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If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

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God Bless America

Member since 5/05

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If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

My doctor wants to give DS the "MMRV," which is the MMR and chicken pox shot combined. Although I do want DS to be vaccinated for chicken pox, I am nervous about the MMR as it is, and to give him even MORE vaccine at once...I don't know if that is good. My doctor (who I am changing as soon as I can) is making me feel like I am overreacting. Did anyone get this "MMRV" shot?

Posted 1/28/08 7:37 PM
Long Island Weddings
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lifes many lil twisted curves

Member since 10/07

5158 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

i got it on my twins.... the only problem i had was my anthony ended up in the hospital 10 days later with 105.5 fever.... which i couldnt get down in 2 days... when i called the ped before going to the hospital they never said it might be from that until after he was in the hospital..... (the hospital wanted to give him a spinal and i REFUSED to have it done) but all the other tests came back fine.. like i said it turned out to be from that.... My joseph the other twin was fine never had a reaction.. if i knew the reaction could have been that bad i would have made them split that shot.... now i know.Chat Icon

Posted 1/28/08 7:47 PM


Member since 7/05

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Mrs. Honeybee

Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

i never even heard of a combined mmr and chickenpox vaccine before. i would definitly split those shots. my dd had a reaction to the chickenpox shot.

Posted 1/28/08 7:50 PM

My babies

Member since 6/05

5229 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

DD was due to get the chicken pox vaccine with her last MMR shot...2 separate shots I thought. But he then said he couldn't give it to her because I am pregnant. I'm sure it's no biggie if you just say you want the chicken pox shot on another occasion.

Posted 1/28/08 7:52 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

My peds office usually gives the MMR and Chicken Pox vaccine at the same time (not sure if its one shot or 2) at the childs 1 year visit, but I asked them to only give her the chicken pox this time and the MMR at her 15 month visit. He was fine with it.

Lots of kids get a reaction to chicken pox, so I wouldn't want to do anything new with that one.

Posted 1/28/08 8:48 PM

My boys!

Member since 1/06

5292 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

Posted by Kitkat

DD was due to get the chicken pox vaccine with her last MMR shot...2 separate shots I thought. But he then said he couldn't give it to her because I am pregnant. I'm sure it's no biggie if you just say you want the chicken pox shot on another occasion.

DS had this shot two weeks ago and I am pregnant. The ped doesnt know that though. What is the reasoning behind this?

Posted 1/28/08 8:55 PM

lifes many lil twisted curves

Member since 10/07

5158 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

Posted by jessbaby

Posted by Kitkat

DD was due to get the chicken pox vaccine with her last MMR shot...2 separate shots I thought. But he then said he couldn't give it to her because I am pregnant. I'm sure it's no biggie if you just say you want the chicken pox shot on another occasion.

DS had this shot two weeks ago and I am pregnant. The ped doesnt know that though. What is the reasoning behind this?

becasue the chix pox is a live vaccine the child can come down with it still (very mild but still have it) and its bad for a preg women to be incontact with the virus for the unborn child.


Message edited 1/28/2008 8:58:24 PM.

Posted 1/28/08 8:57 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

wow I didn't know that either. My ped knew I was preggo and gave DD the chicken pox vaccine, but he also knew I had it as a child. Does that matter?

Posted 1/28/08 9:06 PM

lifes many lil twisted curves

Member since 10/07

5158 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

they say if you had the pox your pretty much immune to it so it shouldnt do anything.... but you never know... so they suggest getting a blood test to see if yur immune to it.

i never had the chix pox so i have to be careful. but im not getting preggo anytime soon.

Posted 1/28/08 9:12 PM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

Got the shot and no issues. she's perfect!

Posted 1/28/08 9:19 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

Steven had the MMRV and had no reaction. Since that is why my doctor recommends and I trust her, I will do it again for my next.

Posted 1/28/08 9:21 PM

Love my two kiddos :)

Member since 8/06

7178 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

Posted by twobabies

i never even heard of a combined mmr and chickenpox vaccine before. i would definitly split those shots.

I agree

Posted 1/28/08 9:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

3014 total posts


Re: If you gave your DC the MMR vaccine, please come in...

My son had the MMR shot. I believe the chicken pox was a separate shot but maybe it was given at the same visit.

I remember there were some visits where he would get two shots and at other visits he would get three or four.

Message edited 1/28/2008 9:47:34 PM.

Posted 1/28/08 9:45 PM

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