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How Long before switching formulas?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

633 total posts


How Long before switching formulas?

So I am beginning to wean Drew and have introduced formula for the night feedings. I had cut dairy out of my diet as he seemed extra fussy/gassy because of it. My dr recommended the Enfamil Gentelease but he refuses to drink it. I tried Similac Soy which he takes but he is REALLY gassy and uncomfortbale at night. How long should I give it (its only been two days) before switching again to a different formula??? TIA!

Posted 11/14/06 9:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: How Long before switching formulas?

I would do it right away, honestly. If DC was fussing when you ate dairy, maybe try Alimentum or Nutramigen. They are hypoallergenic formulas and since they will most likely agree with his belly, then you can try others from there.

Posted 11/14/06 9:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

633 total posts


Re: How Long before switching formulas?

Its just so frustrating - maybe I will just go right to the Nutramigen...I am waiting for my dr to call me back too.

Posted 11/14/06 9:50 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: How Long before switching formulas?

I know, I went through the exact same thing, except Ava ended up having a milk allergy. She was so bad in the beginning that we have had her on prescription formula that is amino acid based. We're just now trying to switch her to Nutramigen and so far it seems to agree with her.
Also, soy is very gassy, plus, many babies who are sensitive to dairy are also sensitive to soy. Good luck! Once you find the right formula, life for your little one will be so much better!Chat Icon

Posted 11/14/06 9:52 PM

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