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How do you make Mommy friends?

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My loves

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

i'd love to know too shy to approach someone..we did a mommyand me class at the library and the last day i was talking to this girl and i wanted to say something about getting together in the future..but didntChat Icon ..esp as a SAHM i would love to get more mommy friends bc i miss that social side of working.

Posted 10/24/07 12:45 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

It's so hard - esp because I work. But I found a mommy group in my area and they do stuff at night - like go out to dinner with and without kids so I do that sometimes. And I became friends with one of the girls outside the group. I found the gym classes not to be helpful in making friends.

Posted 10/24/07 12:47 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

I went food shopping one night to get out of the house but I was alone in shambles with no rings on. I kept running into this dad with his son who looked to be around DS's age. Well I ended up behind him on the line to help him calm down his son. It turned out that his works in the same area as my DH, they were expecting their second and their son was a month older than DS. I so wanted to give him my number to give to his wife but I felt weird. Plus I figured she would get upset with a woman giving a number out and being pg. My DH thought I was nuts for thinking of it but I really wanted to meet someone local. Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 12:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

I try and go to a lot of playgroups. I have them during the day, but I also have some in the early evening, like around dinner, so that I can see my working friends too.

I was in a library program, and in My Gym and outside of the class, never really clicked with any of the mommies. Even now that my older son is in school, I haven't really chatted it up with any of the moms. We do drop off (we don't even get out of out cars) in the morning, but when I pick him up, its usually so hectic at the school I don't get to chat. THat's why I figured it couldn't hurt to become class mom! Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 1:07 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

We go to Little Gym (we will go back next month).
We go to the library (I don't know what I will do when ends in 2 weeks)
and we go to Barnes & Noble on Wed. mornings (TY to Liza & Diana for posting about it)..Im hooked..LOL.

I think next I will also look into my church for a playgroup.
As my cousin says "If It's Free...It's For Me".Chat Icon
Ive met some LIFers at GTGs & Barnes & Noble as well.Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 1:09 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

I met a lot of my mom friends at Gymboree when Julia was 6 months old and we still get together now with the girls, its fun and all the kids are so close now.

Stefanie and I set up a playdate on here and now we are close friends and Jared and Julia have playdates together, its cute!

I'm sure when Julia starts school next sept I will meet even more mom's and have more playdates.

You really have to talk to the other mom's though, going to these classes and not saying anything will be hard for you to meet new people, I'm not shy so I guess it was easy for me.

Posted 10/24/07 1:17 PM

Growing up soo fast..

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Posted by twinboys425

Posted by 5ofClubs

I chicken out too. I don't know why. I always think that they won't like me or that I will be too boring for them.

i have to agree on this too..

this is me as well...Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 1:32 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Posted by leighla

I'm having the same issue.

It's especially hard now that I'm a working mom. Some of the others I meet have been cool , but are SAHM and get together on the weekdays when I can't.

Chat Icon

I GTG with the girls here as often as I can, but I'm in NJ, so it's hard.

And I can't really make work mom friends because I'm HR and it can be a prickly situation.

So I'm hoping to get to know some of the daycare moms this weekend when we have the parents GTG.

I have the same issue...but we have GTG once before...we should do it more often Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 1:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Most of my mommy friends are friends I've had all my life.
Melissa and I met and the GTG last year and we've been close friends ever since. Jared loves playing with Julia or "Julie" as he calls her.

Posted 10/24/07 1:56 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

ya that I know people are so local I wont have a problem doing more gtg's. Once we all meet we can discuss afterwards. I mean I personally would love to do things weekly or b-weekly. I talk to a few girls on here regularly which i consider friends and friends for Gilly. I would love to see some more faces Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 1:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Maybe it's just me, but I meet alot of mommies at the dr.'s office.

Posted 10/24/07 1:58 PM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

I joined Gymboree in the hopes of making some mommy friends...I have been to 2 classes so far, and the only person who has spoken to me is the instuctor Chat Icon I'm painfully shy when meeting new people, and I can't bring myself to make the first move Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 2:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Most of my mommy friends are friends that I've known before kids, and some are the moms I've met from LIF. Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 2:10 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

I have 2 mommy friends- but they were my friends before we were mommies. I am finding it so hard to relate to my other non-mommy friends who are going out partying all the time, etc.

It makes it even harder that I'm back to work full time- so I can't go to gymboree, etc. DD starts day care next week, so who knows, maybe I'll meet some mommy friends there! (although it might be difficult with DD being the youngest one there right now)

Posted 10/24/07 2:37 PM

Beyond Compare

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

A few are friends from before the babies, some are people I have met while pregnant and at classes, some are from LIF, and now I am starting to meet mommies from daycare.

Posted 10/24/07 2:42 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Why don't you guys find a chuch or a facility that has a big room to rent for a few hours on a week day morning, everyone can bring some toys, someone can make coffee, someone can bring kids snacks...everyone from here can come, its middle ground...not too scary at someones house. There you go, instant playgroup!!!

If you had to pay to rent a place, you could all sign up for like a 12 week session and pay for it.

If I lived by you guys I would sort it out...

Posted 10/24/07 2:48 PM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

I've made a few what I consider good friends through this site/Gymboree. We are all on this site and in the same Gymboree class. You know who you are! We are always doing something together. It's funny b/c I have a few friends with kids and see them alot less than I see the girls I met here! I would join some classes, go to GTG's etc. Maybe we can have a GTG for mommies who want to make friends...Chat Icon

Message edited 10/24/2007 2:54:33 PM.

Posted 10/24/07 2:53 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Posted by lo13lo13

I've made a few what I consider good friends through this site/Gymboree. We are all on this site and in the same Gymboree class. You know who you are! We are always doing something together. It's funny b/c I have a few friends with kids and see them alot less than I see the girls I met here! I would join some classes, go to GTG's etc. Maybe we can have a GTG for mommies who want to make friends...Chat Icon

I remember you from waaaaaaaaay back when Gillian was like 4weeks old at the hicksville gtg Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Your son must be at least 16-18 months by now...Time flies!

Message edited 10/24/2007 2:58:52 PM.

Posted 10/24/07 2:58 PM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

I don't have any mommy friends that I can get together with regularly.

I just received business cards with my contact info and DD's name to hand out to other moms that I meet and want to get to know. (This was a fellow LIF mommy's idea, not sure who though.) I'm hoping the cards will make it easier for me to not be so shy.

Posted 10/24/07 3:55 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

I met moms though GTGs.

And also in my infant massage classes. I met great moms that way.

Posted 10/24/07 4:26 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Well I Talk to everyone, so it was pretty easy for me to meet other moms. When DD was a month old I asked a mom at our local baby store the name of her stroller visor, and we ended up chatting and ended up in a playgroup together. I also meet a ton of moms at the playground. I can see how it would be harder if you are shy.

The way I start talking to people in the playground is that if Jordana runs up to another kid or is looking at a kid, I ask the mom his name and then introduce Jordana to the child. I usually end up talking to the mom.

Posted 10/24/07 4:27 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Posted by twinboys425

I am having a hard time too. I am a SAHM, and i just dont seem to be able to make any mommy friends. I found 1 really nice person in the 1 1/2 of having my boys.. I met her through the gym we go to.... (you know who you are) she intro'd me to this site and hoping to make more mommy friends.Chat Icon

You had me worried for a minute. I thought you were going to say you didn't meet anyone nice Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Well, same here. Aeriell and I met at the gym class for the boys and the boys love each other and we do too! Chat Icon

I got really lucky meeting her and her boys. It's really difficult to find moms that you click with.

The other mommy friend I met was Little-J-Mommy.

Allison, where do you live? Did I read in another post that you live on the queens/nassau border?

Posted 10/24/07 4:30 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Gymboree and GTG's. You will have 30 more of us in December Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 4:43 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

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Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

I had a really hard time meeting people until DS1 started preschool. We had kids before most of our friends so I didn't have any "built in" mommy friends, and any that I did have worked so it was hard to get together.

I always wanted a big mommy group but even though I tried mommy and me classes, library classes, internet mommy matching sites, I never found what I was looking for.

It's so hit or miss out there. You have to be lucky enough to be in a class with someone who wants to make a new friend too.

Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/07 5:10 PM


Member since 11/05

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does it matter

Re: How do you make Mommy friends?

Most of my mommy friends are the ones I met over six years ago when we were planning our weddings on LIW.
Chat Icon However I have met some really sweet moms here at a few GTG, just wish they were on a more regular basis

Posted 10/24/07 6:47 PM
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