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Member since 2/08 3673 total posts
Induction/Hospital Question For All Of The Mommies
I am being induced on Friday at St. Charles. My DOCTOR said nothing about not eating/any rules to follow before I arrive early AM. Should I eat breakfast since I can end up on ice chips for hours and hours depending on how long I am in labor? Or, is it better not to eat the morning of? Also...what is the procedure for induction? How long do they try it for usually? You'd think I would have been told all this but my DOCTOR and HIS STAFF say only the basic which makes me hope the labor and delivery nurses will go over things with me.
Also..should we bring in my hospital bag and pillows right away or do we leave them in the car until I deliver and have a room?
Thanks a bunch, Keri
Posted 10/1/08 10:03 AM |
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Member since 5/05 6372 total posts
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For All Of The Mommies
If would def say to eat something....once I got to the hospital and they start everything I was only allowed ice chips. I think every dr. does an induction a little differently. For me, it started with cervadil that they insert into the cervix to soften/dilate. I went to the hospital at night and got the cervadil all night long (12 hours). After that I got pitocin and that really started my labor. I got to the hospital about 4pm on Wed and had DS at 10:50pm on thursday. I know a lot of Moms on here had much shorter inductions!!
I brought my pillow with me and I packed a small bag with just the things I would need/want for labor. I had magazines for me and my hubby, some sucking candy, gum, toothbrush/toothpaste etc. Then when I went to my room after DS was born my DH brought my bag there. Good luck and congrats!!
Posted 10/1/08 10:12 AM |
Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For All Of The Mommies
I'd eat a normal meal. I didn't even feel hungry at all while I was on the IV/in labor for 20hrs (from the cervadil to pitocin to delivering.) Don't worry, it doesn't usually take that long!!
Everyone is different w/how long it takes. You'll get the cervadil first, that totally varies, it could work within a few hrs, or more, like 8hrs for ex. Most importantly, thats just waiting, no pain whatsoever. Then either your body will kick in and start contracting or you'll get pitocin to speed things up. I had pitocin for a little bit but then my body started on its own and they took it off. I think for me the cervadil just took forever. I went in at 4am had cervadil till maybe 4 or 5pm, pitocin after that, and pushed from 10pm-12am. Baby was out just after 12am.
And you can bring your bag in right'll check in and bring it right into the delivery room w/you, then all your stuff will be moved to your regular room after you deliver.
Eta: def. bring magazines or something to do while the cervadil works. I think most have TV's anyway but its still nice to have options!
Message edited 10/1/2008 10:17:50 AM.
Posted 10/1/08 10:15 AM |
Love her!
Member since 2/08 3673 total posts
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For All Of The Mommies
Thanks ladies for your replies thus far. I was told (sorry, TMI) that I have a GREAT cervix and its soft already and I am 1CM dialated. So he said I don''t need to come in the night before. So maybe I will skip the cervidel and go right to pitocin?
Posted 10/1/08 10:32 AM |
Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For All Of The Mommies
Posted by BabyLove08
Thanks ladies for your replies thus far. I was told (sorry, TMI) that I have a GREAT cervix and its soft already and I am 1CM dialated. So he said I don''t need to come in the night before. So maybe I will skip the cervidel and go right to pitocin?
Well you'll need the cervadil to get you alot more dialated than that! I was 2cm dialatedm, 90% effaced & soft when I went in.
Message edited 10/1/2008 10:35:27 AM.
Posted 10/1/08 10:34 AM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For All Of The Mommies
Posted by DanaRenee
Posted by BabyLove08
Thanks ladies for your replies thus far. I was told (sorry, TMI) that I have a GREAT cervix and its soft already and I am 1CM dialated. So he said I don''t need to come in the night before. So maybe I will skip the cervidel and go right to pitocin?
Well you'll need the cervadil to get you alot more dialated than that! I was 2cm dialatedm, 90% effaced & soft when I went in.
I honestly don't remember what status I was, but I was able to skip the cervadil.
Posted 10/1/08 10:35 AM |
Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05 2241 total posts
Name: Kathleen
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For All Of The Mommies
I delievered at St. Charles and was induced also, I had some toast before I went, I was too nervous to eat, when you get there, it is ice only, not even water ! not sure why. I went straight to pitocin, didn't have anything else - 8 hours later, she was delivered. Definately bring your bag and pillow right in, they put you in hospital gown and delivery room right away.
I loved St. Charles Hospital, my delivery nurse was Lori and she was my best friend that day - love her !
FM me if you have ANY Questions at all !!
Posted 10/1/08 10:39 AM |
Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06 2527 total posts
Name: D
Re: Induction/Hospital Question For All Of The Mommies
I ate breakfast and after they gave me the cervidal and I was settled I ate a turkey sandwich (the turkey was a mistake)
As for the procedure depending on your doctor and how "far" you are now. You may or may not be given cervidal (they insert it and it sits on your cervix to "ripen/soften" it making it ready to dilate.) then after usually overnight or 8 hours they remove it check you and if needed do it again or start you on the pitocen. My dr. gave me my epi then started the pitocen but some do pitocen 1st then the epi if your getting one.
I brought me bag with me and my pillow. I had them the entire time. You will need it while you labor.
Good luck it will all be fine!
ETA: all Dr.s are different some skip the cervidal even if you are only 1cm. Since you are going in in the AM most likely you will NOT be getting the cervidal and they will start you right up on the pitocin.
F.Y.I the cervidal can cause contractions. I saw a previous poster say it's not painful at all however it was one of the most painful parts of my labor contracting every 2-3 minutes with no meds for 12 hours.
My induction lasted 24 hours. If you don't include the cervidal overnight it was 12.
Message edited 10/1/2008 10:49:28 AM.
Posted 10/1/08 10:40 AM |