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How do you run quick errands with DC?

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Support Cancer Research

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How do you run quick errands with DC?

What do you do with your DC when you have to just pop in somewhere for a minute???

I had to run into the UPS Store today to mail something and I had no idea how to juggle DS and the package.

It seemed dumb to put him in the stroller for a minute.

The car seat + DS = way too heavy.

And I needed two hands so carrying him was not really an option.

(I waited until DH came home.)

Message edited 9/12/2007 8:05:41 PM.

Posted 9/12/07 8:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

Good question. I'm having the same problem and I usually just wait for DH to get home or do the errand for me.

I am considering the Baby Bjorn but DD doesn't love it. I might just try carrying her in, but that's not that easy either since I still have to hold the back of her neck....

Posted 9/12/07 8:08 PM


Member since 5/06

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

its so difficult to just do quick errands. Your best bet would be to either wait for small errands or break out the stroller.

doing errands is not easy at all when you have kids. i miss not being able to just run out quickly.

Posted 9/12/07 8:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

With my oldest i popped the carseat into the stroller frame and now she's bigger, I just carry her.

It's much easier when they are not in that carrier to get in and out of stores.

Now I have two, there's no such thing as a quick errandChat Icon It was sooooooo much easier with one!

Posted 9/12/07 8:16 PM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I use the stroller. It's a pain to have to take it out for a quick little thing, but it really is easier.

Posted 9/12/07 8:18 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

when DD was still in the car seat carrier Id carry her in the store in I just carry her in with me.....Honestly though, I try to wait for DH to get home if I can....its such a pain.

Posted 9/12/07 8:19 PM

Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I use the stroller too. It seems like a waste, but there really is no other way... Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/07 8:20 PM

God Bless America

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

It is VERY hard and I usually wait until DH is home or I can leave DS with mom for a little bit. But when I MUST go, depending on where it is, I either carry him in (if I don't have to carry anything else) or use the stroller, even if it's for a 5 minute thing like the bank. Yes, it's annoying. I have tried to plan my errands in the same shopping area to the extent possible (i.e. - an outdoor strip mall so I can do groceries, drug store, etc. all in one trip). I do know people who leave their kids locked in the car if it is really quick and they can see them at all times (i.e. - running into dry cleaner) but I am just way too paranoid and cannot do that.

Posted 9/12/07 8:21 PM

My girls

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

always the stroller unless I don't need both hands then I carry her...

Posted 9/12/07 8:21 PM

Support Cancer Research

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

Posted by ChilisWife

I do know people who leave their kids locked in the car if it is really quick and they can see them at all times (i.e. - running into dry cleaner) but I am just way too paranoid and cannot do that.

I had thought about that too, but I got too nervous as well.

Posted 9/12/07 8:31 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I carry him - but its getting tougher!!!

Posted 9/12/07 8:32 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I carry him - it is such a huge pain especially when I am running around to a few places. I have the Bjorn and was thinking about trying it out but I also think that would be a pain too.

Posted 9/12/07 8:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I bring the bjorn. Shes happy in it, and its so much easier then a stroller!

Posted 9/12/07 8:49 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I've gotten really good at whipping out the stroller and popping her in in record time. It's really the only way.

Posted 9/12/07 8:50 PM

Happy Little Girl

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Thia (Cynthia)

Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I use my ergo. It takes me two secs to get him in and then off we go.

Posted 9/12/07 8:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

Something like that I would wait until someone could watch the baby since I am not coordinated enough to open the door, push the stroller and carry the box.

But I usually used the stroller.

Posted 9/12/07 8:58 PM

Cold go away

Member since 10/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I either put him in the stroller or if I food shop, I put him in his floppy seat in the shopping cart. He loves it!

Posted 9/12/07 9:02 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I put him in the Maclaren and go, even if only for a few minutes. I don't wait for anyone. If I did, I'd probably wait forever and nothing would get doneChat Icon

Also, you'd be surprised how much you could juggle while holding DC. Lots of times I just hold him, if it's possible.

Posted 9/12/07 9:06 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

Posted by Diana1215

I carry him - it is such a huge pain especially when I am running around to a few places. I have the Bjorn and was thinking about trying it out but I also think that would be a pain too.

Oh yeah...I used to use the Bjorn a lot too!

It's not a pain. Try it a few times at home and once you get the hang of it, you can get him in it one handed in less than 30 seconds Chat Icon

Posted 9/12/07 9:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

Posted by CathyB

Something like that I would wait until someone could watch the baby since I am not coordinated enough to open the door, push the stroller and carry the box.

But I usually used the stroller.

same here

I had to do this for the post office to mail a big box the other day and had to wait for someone to watch him.

Posted 9/12/07 9:14 PM


Member since 2/07

2642 total posts


Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I used to use the Bjorn. Now I either use the carriage or the hotsling

Posted 9/12/07 9:15 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

I got a small SUV this year so it's easy to put the stroller in and out. I really have a good routine with it. I can do the whole thing with DS/carseat/stroller in about 1-2 minutes top. My carseat is behind the front passenger seat. It was too hard for me to reach the middle of the backseat. I am short. It works perfectly where it is located.

Posted 9/12/07 9:16 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

The Snap N Go is my best friend.
Im going to miss it when DS "Moves Up".

Posted 9/12/07 11:17 PM

Me and the guys

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

Things are probably a little different because I live in Manhattan, but I put DS in the sling. I do all my grocery shopping that way. It allows me to have both hands free and DS loves sitting in the kangaroo carry now.

Posted 9/12/07 11:38 PM

it's me

Member since 5/05

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Re: How do you run quick errands with DC?

break out the stroller or use a wagon from the store. Errands never are quick for the most part though.

Posted 9/13/07 5:33 AM
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