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Cold go away

Member since 10/05 1265 total posts
Name: Caroline
I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
if you found out that your unborn DC was going to be born with Down Syndrome, CP, etc. would you abort or go full term?
Posted 5/30/08 5:28 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
dh and i discussed before we had the blood testing done on our dd.. and we had decided regardless the results we were going fullterm. Personal decision for us.
Posted 5/30/08 5:29 PM |
My loves

Member since 5/06 19150 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
We would keep the baby. Just because they have Down Syndrome doesn't make them less happy with their life. Maybe you have to take care of them longer, but that's what parenthood is about. What if your child, after birth, has an accident that leaves them unable to take care of themselves? What's the difference then?
Posted 5/30/08 5:34 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I would have definitely have the baby (unless it had a condition that would only allow it to live a few painful horrible hours past birth - then I would need to think about what is best for the baby and make a decision at that time). Honestly that is why I am in favor of prenatal testing - this way if the baby does have a condition of some sort the parents can be educated and be prepared if the baby has any special needs at birth.
They thought DD had a condition that would require immediate surgery at birth before she could be fed (thank god the testing was wrong). The prenatal testing scared the hell out of me BUT it gave me the opportunity to line up surgeons for her specialized condition, and prepared me for so I wouldn't have been terrified at birth - did it make for a fun pregnancy - NO - but I would have been prepared to take care of whatever her needs would have been.
This is an extremely personal question - that is really unfair to judge someone for making a decision that is right for them and their situation. I would never judge someone however for making a decision differently from mine in this regard.
Posted 5/30/08 5:39 PM |
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
Posted by Lillykat
This is an extremely personal question - that is really unfair to judge someone for making a decision that is right for them and their situation. I would never judge someone however for making a decision differently from mine in this regard.
ITA with this
I personally did not have the testing done while I was pregnant because the results really did not matter to me.
Message edited 5/30/2008 6:07:32 PM.
Posted 5/30/08 6:07 PM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
Posted by cdunn
if you found out that your unborn DC was going to be born with Down Syndrome, CP, etc. would you abort or go full term?
This is something both my DH and i agreed and too personal for a chat site
Message edited 6/1/2008 6:36:53 AM.
Posted 5/30/08 6:08 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/06 1893 total posts
Name: Janine
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
Posted by Maybeababyin08
Posted by Lillykat
This is an extremely personal question - that is really unfair to judge someone for making a decision that is right for them and their situation. I would never judge someone however for making a decision differently from mine in this regard.
ITA with this
I personally did not have the testing done while I was pregnant because the results really did not matter to me.
Same with us - we decided no matter what that we would keep our child so we opted not to have the testing done at all.
Posted 5/30/08 6:13 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05 759 total posts
Name: Claudine
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
This is an extremely personal question - that is really unfair to judge someone for making a decision that is right for them and their situation. I would never judge someone however for making a decision differently from mine in this regard.
I could not have said it any better.
The doctors said that my DD had a chance of being born w/Down's (she was not, she is 100% healthy).
At the time, I refused the amnio, b/c I was terrified of the risk of an invasive test and the results would not have changed my decision to go full-term and love my daughter, no matter what.
The problem w/prenatal testing is that the results only give you possibile percentages. The only true diagnostic test is the amnio.
Posted 5/30/08 6:17 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I have a built in 1% chance of having another child with Down Syndrome..I have only gone the non invasive route when it comes to prenatal testing...always againest doctors recommendations.
It's only the unexpected that we fear..I know what to expect..
Posted 5/30/08 6:23 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I really don't think you are going to get any "I would choose to abort" answers to be honest. People may think that, but I don't think they would post it.
I opted not to get testing during pregnancy since it wouldn't have made a difference to me if the child had down syndrome (or anything else).
Posted 5/30/08 6:29 PM |
Member since 6/06 24950 total posts
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
Posted by Summerrluvv
I really don't think you are going to get any "I would choose to abort" answers to be honest. People may think that, but I don't think they would post it.
I opted not to get testing during pregnancy since it wouldn't have made a difference to me if the child had down syndrome (or anything else).
I agree with Summer.
We did get the testing done, but we didn't have a choice, nothing was really "optional" with my OB.
Posted 5/30/08 6:31 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I think you can have an idea one way or the other but until you're faced with the decision and a diagnosis it's hard to know emphatically what you would do. It's kind of like the would you ever have an abortion question. So many people say NO, never but that might change when they actually were put in the situation.
And I agree with Summer that I don't think many people will come out and say they would terminate on a public message board. Look at the debate BFing gets, I can only imagine what would happen
Posted 5/30/08 6:40 PM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
[QUOTRE]Oosyef by Summerrluvv
I really don't think you are going to get any "I would choose to abort" answers to be honest. People may think that, but I don't think they would post it.
I opted not to get testing during pregnancy since it wouldn't have made a difference to me if the child had down syndrome (or anything else).
Message edited 6/1/2008 6:40:17 AM.
Posted 5/30/08 6:41 PM |
Get Out!

Member since 10/06 4463 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I don't know. We would probably go full term. I think, unless the facts are really faced to you, then it's hard to say.
Posted 5/30/08 6:42 PM |
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I would try to find out the severity. I would abort only if I knew for sure that the baby had something that is not compatible with life outside the womb or if the baby would suffer tremendously.
Posted 5/30/08 6:55 PM |
Big brother to be!
Member since 9/06 6314 total posts
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
hard to say - it would really depend on what exactly was wrong with the baby. i had all the non-invasive testing done in my pregnancy, so that i could make an informed choice if something were wrong.
Posted 5/30/08 6:59 PM |
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I would keep the baby! I knew that by the time I found out, I would already know the baby, feel the baby moving and already love the baby - that wouldn't change. But I read about Trisomy 18 and parents bringing the child to full term and the baby dying after birth. I would terminate instead of doing that.
I would have to think about other disabilities that would give my child no quality of life. I don't judge moms who would choose to terminate. Its an awful thing to have to even think about....
Message edited 5/31/2008 7:39:21 AM.
Posted 5/30/08 7:06 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
definitely go to full term, I do not believe in playing god.....
Message edited 5/30/2008 7:11:05 PM.
Posted 5/30/08 7:09 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
Posted by jules
Posted by Summerrluvv
I really don't think you are going to get any "I would choose to abort" answers to be honest. People may think that, but I don't think they would post it.
I opted not to get testing during pregnancy since it wouldn't have made a difference to me if the child had down syndrome (or anything else).
i have no problem saying that if after an amnio it was positive for down syndrome
i would abort.
It is mince and my DHs personal choice and i see no reason not to be honest about it
Here or anywhere...
Maybe others would too and if they didn't post then i am sure it would be etiher too personal for them or they fear judgement. And that is sad
I think it's only natural for someone to judge someone that says they wouldn't want a child that certain medical conditions/disabilities. So many things can go wrong during birth (my niece has CP as a result of a traumatic birth) and many things develop that aren't detected during pregnancy (like Autism). It personally makes me wonder how one would be able to raise a child with any medical issue/disability going forward if they would choose to abort had they have known during pregnancy. I don't understand it and never will, but that's just me.
Posted 5/30/08 7:14 PM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
IMO that is the excuse anyone uses to judge someone else's personal choices. That it is only natural.
And i somewhat agree and see why. I judge others. I just don't force my views and judgements on others (not saying anyone here does, just in general). Nor would i make someone feel bad about the personal decisions they made
And i don't expect anyone to understand. I know how my DH and i feel and it is just our decision.
Of couse many things can go wrong at anytime. And i would deal with that if it happens. It is just this question dealt with the already knowledge something IS actually wrong.
I personally can't judge someone's decision in this matter.
Message edited 5/30/2008 7:31:46 PM.
Posted 5/30/08 7:30 PM |
Loving life
Member since 7/06 4088 total posts
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I would have kept my baby
Posted 5/30/08 7:38 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I would not have an abortion.
Posted 5/30/08 8:09 PM |
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
I didn't get any of that testing done because it didn't matter, I would still have the baby.
Posted 5/30/08 8:16 PM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
They detected that my DD had clubbed feet during my 20 week sono. My doc and the specialist told me that it is a marker for other defects (meaning it would make chances greater that something else was wrong & they stressed a chromosomal defect). They recommended an amnio; I declined with the thought that we wouldn't abort anyway so why go through the trauma of it all. DD was born with clubbed feet but no other abnormalities. We feel blessed but still would have felt that way if she was born with other defects.
Posted 5/30/08 8:16 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: I know this might be a diffcult question to answer but...
Go full term! I could never abort my pregnancy.
Posted 5/30/08 8:19 PM |
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