSSChat Icon

Posted 8/4/08 8:56 AM

it's me

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

very distasteful IMOChat Icon

Posted 8/4/08 9:00 AM


Member since 6/08

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Please do not say mean things to me!

I do let my sons (ages 3 and 4) to pee IN OUR BACKYARD ONLY, and NEVER if anyone else is around. If we are alone in the yard, and they HAVE to go, and they are wet from being in the pool, then I let them.

Sorry, but sometimes when they have to go, they have to go. And when we are home in our own backyard, who cares? They NEVER do it at anyone elses home. They know the rules.

Edited to add: if a child of one of my friends peed in my yard, I honestly would not care. YOUNG kids (under the age of say 5 or 6) are unpredictable in their ability to "hold it" till they reach a bathroom. If it were an older child, I would be grossed out.

Message edited 8/4/2008 9:45:04 AM.

Posted 8/4/08 9:39 AM


Member since 8/07

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

not cool. he needs to learn the proper place to go to the bathroom. is he going to pee on the playground when he starts school because it's "easier"?!

Posted 8/4/08 9:51 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

I don't like the habit and would not appreciate a kid peeing in my yard.

That being said. Sometimes there are exceptions for "emergencies".

I have a very young brother and he has peed in the little bushes on the parking lot of the grocery stores because he would not have made it to the store.

Those were far and between and were only for emergencies.

Posted 8/4/08 9:53 AM


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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?


Posted 8/4/08 9:55 AM

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

I don't think it's right at all. Go to the bathroom!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/08 10:00 AM


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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Oh no. No way! Pee goes in the potty!

Posted 8/4/08 10:05 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Besides the gross factor, I think it teaches bad habits and mixed messages.

I think especially when they are so young and you are trying to teach them to go in a potty/toilet, it must be confusing to say you have to pee in a potty, but its okay to pee in our back yard, oh but its not okay to pee in anyone elses backyard. I would think that would create alot of confusion for a young child.

Also I would imagine that nobody's yard is so far away that you couldn't make it to the potty. I could understand you are out somewhere and a potty is no where in sight, well than that is an emegency.

Message edited 8/4/2008 10:16:02 AM.

Posted 8/4/08 10:14 AM

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Posted by Stefanie

Not right. He's 4, they should take the time to bring him inside to use the potty. I don't see anything funny about that.

I agree! its actually pretty gross!Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/08 10:15 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

That is so wrong!!

If its your own house, OK- its not my thing, but who am I to tell another parent how to raise their child.

But to have your child pee in *SOMEONE ELSE'S* backyard, that's just rude- and while other people are there- that's just wrong.

Posted 8/4/08 10:18 AM

My Life. My Everything.

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

UUuummm no WAY! That is just wrong. Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/08 11:07 AM

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

I was so surprised to read this! I've never heard of that before! I would feel very uncomfortable with that & probably ask the mom to bring her child to my bathroom.

Posted 8/4/08 12:50 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

I'd be in shock as you were. Who thinks to let their child pee on someone elses property. Be safe...dont go their home. You never know the other spots they have this child pee.

Posted 8/4/08 12:52 PM

Growing up soo fast..

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Posted by Shelly

That is so wrong!!

If its your own house, OK- its not my thing, but who am I to tell another parent how to raise their child.

But to have your child pee in *SOMEONE ELSE'S* backyard, that's just rude- and while other people are there- that's just wrong.


Posted 8/4/08 1:11 PM

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Chat Icon is all I have to say...

Posted 8/4/08 1:20 PM

Little Brother Christopher

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Re: How do you feel about children peeing in your backyard?

Chat Icon

Posted 8/4/08 1:21 PM
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