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How do you feel the transition from infant to toddler is/was?
I more confused that ever. It is the eating issues that is really making it difficult for me. Part of me wished I started to introduce some sort of solid around 6 months or even just more texture instead of just puree. He still will not eat alot of things that other children his age eat. I feel like he will be on baby food forever.
Posted 5/1/07 7:50 PM |
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Member since 6/05 1468 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: How do you feel the transition from infant to toddler is/was?
My son didn't start eating solids until 6 months. He was 14/15 months before he really was eating more table food. He was still having CEREAL at that time. I didn't push it. I just gave him what I knew he liked. Don't worry there is stress, but most of the transition is a lot of fun! Toddlerhood is an adventure!
Posted 5/1/07 9:02 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: How do you feel the transition from infant to toddler is/was?
a breeze for me, Roman has always been an excellent eater even without any teeth up until 13 months.
Posted 5/1/07 9:54 PM |

Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: How do you feel the transition from infant to toddler is/was?
Adrianna, I hear ya.. Jacob is 16 months and hardly eats anything. Every meal is a battle and I get so frustrated. Some nights I make 3 different dinners for him and he winds up just eating bread with butter.
I try to introduce and reintroduce foods to him over and over again and every time I get the same reaction: head turning and lip clamping. The only things he will eat as of right now are:
Bread w butter Bagel with cream cheese Mac and cheese Pastina Pizza Banana Apple Thats IT!!!!! its just horrible horrible and more horrible... But my ped says.. "you cant force him, just keep trying.." so that is what I do. Day in and day out. Hang in there...
Posted 5/1/07 9:57 PM |
Life is good!

Member since 5/05 8369 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: How do you feel the transition from infant to toddler is/was?
We got lucky in that dept, maybe as a reward for the 6 months of screaming!
At 8 months she refused to eat baby food so at that point we could only give her stuff she could pick up and eat herself. For awhile after that all she would eat is green vegetables, around a year she would eat just peas or broccoli for dinner. Now she eats pretty much anything, although veggies are a little tough. She eats a ton of fruit.
Posted 5/1/07 10:00 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: How do you feel the transition from infant to toddler is/was?
Posted by Seles81
I more confused that ever. It is the eating issues that is really making it difficult for me. Part of me wished I started to introduce some sort of solid around 6 months or even just more texture instead of just puree. He still will not eat alot of things that other children his age eat. I feel like he will be on baby food forever.
I introduced Joseph too late. He finally got the hang of it. Just keep offering them.
For Maddie, I knew better. The girl eats everything under the sun.
Posted 5/1/07 10:04 PM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: How do you feel the transition from infant to toddler is/was?
Jordana is such an eater. She'll eat anything. In fact, you can't eat in front of her withouto her wanting to eat whatever you are.
But I think you are fine. I still give Jordana baby food if I am on teh run and not going to be near a restaurant.
Posted 5/1/07 10:44 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: How do you feel the transition from infant to toddler is/was?
I wouldn't stress about what they are or aren't eating at this point. DS used to eat EVERYTHING we gave him when he started eating solids. Now he's 4 and he has strong opinions (usually the opposite of what we give him) about what he wants to eat. Even food that he used to devour, he now "hates". I think that as long as you keep food choices and options open, they'll eventually get back to eating most types of food.
Posted 5/2/07 7:09 AM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: How do you feel the transition from infant to toddler is/was?
I'm having a tough time too. Marron seems not to want to eat anything solid that she ate as babyfood. For example, I never gave her straight babyfood meat. So, she'll eat turkey, chicken, ham. She will also eat cut up cheese. Bread has never been an issue. What I'm having trouble with is fruits & veggies. She does not want to eat them as table food. When I put them on her highchair with the rest of her food, she eats around it and the screams for more when the meat & cheese is gone. I end up having to give her a jar of fruit or veggie because she just won't eat it. I really don't want to keep buying baby food, but I also want her to continue eating balanced meals.
I just figure I'll keep offering it to her and maybe one day she'll eat it.
Posted 5/2/07 9:12 AM |