I can't help but feel a little sad. I just realized now that a lot of the November mommy's are having their babies...I would have been due on Friday. I had a MC earlier this year and while I am SO greatful to be pregnant again it still hurts.
I have my next appointment tomorrow, and my ultrascreen on Monday (I will be 12 weeks)! Please send me some good luck wishes!!
I had a m/c back in 2007 and was due October 30. Ironically, that's when I delivered Colin - so I guess I was meant to have a baby that day Point being, it never goes away, but you with time you start to understand why (at least for me I know had I not lost that first pregnancy, Ryan would never be here).
I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is, but you will get thru it. To be honest I actually felt a little relief after my first dd passed. Just focus on the good things to come.