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I am pregnant with #2 and so many mixed emotions..

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


I am pregnant with #2 and so many mixed emotions..

I am sure this is normal but I hate that I feel like I can't fully relax..

I go from thinking "what if the second baby has the same problems as johnny..".

And then I think "well now I know what to look for and I can get help when needed..".

And this really weird part of me almost has this feeling of sadness that if my second is neuro typical and seems to be developing appropriately, I'll feel so sad that Johnny had to go through "problems" while his brother or sister didn't. NOT that I want to go through this again, believe me..I pray for a healthy child. It just isn't fair sometimes.

I am blessed with a beautiful, sweet and loving little boy who happens to have some neurological problems. I can get through it. DH can get through it. I guess I am just on such an emotional rollercoaster lately. One minute i am great. Another, a mess...

I know my son will be a wonderful big brother..he is so gentle and sweet to all babies, I LOVE seeing him interact with babies. I know we will all embrace the child we will have and all will be ok..

Sorry for the long rambling post. Just overwhelmed right now...Chat Icon

Posted 11/24/08 9:53 AM

Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: I am pregnant with #2 and so many mixed emotions..

Did I miss this announcement .......

Congratulations maureen!!!!!!!!!

I know exactly how you feel and I wish I could give you advice that would put you 100% at ease. It's really really hard. I regret missing out on Bradys newborn months ... I literally could not wait for him to start meeting his milestones. We chose to be really proactive and enrolled him in the Baby Sibs Research Study at Yale. We took him once a month for screening. You can google Baby Sibs Project for more info. In a way it was great and in another it fed into my fears .... now he's 14 months and tlaking insentences ... just crazy. But there's definitely regret that I couldnt just enjoy him.

I know that didnt really help you any, but Chat Icon Chat Icon

Call me if you need to talk.


Posted 11/24/08 11:34 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: I am pregnant with #2 and so many mixed emotions..

I wish i knew what to say. I just have Matthew who is Christopher's twin brother who is developing "typical", and I always feel guilty for comparing the 2. I know this is NOTHINg compared to your situation. I can se how you feel, because sometimes I am on the fence on having 1 more.Chat Icon

Posted 11/24/08 12:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: I am pregnant with #2 and so many mixed emotions..

Thanks ladies Chat Icon

I know you can empathize with me about the "what ifs" and the feelings I'm going through....

What is funny is that I picked him up at preschool today....and he was playing with a doll and smelling its feet and going "P-U!!" lol!! And then he kissed and hugged the baby.

Now if he only didn't then drop it on it's head it would have been perfection!!Chat Icon

Posted 11/24/08 12:53 PM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: I am pregnant with #2 and so many mixed emotions..

Congrats!!! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Try not to worry.

Posted 11/25/08 12:43 PM

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