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I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
How long after Miscarriage to TTC again
As some of you know, I miscarried 10 days ago. I would have been 10 weeks, however I was measuring behind. My heart breaks for all of us going through this.
I am wondering how long you should wait to TTC after a miscarriage. My own doctor said to sit out 1 month. The rationale is that most likely I miscarried due to chromosomal issues with the babies, but in case it was an infection that caused it I should allow 1 cycle for the infection to be cleared or it might happen again.
In sifting through a lot of the posts here, I've read anywhere from 1 cycle to 3 cycles, and a few have recommended not waiting at all as you are very fertile right after a miscarriage.
Posted 12/1/08 8:42 AM |
enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07 3881 total posts
Re: How long after Miscarriage to TTC again
I voted for 1 month. I think you should give your body a couple weeks to heal and also to be able to timeline the next pregnancy.
I understand why doctors say 3 months... I got pregnant the 1st cycle after and miscarried that one as well. 2 d/c's in 3 months KILLED me. I cried thru the entire 2nd D&C procedure.
Posted 12/1/08 8:58 AM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: How long after Miscarriage to TTC again
I think you just have to follow your heart. I miscarried naturally and tried immediately - my feeling was if it happened right away then my body was ready for it. Had I had a D&C I would have waited a few cycles.
I got pg again 3 months after my m/c.
Posted 12/1/08 12:01 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: How long after Miscarriage to TTC again
when you feel you are ready thats when you should start again!
i had to wait 3 months because i had a late MC.. i still didnt even wait that long and didnt listen..
Posted 12/1/08 1:08 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06 677 total posts
Re: How long after Miscarriage to TTC again
My doctor told me since it happened naturally and I didn't need a D&C that we could start trying after one cycle.
Posted 12/1/08 2:16 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: How long after Miscarriage to TTC again
I was first told 1 cycle but then my OB told me to wait 2 cycles so I can heal.
It has been really hard for me this week as I started to see EWCM and I know I will be ovulating anyday. But that I have to wait for 2 cycles.
She told me she would not be mad at me if I tried before but she does not want me to get another m/c because I did not wait enough to give my body time to heal.
I *may* try after 1 cycle. I will see how "impatient" I get.
Posted 12/1/08 3:40 PM |
Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08 4985 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: How long after Miscarriage to TTC again
I was told to wait at least 3 months to let my body heal. I elected to wait 6 months because I had such a hard time emotionally that I needed time away from TTC to feel better. I didnt want to start a new pregnancy in fear and with so many memories of the M/C. Best decision I made. We got PG our first month trying after the M/C. I am 29 weeks PG now.
Posted 12/2/08 10:05 AM |