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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
So Jack woke up this morning with a fever - not a high one - but 101.4
He was given motrin/tylenol throughout the day which seemed to keep it down.
Before bath and bed tonight there was no fever.
Now - an hour after he went down - he woke up crying. I went in to get him - he felt warm to me. I tried taking his temp under his arm - he wouldn't let me. He couldn't relax or get comfy on me so I just put him back in the crib. He's giving a tired cry right now and will pass out any minute I'm sure.
I don't know what to do. Should I wake him up to give him motrin in a few hours? He got Tylenol at 6pm?
I HATE seeing him like thsi and we are going away in two days so I really need him to get better!!!
Posted 6/29/08 7:27 PM |
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Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
I would go in and feel him in a few hrs. If he feels hot give him more meds
Posted 6/29/08 7:31 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
You need to do the rectal and see if the temperature dropped.
Posted 6/29/08 7:33 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
I wouldn't wake him up. When Emma had a fever several times, I never woke her, and if she woke up on her own I gave her the motrin. Is he eating? Coxsackie is going around, so hopefully he hasn't caught that bug
Posted 6/29/08 7:50 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
He ate all day long! I gave him more bottles than usual to keep him hydrated and he drank them all.
I know coxsackie is going around which is what is freaking me out. He has no blisters or anything - is there anything else I should be looking for?
Rectal - really? he won't even let me take under the armpit!!!
Posted 6/29/08 7:53 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
Posted by Diana1215
He ate all day long! I gave him more bottles than usual to keep him hydrated and he drank them all.
I know coxsackie is going around which is what is freaking me out. He has no blisters or anything - is there anything else I should be looking for?
Rectal - really? he won't even let me take under the armpit!!!
I think they get blisters in the throat so if he's eating then it's probably not that. Rectal is the most accurate, under arm tends to be the least accurate in a baby. Just put some vaseline on it and it works much faster rectally.
Posted 6/29/08 7:57 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
Posted by Summerrluvv
Posted by Diana1215
He ate all day long! I gave him more bottles than usual to keep him hydrated and he drank them all.
I know coxsackie is going around which is what is freaking me out. He has no blisters or anything - is there anything else I should be looking for?
Rectal - really? he won't even let me take under the armpit!!!
I think they get blisters in the throat so if he's eating then it's probably not that. Rectal is the most accurate, under arm tends to be the least accurate in a baby. Just put some vaseline on it and it works much faster rectally.
Ok - another stupid question - do I have to use one of those old school thermomters that has the red lines --- or can I use the one I have that is digital and beeps? I am clueless - I know!
Posted 6/29/08 8:00 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
Posted by Diana1215
Posted by Summerrluvv
Posted by Diana1215
He ate all day long! I gave him more bottles than usual to keep him hydrated and he drank them all.
I know coxsackie is going around which is what is freaking me out. He has no blisters or anything - is there anything else I should be looking for?
Rectal - really? he won't even let me take under the armpit!!!
I think they get blisters in the throat so if he's eating then it's probably not that. Rectal is the most accurate, under arm tends to be the least accurate in a baby. Just put some vaseline on it and it works much faster rectally.
Ok - another stupid question - do I have to use one of those old school thermomters that has the red lines --- or can I use the one I have that is digital and beeps? I am clueless - I know!
they have digital ones now too
Posted 6/29/08 8:05 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
Posted by Diana1215
Posted by Summerrluvv
Posted by Diana1215
He ate all day long! I gave him more bottles than usual to keep him hydrated and he drank them all.
I know coxsackie is going around which is what is freaking me out. He has no blisters or anything - is there anything else I should be looking for?
Rectal - really? he won't even let me take under the armpit!!!
I think they get blisters in the throat so if he's eating then it's probably not that. Rectal is the most accurate, under arm tends to be the least accurate in a baby. Just put some vaseline on it and it works much faster rectally.
Ok - another stupid question - do I have to use one of those old school thermomters that has the red lines --- or can I use the one I have that is digital and beeps? I am clueless - I know!
You can use the digital, it should've came with covers to use it rectally. If it didn't, it's still okay to use. Once you use it rectally though, I wouldn't use it again for anything else.
Posted 6/29/08 8:52 PM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
During the night i always just do a ear temp. So i don't have to wake my DS if he is sleeping. But if it is high or rising i will know. Since i have dealt with SOOO many fevers i know pretty much what an ear temp is rectally.
When he is asleep do the armpit if you can. If it is high then yes i would wake him. High being over 101.
Hope jack is feeling better by the am
Posted 6/29/08 9:13 PM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
Also, as far as the coxsackie goes. My DS got a fever late monday. Drank all day tue and not till his last bottle tue night did he start fussing. Wed was a nightmare.
Just keep an eye on him.
Posted 6/29/08 9:15 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
Honestly- if he's eating and drinking fine, I'd just leave him be. 101 isn't really high at all. It's when its like 103 and above OR if he's not drinking that you need to be concerned.
Posted 6/29/08 9:17 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
Posted by jules
Also, as far as the coxsackie goes. My DS got a fever late monday. Drank all day tue and not till his last bottle tue night did he start fussing. Wed was a nightmare.
Just keep an eye on him.
UGH! Crap! He didn't fuss and I gave him three more ounces at 7 tonight. I don't know what to do about our trip! I guess I'll see how he is in the morning! PRAYING it is not coxsackie!
Also - thanks for the advice!
Posted 6/29/08 9:18 PM |
Changing everyday

Member since 1/08 2281 total posts
Name: julia
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
well just another thing with the coxsackie, my DS went from 99.4 to 102 in about 2 hours!
Do any kids that jack is around have it?
Posted 6/29/08 9:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
well 101.4 is not high and if you gave him motrin AND tylenol then I wouldnt worry too much.
I usually do that when its 103 or higher.
It will kick in again after some time.
Check on him and see if hes hot in an hour or so.,
Also try to take it rectally, its really the best way ..
You cant really "get " him better if he has a virus.
Noah had a fever on and off for 2 weeks with his last virus, yet was really pretty ok.
Just bring Tylenol and motrin with you.
eta- Noah went almost 4 days without eating more then a mouthful during this and the Dr. Still said is normal.
It took a full 2 weeks to get back to normal, but he totally is fine now.
So try not to think the worse ( even if he doesnt eat) ......its gonna happen at this age!
The Dr said if he doesnt eat ( solids) DONT replace it with can cause extra congestion and also dont want that.
Message edited 6/29/2008 9:37:32 PM.
Posted 6/29/08 9:34 PM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
You know I've been there, unfortunately.
I would let him sleep, if he's still got a fever he'll wake on his own during the night when the medicine wears off, and then you can check his temp and give him more.
But I wouldn't wake him, just in case he's just too tired to wake up on his own and sleeps through.
But that doesn't mean you can't still sneak in to check on him
Posted 6/29/08 9:37 PM |
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
I hope he feels better tomorrow!!!!
Posted 6/29/08 9:37 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: I'm dealing with my first fever over here and need some advice
Just push the fluids. Also to take his temp, I always found the underarm adhesive thermometers very easy. They stay on for up to 48 hours. They're not as accurate as a rectal but you just need to adjust the temperature by 1 degree since it's an auxiliary temperature.
Vicks Children Thermometer
Message edited 6/29/2008 10:11:55 PM.
Posted 6/29/08 10:11 PM |