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LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 6791 total posts
Re: I feel so sad today
Posted by LeeCR7
[\QUOTE] BUT why is it that Obama made a similar action based upon terrorism FEARS and that was OK...why? Trump is limiting immigration from Jihhadist zones of conflict....TEMPORARILY! Why is this so bad! Terrorist have been KNOWN to use the refugees to get here! They have already succeeded in doing this in other countries. That is a known fact!
Obama restricted 1 country (Iraq) because a flaw was found in the vetting system. Two men got into our country who were planning an attack. Thankfully they were discovered and stopped. The government found the flaw and halted all immigration from that country until it was fixed. Then immigration resumed.
That is NOT what is happening here. These are 7 countries singled out only because of their major religion. Rudy Guilliani went on tv last night and admitted that Trump asked him to find a legal way to ban Muslims. And this is what he came up with.
Obama's temporary restriction was a sensible measure to a specific problem. This is Trump trying to get away with keeping an entire religion of people out of our country based on only that. That is un-American, illegal, and immoral. If anyone is okay with banning people from America based only on religion, then they are in the wrong country.
Quite honestly, it is my belief that if this is someones defense "Obama did it", then they are woefully unread on the actual issue and are getting their alternative facts from FB. So help me God, if I EVER have to have another TWO conversations like I did today, one with my son and one with the mother of his BEST FRIEND who is Muslim, I will lose my shit. I had to console my little white Christian boy and his little Muslim BFF who are all to aware of what is going on and are SCARED bc they dont understand. His mother and I had to discuss what to do for them. I had to APOLOGIZE to my friend on behalf of our country. I had to listen to her cry that she is afraid for her and her family. I had to listen to our boys talk about how they were afraid his Grandparents wouldnt get to visit him anymore. I had to be an ear for a woman, a family who are EXCEPTIONAL people and assure her that this is NOT us.....not ALL of us. That I am actively doing everything in my power to stand for her and her family. I had to assure them that I love them and that everything I do is in their name. This is INSANITY. If anything fueled the fire in me today, it was those conversations. That THEY need us, they need the people of this country to stand for GOOD MUSLIM people. I had to promise someone today that I WOULD be that for her. That is beyond disturbing to me. If it doesnt bother you....enjoy your peaceful sleep tonight while a Facist gaslights you and I will be up worrying all night about what is next.
This doesnt even count the conversations I have had with friends and family who are part of the LGBT community, those who need services like Planned Parenthood provide. Those who have had unplanned pregnancies who needed those services. Those who if had to have those babies they couldnt support would then be condemned for using social services and for taking handouts. I am pissed for ALL of them. I am pissed.
I am pissed for a President who shoots from the hip, who has removed the most experienced from HSC and appointed Bannon....BANNON. I am pissed for a President who LIES to us about menial things that can be fact checked in SECONDS. I am pissed for a President who is builing a wall that WE WILL PAY FOR. I am pissed for a President who is writings EOs without consultation. I am pissed that NO ONE SEES THE PROBLEM WITH HIM. I am pissed that numerous countries are disgusted with what is happening here and turning their noses up at as. I am pissed that 2 countires in the last few days have said they expect war to come bc of this. I am pissed that this Refugee ban, was rolled out irresponsibly and is being used as fuel to the fire for radical islamist groups in recruitment. I am pissed he gave them ammo. I am pissed that he cant stay off f'in twitter. I am pissed about DeVos. The list goes on and on and on and on. I am PISSED. And yes, for those of you who voted for him and still defend him, I am PISSED at you and I make NO apologies for it. I think you are assholes. Crucify me for name calling, go ahead....I DONT CARE.
I am PISSED about a million things and I will "whine" until it stops. Until this ends. until all of our Reps and Sens and citizens have the balls to stand up to him.
This is NOT about R vs D. This is about a DANGEROUS lunatic running our country. Bush was a R and not for a second, despite that I disagreed with policy did I EVER have these fears or feelings. Not for a second.
OPEN YOUR EYES. God help us all.
Message edited 1/30/2017 12:27:53 AM.
Posted 1/30/17 12:07 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 3/06 1647 total posts
Re: I feel so sad today
Posted by 2BadSoSad
Posted by LeeCR7
[\QUOTE] BUT why is it that Obama made a similar action based upon terrorism FEARS and that was OK...why? Trump is limiting immigration from Jihhadist zones of conflict....TEMPORARILY! Why is this so bad! Terrorist have been KNOWN to use the refugees to get here! They have already succeeded in doing this in other countries. That is a known fact!
Obama restricted 1 country (Iraq) because a flaw was found in the vetting system. Two men got into our country who were planning an attack. Thankfully they were discovered and stopped. The government found the flaw and halted all immigration from that country until it was fixed. Then immigration resumed.
That is NOT what is happening here. These are 7 countries singled out only because of their major religion. Rudy Guilliani went on tv last night and admitted that Trump asked him to find a legal way to ban Muslims. And this is what he came up with.
Obama's temporary restriction was a sensible measure to a specific problem. This is Trump trying to get away with keeping an entire religion of people out of our country based on only that. That is un-American, illegal, and immoral. If anyone is okay with banning people from America based only on religion, then they are in the wrong country.
Quite honestly, it is my belief that if this is someones defense "Obama did it", then they are woefully unread on the actual issue and are getting their alternative facts from FB. So help me God, if I EVER have to have another TWO conversations like I did today, one with my son and one with the mother of his BEST FRIEND who is Muslim, I will lose my shit. I had to console my little white Christian boy and his little Muslim BFF who are all to aware of what is going on and are SCARED bc they dont understand. His mother and I had to discuss what to do for them. I had to APOLOGIZE to my friend on behalf of our country. I had to listen to her cry that she is afraid for her and her family. I had to listen to our boys talk about how they were afraid his Grandparents wouldnt get to visit him anymore. I had to be an ear for a woman, a family who are EXCEPTIONAL people and assure her that this is NOT us.....not ALL of us. That I am actively doing everything in my power to stand for her and her family. I had to assure them that I love them and that everything I do is in their name. This is INSANITY. If anything fueled the fire in me today, it was those conversations. That THEY need us, they need the people of this country to stand for GOOD MUSLIM people. I had to promise someone today that I WOULD be that for her. That is beyond disturbing to me. If it doesnt bother you....enjoy your peaceful sleep tonight while a Facist gaslights you and I will be up worrying all night about what is next.
This doesnt even count the conversations I have had with friends and family who are part of the LGBT community, those who need services like Planned Parenthood provide. Those who have had unplanned pregnancies who needed those services. Those who if had to have those babies they couldnt support would then be condemned for using social services and for taking handouts. I am pissed for ALL of them. I am pissed.
I am pissed for a President who shoots from the hip, who has removed the most experienced from HSC and appointed Bannon....BANNON. I am pissed for a President who LIES to us about menial things that can be fact checked in SECONDS. I am pissed for a President who is builing a wall that WE WILL PAY FOR. I am pissed for a President who is writings EOs without consultation. I am pissed that NO ONE SEES THE PROBLEM WITH HIM. I am pissed that numerous countries are disgusted with what is happening here and turning their noses up at as. I am pissed that 2 countires in the last few days have said they expect war to come bc of this. I am pissed that this Refugee ban, was rolled out irresponsibly and is being used as fuel to the fire for radical islamist groups in recruitment. I am pissed he gave them ammo. I am pissed that he cant stay off f'in twitter. I am pissed about DeVos. The list goes on and on and on and on. I am PISSED. And yes, for those of you who voted for him and still defend him, I am PISSED at you and I make NO apologies for it. I think you are assholes. Crucify me for name calling, go ahead....I DONT CARE.
I am PISSED about a million things and I will "whine" until it stops. Until this ends. until all of our Reps and Sens and citizens have the balls to stand up to him.
This is NOT about R vs D. This is about a DANGEROUS lunatic running our country. Bush was a R and not for a second, despite that I disagreed with policy did I EVER have these fears or feelings. Not for a second.
OPEN YOUR EYES. God help us all.
Thank you for this. In your words, a dangerous lunatic is running our nation. That really is the bottom line.
It is beyond my comprehension when people do not seem concerned about this or explain it all away. It is terrifying.
Message edited 1/30/2017 1:04:34 AM.
Posted 1/30/17 1:03 AM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: I feel so sad today
Posted by mrsrainbow
Posted by Serendipity
Posted by sameinitials
Posted by JME78
Posted by Serendipity
Posted by mrsrainbow
Posted by Megs1234
Posted by Serendipity
Posted by Bugaboo
Posted by Chai77
Posted by mrsrainbow
Posted by sameinitials
Posted by Chai77
Posted by Michellec
Posted by seaside
Anyone else feel weird about the fact that this stuff is so consuming and affects us all so much, and discussing it is relegated to the "politics" board?
This stuff is literally everything.
YES. This is not just "politics." It is not.
I agree. I think this is about law, policy, civil rights and discrimination. So post on FHF and we'll see what happlens.
Seriously. If this isn't an issue of families helping families, I don't know what is.
If they wanted to care, they would.
It'll just be the same old nonsense and ignorance and hatred directed towards Muslims - they're not ALL terrorists but we don't know that so we have to protect ourselves!
Then hit them with facts and it becomes how we're the problem who can't let go of the fact that Trump won.
The problem is that unless it DIRECTLY affects their life or wallet, they can afford not to care because they know they'll always be okay. I also don't want to hear their BS sympathy or forced empathy.
You're probably right. Though I think if you take one groups human and civil rights away, they could be coming for you next. They don't want to see that. And I just can't believe people could be so cruel.
Isn't that why they are Trump supporters? It's all about Me, Me, Me. They don't care about this country or anyone else but themselves. All I have to say is, may God have mercy on their souls.
That's a little harsh no?
Yes. Actually we DO care about the country, which is why we need to have rules in this country, just like other countries do.
Not buying what you're selling.
Republicans claim to be to be pro life and wanting to do good by their fellow man. But fellow man only extends to other white Christians. Your concerns are not about safety but about fear. You don't want to hear the facts about Muslim terrorism, you don't want to see the blatant connection between the countries Trump didn't ban, and you certainly don't want to see hear the facts that this is unconstitutional, degrading and morally bankrupt.
First it's Muslims, then who? Does it not worry your or scare you that Steve Bannon is now the head of the NSC? Have you ever heard what he believes in, what he stands for? Do you think someone like that has any interest in protecting non white citizens?
There is a reason why this is happening. There is a reason why people are fighting back. This is absolutely not about who won the election, but rather, the man who won the election and what he is doing to tear apart our county and hurt the people is supposed to represent. I can't make you see it. I can't make you care. But I can stand by other people who care and demand to be heard and say that is not what or who we are. A country founded on the backs of immigrants, on lands stolen from Natives, none of us are exempt from the corruption of absolute power.
As another poster pointed out, we need to take care of our own first before we can help others. But we're not helping our own first. We're never going to take care of our own as long as people like Trump and Ryan and McConnell are calling the shots.
BUT why is it that Obama made a similar action based upon terrorism FEARS and that was OK...why? Trump is limiting immigration from Jihhadist zones of conflict....TEMPORARILY! Why is this so bad! Terrorist have been KNOWN to use the refugees to get here! They have already succeeded in doing this in other countries. That is a known fact!
Why Iran then?
Why not Saudi Arabia? or Pakistan?
Exactly. Don't you find it problematic that the countries excluded are the ones to which he has business ties?
Has that been proven? Is it a KNOWN fact?
Good lord yes it has. Literally just Google it. Get out from under the rock and at least try to help yourself.
Washington Post
I think we're being sealioned.
The purpose of sealioning never to actually learn or become more informed. The purpose is to interrogate. Much like actual interrogators, sealioners bombard the target with question after question, digging and digging until the target either says something stupid or is so pissed off that they react in the extreme.
Posted 1/30/17 8:22 AM |
Member since 10/09 6905 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: I feel so sad today
Posted by 2BadSoSad
Quite honestly, it is my belief that if this is someones defense "Obama did it", then they are woefully unread on the actual issue and are getting their alternative facts from FB. So help me God, if I EVER have to have another TWO conversations like I did today, one with my son and one with the mother of his BEST FRIEND who is Muslim, I will lose my shit. I had to console my little white Christian boy and his little Muslim BFF who are all to aware of what is going on and are SCARED bc they dont understand. His mother and I had to discuss what to do for them. I had to APOLOGIZE to my friend on behalf of our country. I had to listen to her cry that she is afraid for her and her family. I had to listen to our boys talk about how they were afraid his Grandparents wouldnt get to visit him anymore. I had to be an ear for a woman, a family who are EXCEPTIONAL people and assure her that this is NOT us.....not ALL of us. That I am actively doing everything in my power to stand for her and her family. I had to assure them that I love them and that everything I do is in their name. This is INSANITY. If anything fueled the fire in me today, it was those conversations. That THEY need us, they need the people of this country to stand for GOOD MUSLIM people. I had to promise someone today that I WOULD be that for her. That is beyond disturbing to me. If it doesnt bother you....enjoy your peaceful sleep tonight while a Facist gaslights you and I will be up worrying all night about what is next.
This doesnt even count the conversations I have had with friends and family who are part of the LGBT community, those who need services like Planned Parenthood provide. Those who have had unplanned pregnancies who needed those services. Those who if had to have those babies they couldnt support would then be condemned for using social services and for taking handouts. I am pissed for ALL of them. I am pissed.
I am pissed for a President who shoots from the hip, who has removed the most experienced from HSC and appointed Bannon....BANNON. I am pissed for a President who LIES to us about menial things that can be fact checked in SECONDS. I am pissed for a President who is builing a wall that WE WILL PAY FOR. I am pissed for a President who is writings EOs without consultation. I am pissed that NO ONE SEES THE PROBLEM WITH HIM. I am pissed that numerous countries are disgusted with what is happening here and turning their noses up at as. I am pissed that 2 countires in the last few days have said they expect war to come bc of this. I am pissed that this Refugee ban, was rolled out irresponsibly and is being used as fuel to the fire for radical islamist groups in recruitment. I am pissed he gave them ammo. I am pissed that he cant stay off f'in twitter. I am pissed about DeVos. The list goes on and on and on and on. I am PISSED. And yes, for those of you who voted for him and still defend him, I am PISSED at you and I make NO apologies for it. I think you are assholes. Crucify me for name calling, go ahead....I DONT CARE.
I am PISSED about a million things and I will "whine" until it stops. Until this ends. until all of our Reps and Sens and citizens have the balls to stand up to him.
This is NOT about R vs D. This is about a DANGEROUS lunatic running our country. Bush was a R and not for a second, despite that I disagreed with policy did I EVER have these fears or feelings. Not for a second.
OPEN YOUR EYES. God help us all.
EVERYTHING you said is how I feel. I cried reading about your son's BFF.
Unless you are 100% Native American - which barely exists because the white man forced them off their land - our ancestors were all immigrants and by that token we should all be banned.
What is going on is truly disgusting, disheartening and scares the shit out of me.
Posted 1/30/17 11:44 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/17 1465 total posts
Re: I feel so sad today
Posted by ElizaRags35
Posted by mrsrainbow
Posted by Serendipity
Posted by sameinitials
Posted by JME78
Posted by Serendipity
Posted by mrsrainbow
Posted by Megs1234
Posted by Serendipity
Posted by Bugaboo
Posted by Chai77
Posted by mrsrainbow
Posted by sameinitials
Posted by Chai77
Posted by Michellec
Posted by seaside
Anyone else feel weird about the fact that this stuff is so consuming and affects us all so much, and discussing it is relegated to the "politics" board?
This stuff is literally everything.
YES. This is not just "politics." It is not.
I agree. I think this is about law, policy, civil rights and discrimination. So post on FHF and we'll see what happlens.
Seriously. If this isn't an issue of families helping families, I don't know what is.
If they wanted to care, they would.
It'll just be the same old nonsense and ignorance and hatred directed towards Muslims - they're not ALL terrorists but we don't know that so we have to protect ourselves!
Then hit them with facts and it becomes how we're the problem who can't let go of the fact that Trump won.
The problem is that unless it DIRECTLY affects their life or wallet, they can afford not to care because they know they'll always be okay. I also don't want to hear their BS sympathy or forced empathy.
You're probably right. Though I think if you take one groups human and civil rights away, they could be coming for you next. They don't want to see that. And I just can't believe people could be so cruel.
Isn't that why they are Trump supporters? It's all about Me, Me, Me. They don't care about this country or anyone else but themselves. All I have to say is, may God have mercy on their souls.
That's a little harsh no?
Yes. Actually we DO care about the country, which is why we need to have rules in this country, just like other countries do.
Not buying what you're selling.
Republicans claim to be to be pro life and wanting to do good by their fellow man. But fellow man only extends to other white Christians. Your concerns are not about safety but about fear. You don't want to hear the facts about Muslim terrorism, you don't want to see the blatant connection between the countries Trump didn't ban, and you certainly don't want to see hear the facts that this is unconstitutional, degrading and morally bankrupt.
First it's Muslims, then who? Does it not worry your or scare you that Steve Bannon is now the head of the NSC? Have you ever heard what he believes in, what he stands for? Do you think someone like that has any interest in protecting non white citizens?
There is a reason why this is happening. There is a reason why people are fighting back. This is absolutely not about who won the election, but rather, the man who won the election and what he is doing to tear apart our county and hurt the people is supposed to represent. I can't make you see it. I can't make you care. But I can stand by other people who care and demand to be heard and say that is not what or who we are. A country founded on the backs of immigrants, on lands stolen from Natives, none of us are exempt from the corruption of absolute power.
As another poster pointed out, we need to take care of our own first before we can help others. But we're not helping our own first. We're never going to take care of our own as long as people like Trump and Ryan and McConnell are calling the shots.
BUT why is it that Obama made a similar action based upon terrorism FEARS and that was OK...why? Trump is limiting immigration from Jihhadist zones of conflict....TEMPORARILY! Why is this so bad! Terrorist have been KNOWN to use the refugees to get here! They have already succeeded in doing this in other countries. That is a known fact!
Why Iran then?
Why not Saudi Arabia? or Pakistan?
Exactly. Don't you find it problematic that the countries excluded are the ones to which he has business ties?
Has that been proven? Is it a KNOWN fact?
Good lord yes it has. Literally just Google it. Get out from under the rock and at least try to help yourself.
Washington Post
I think we're being sealioned.
The purpose of sealioning never to actually learn or become more informed. The purpose is to interrogate. Much like actual interrogators, sealioners bombard the target with question after question, digging and digging until the target either says something stupid or is so pissed off that they react in the extreme.
I have NEVER heard of this before but it makes so much sense.
Thank you!!!!
Posted 1/30/17 11:47 AM |
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