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I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

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My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

I know it's necessary but I just am sucking so bad at this toddler parenting thing. I either lose my cool or give in because I can't deal.

Today I worked really hard at keeping my cool and following through. We actually had a great day until about 7:30pm. I just had to put her to bed without a snack, rocking, stories, nothing because she was becoming completely disobedient. Uggh! I hate this so much. I feel like the worst mother in the world lately. Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/08 10:49 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Hello Summer!

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Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

DONT!!! I feel like that a lot too.. but you're doing the best you can and thats all that matters.

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Posted 7/2/08 10:58 PM


Member since 9/05

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Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

Don't feel bad. I also hate doing it to. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/08 10:59 PM

Growing older but not up

Member since 7/07

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Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

I know how you feel. DD is 19 months and already in the terrible twosChat Icon

I just try my best to stay calm and be consistant.

Chat Icon I'm sure you're doing an excellent job! It's a toddler's job to push our buttons and try our patience. Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/08 11:02 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I understand! I feel that way sometimes - Many times! , although I know I shouldn't. You are doing the best for her Chat Icon

Posted 7/2/08 11:25 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

Uggggh - wait until she's a teenager!Chat Icon

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I am not looking forward to the terrible 2's with Cailen. This child is a psycho!!!Chat Icon

Posted 7/3/08 6:42 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

You know have the wrong attitude, disciplining your child is making you a better mother, not a worse one.

You will be a better mother for letting her know boundries, and in the long run, you will be rewarded with respect.

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Posted 7/3/08 7:21 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

Well last night I ended up going back in her room because she kept saying she had to go poop. This is usually a ploy to get her out of her crib but she didn't let up after about 10 minutes so I let her go potty and of course she proved me wrong and actually pooped.

She kept saying her belly was so hungry. Uggh! Mother's guilt kicked in but I told her I would bring her a yogurt drink upstairs to drink and then she had to go back in her crib. She was a little upset but I calmly explained that she didn't listen to what mommy was telling her and that is why it was bedtime without her extras. She drank her drink, brushed her teeth and went back in her crib. She asked for a book and to rock again and it broke my heart to say no but I stuck to my guns. Chat Icon I know I have to be consistent to get results but it's so hard.

Posted 7/3/08 7:22 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

TRUST ME, I can understand. I just have to keep reminding myself that discipine is a GIFT I can give to Alex to teach her important social skills and about what is and is not acceptable behavior, so she can go out and be a success in this world.

And, we all lose our cool. What isn't important is being the most patient person in the world, it's how you handle the situation when you lose your cool - keep the connection with her.

Everytime I lose my patience with Alex, or raise my voice, I take a break, come back and apologize to Alex and explain why MY behavior wasn't acceptable, and then we hug. It's ok - it's GOOD for them to see that emotions are healthy!

Posted 7/3/08 7:51 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

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Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

Posted by monkeybride

I know it's necessary but I just am sucking so bad at this toddler parenting thing. I either lose my cool or give in because I can't deal.

Today I worked really hard at keeping my cool and following through. We actually had a great day until about 7:30pm. I just had to put her to bed without a snack, rocking, stories, nothing because she was becoming completely disobedient. Uggh! I hate this so much. I feel like the worst mother in the world lately. Chat Icon

I could have posted this myself word for word - I also feel like the worst mom ever. It's a tough time!!

Posted 7/3/08 8:35 AM

Family of 5!

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Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

Posted by MrsR

Posted by monkeybride

I know it's necessary but I just am sucking so bad at this toddler parenting thing. I either lose my cool or give in because I can't deal.

Today I worked really hard at keeping my cool and following through. We actually had a great day until about 7:30pm. I just had to put her to bed without a snack, rocking, stories, nothing because she was becoming completely disobedient. Uggh! I hate this so much. I feel like the worst mother in the world lately. Chat Icon

I could have posted this myself word for word - I also feel like the worst mom ever. It's a tough time!!

same here....

ESP if its a work day- I just feel so guilty that I was gone all day, and then we spend the very few hours we have together in "time out"

Posted 7/4/08 7:18 AM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

We have this with Dee too. Even at 3 we are still going through it. I think that's why God made them so cute too at this age, because they are definitely trying. It's like every day is a battle of the wills but then they will turn around and be so adorable and that just brings you right back.

Jen don't feel like a bad mom we are all right there for you. Luckily they will remember the morals and values we instill in them at this age, but seriously how much do you really remember at 2-3 years old. Miranda is not going to remember the few time that you lost your temper and yelled at her in the long run but she will thank you for helping her grow up right.

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Posted 7/4/08 8:17 AM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

I understand how you feel, I've been having a lot of days like that with Julia (since Todd Jr has been here).... Its the I don't want to listen phase she's going through.....Chat Icon and I hate yelling at her, it makes me feel so bad.
I usually just give in and give her what she wants sometimes cause if I don't she will scream and usually wake up the baby, very frustrating! Chat Icon

Posted 7/4/08 8:41 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: I Hate Discipline, I feel like the worst mom ever

This is a REALLY REALLY hard age. Emily has multiple-hour-long stretches when she is an absolute B-I-T-C-H. I feel so bad to say it, but really, she's unbearable sometimes.

My DH struggles with it more then I do. I feel like he doesn't know how to respond to her. She'll give him a quick, insincere sorry and he'll move on like it was nothing, and I just feel like she walks all over him. I keep telling him he needs to get a stern voice on and don't give in, but I don't know if he even knows how. He thinks I am being mean if I raise my voice to her and take things away from her or give her time-outs in her room.

And I do feel bad about it sometimes, but I also have to remember that she needs to have boundries, needs to have rules, needs to have consequences and needs to have a parent sometimes, and not just a fun mom.

Hang in there. I am hoping that this time will pass as quickly as others have, and that it won't be so stressfull forever. Hey, we'll just have other stuff to stress about! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/4/08 8:44 AM

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