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I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

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Merry Christmas!

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I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related.......... bad way. I usually just blow them off......but they are normally practically pornographicChat Icon ..........tonights though was totally uncalled forChat Icon

I'll say that is a girl I was friendly with when she worked with me.....then she moved 2 years ago & we keep in touch by IM & email. We never really hung out except when all the work girls get together..........

Why would she send me something that seems totally innocent, then when I click on the link it brings to me to a VERY graphic UPCLOSE video of man on man sex. And I mean UPCLOSEChat Icon Chat Icon

How do I NICELY tell her enough with this stuff? I mean I am all for fun......but this was just WAY TO MUCH.

Posted 3/6/07 11:53 PM
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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Is it possible it's not here that's doing the emailing?

Posted 3/7/07 12:08 AM

Merry Christmas!

Member since 5/05

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It's not the's the journey!

Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........'s definately her. She only lives with her parents, so it's not as if someone in the house is doing it. And I doubt someone hacked her computer either.

I just know she is a very sensitive girl and I enjoy chatting with her. But I really think if I could even tactfully say it, she would feel awkward and then it would be weird.

Posted 3/7/07 12:11 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Is it a link you get? Does it have text in the e-mail other than something like "check this out?" If you're sure it's her, I believe you, but I used to work in IT, and a lot of times people would be getting links like that because a virus infected not their computer, but the senders. It would then "spoof" the e-mail address and send out bogus e-mails. Just a thought.

Posted 3/7/07 12:52 AM

Merry Christmas!

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Posted by tsullivan

Is it a link you get? Does it have text in the e-mail other than something like "check this out?" If you're sure it's her, I believe you, but I used to work in IT, and a lot of times people would be getting links like that because a virus infected not their computer, but the senders. It would then "spoof" the e-mail address and send out bogus e-mails. Just a thought.

Makes sense what you're saying.....definately. But I kind of lean toward her knowingly sending it because often I have gotten email of naked men......which she comments on after the fact. Like to the effect "Hey, wasn't that guy hot?" kinda thing.

I would love to tell her not to send me that kind of stuff, but I don't want her to feel bad. It's not like I don't like her. I just have no real desire to see the intimate workings of guys having sex.

I had a male coworker who used to send me stuff like that. He's real outgoing and we have a good relationship so I told him my husband was not happy with me opening stuff like that on the computer. Maybe that tactic will work with herChat Icon

Posted 3/7/07 6:21 AM

All good things in 2016!!

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

You can do a general email saying "Hey guys this is just a little note to ask you if you wouldn't send anymore joke emails, my mailbox is getting swamped" Even though you are only sending it to her you can make it seem like it's going to your friends. My mailbox will block all other recipients names, I don't know if yours does as well.....Just a thought.

Posted 3/7/07 6:31 AM

J'taime Paris!

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Chat Icon omg gross! I would tell her to stop sending that to me ASAP! I don't care if comes across nice or not.

Posted 3/7/07 7:31 AM

Best Friends

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

I would say, "you should check f your computer has a virsu, cause I keep getting really risque, disgusting, unwanted emails from your address"Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/07 7:36 AM

Love Being A Mommy!

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

my best friend's fiancee did that. He would send very disgusting and crude pictures and videos (some extremely graphic). Believe me, I am no prude but I feel there is a limit on things that people feel they need to send. I dealt with it, by never commenting on the e-mails and if he asked about it in person I would tell him I found them disgusting. Eventually, I wouldnt even open the e-mails and I would just delete them. He got the hint!

Posted 3/7/07 7:52 AM


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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

I would tell her straight out. Seriously... thats pretty gross.Chat Icon

Posted 3/7/07 9:04 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Posted by rose825

I would say, "you should check f your computer has a virsu, cause I keep getting really risque, disgusting, unwanted emails from your address"Chat Icon

Good idea.

You could also tell her that you open that email at work, and could get in trouble for it.

Posted 3/7/07 9:05 AM


Member since 6/06

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Valerie...aka...Do Me A Favor?

Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Blame it on your DH. Say that he saw your emails and was upset. Tell her you'd appreciate if she stopped sending them cause they upset your DH. can just forward them to me!!Chat Icon

Kidding!Chat Icon

Message edited 3/7/2007 9:10:49 AM.

Posted 3/7/07 9:10 AM


Member since 8/06

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

I don't understand the problem here. If you're friendly with her just come out & tell her. Obviously she is offending you so why would you care so much about offending her. Try to be tactful but you have to learn how to speak up for youself

Posted 3/7/07 9:12 AM

Family is everything!!!

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

It's probably a fwd that someone sent her....My FH gets the nasty fwd's from his friends all the time.

Posted 3/7/07 10:33 AM

I'm two!

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

I wouldn't worry about making her feel bad. She crossed the line and I would just flat out tell her. She'll get over it.

Posted 3/7/07 10:36 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

i think she probably finds it funny , and her humour may be a little perverted.
just tell her to not forward that stuff to you, you may get in trouble at work.

dont make a big deal out of it. if you dont wan to say anything, then just stop openeing her emails that look like forwards. problem solved

Posted 3/7/07 10:37 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

Chat Icon omg gross! I would tell her to stop sending that to me ASAP! I don't care if comes across nice or not.

I agree!

Posted 3/7/07 10:40 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Posted by MrsPorkChop

i think she probably finds it funny , and her humour may be a little perverted.
just tell her to not forward that stuff to you, you may get in trouble at work.

dont make a big deal out of it. if you dont wan to say anything, then just stop openeing her emails that look like forwards. problem solved

right on Pork

Posted 3/7/07 10:48 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

I think its very considerate that you are concerned about hurting her feelings, but she clearly feels very comfortable with you.

I would just say something like- I got your last e-mail. It's not really what I'm into. Do you mind if we keep the e-mails G rated from now on? I just don't want to get in trouble.

Posted 3/7/07 11:00 AM

my loves...

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Posted by sweetie

I don't understand the problem here. If you're friendly with her just come out & tell her. Obviously she is offending you so why would you care so much about offending her. Try to be tactful but you have to learn how to speak up for youself

I agree.

It's nice that you don't want to offend her but I think you can address the situation in a totally mature manner without offending anyone. Just say it like it is.

Posted 3/7/07 11:12 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

I would just say...that's gross...I don't want to see that crap don't send it.

Posted 3/7/07 11:38 AM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

I would be offended if someone sent me something like that, even a friend. You have to tell her. If it offends you, it needs to stop.

Posted 3/7/07 11:39 AM

Pookie Love

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Posted by Anniegrl

I wouldn't worry about making her feel bad. She crossed the line and I would just flat out tell her. She'll get over it.


Posted 3/7/07 5:24 PM

Merry Christmas!

Member since 5/05

2875 total posts

It's not the's the journey!

Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

Posted by sweetie

I don't understand the problem here. If you're friendly with her just come out & tell her. Obviously she is offending you so why would you care so much about offending her. Try to be tactful but you have to learn how to speak up for youself

We were "work friends" when she lived here.....we only hung out outside of work when there was a group gathering. When she moved we kept up contact via emails & IM's.

I actually decided to reply to her email with this:

Ugh. That was terrible.

She replied back tonight with:

Terrible yes.....but funny!! LOL!

I will be repling with this:

You really can not send me emails like that! I frequently open my email at work & I could REALLY be in trouble for that. Besides, I am not into looking at that stuff. Thanks.

Hopefully this puts a stop to it.Chat Icon

ETA...thanks girls!

Message edited 3/7/2007 8:50:59 PM.

Posted 3/7/07 8:49 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: I am so disturbed by the emails a friend sends many are sexually related..........

I handle ANY forward the following:

I simply state - please do not send me forwards. If you want to send me emails to keep in touch, thats one thing, but I do not do forwards.

I reply the same way until they get it.

I also use the excuse that this is my work email and we are not allowed to get forwards of any kind - especially anything with sexual content

Posted 3/7/07 8:56 PM
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