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LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
i was all for the cloth diapers , but now i feel that it might be too much work.
my friend swears by them, and saved her tons of money.. decisions.......
Posted 1/27/10 1:09 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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In love with a boy named Luca
Member since 6/09 1799 total posts
Name: `
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
IMO it might save money (if u wash them urself- b/c a service probably cancels that out) but I can't help but equate time and money and the time it would take isn't worth it to me.
It's cool though if ur into being green (I wish I was and I know it's a choice but I just can't help it- I always revert back to not caring and being a disposable person...)
Plus I've heard they're more comfortable for the baby- and that makes sense since it's not all plastic.
I just don't know what I would do with all the poop (I think most people scrape it into the toilet) and then where I would put the poopy diapers in waiting for washing...
Posted 1/27/10 1:22 PM |
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
Posted by BrinaEsq
IMO it might save money (if u wash them urself- b/c a service probably cancels that out) but I can't help but equate time and money and the time it would take isn't worth it to me.
It's cool though if ur into being green (I wish I was and I know it's a choice but I just can't help it- I always revert back to not caring and being a disposable person...)
Plus I've heard they're more comfortable for the baby- and that makes sense since it's not all plastic.
I just don't know what I would do with all the poop (I think most people scrape it into the toilet) and then where I would put the poopy diapers in waiting for washing...
I believe you get an attachment for the toilet so you can spray off the poopie diapers and then you can wash them in the washing machine.
For me, I can't give myself more work that I will already have since I really want to EBF. But if someone can do cloth diapers, I think that is great. I would price the service.
Posted 1/27/10 1:24 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
Posted by BrinaEsq
IMO it might save money (if u wash them urself- b/c a service probably cancels that out) but I can't help but equate time and money and the time it would take isn't worth it to me.
It's cool though if ur into being green (I wish I was and I know it's a choice but I just can't help it- I always revert back to not caring and being a disposable person...)
Plus I've heard they're more comfortable for the baby- and that makes sense since it's not all plastic.
I just don't know what I would do with all the poop (I think most people scrape it into the toilet) and then where I would put the poopy diapers in waiting for washing...
yea i would not do the service, i would wash them myself.. i just think with having twins, all of that will become too much.
but good points! you and Michelle have.. about waiting for it to get washed.. etc. so its something to think about
Posted 1/27/10 1:32 PM |
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I tried it in the beginning and will say it's not for me. I was soooo grossed out by the poop and not to include it stained the crap out of the diapers. By day nine I was on reg diapers.
Posted 1/27/10 1:36 PM |
Sister love

Member since 2/06 5971 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
My plan with Amelia was to use disposables and then buy cloth when she hit 1 month old. When I realized how backed up with laundry I was, I knew it wasn't an option for me.
But I researched the heck out of cloth so if you need any advice let me know! And try posting this on parenting, there are a few cloth diapering ladies on there.
Posted 1/27/10 1:36 PM |
love my little emmy monster

Member since 8/09 1473 total posts
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
i wanted to use cloth...but we'd ony use them in our home (not for trips and stuff) and we're having family watch our LO or using which case we'd be using disposable ones anyway (the daycare wont do cloth obv).
there is another alternative...theyre sort of in-between...gdiapers.
i looked into that option but i dont think its "cheaper"....just more green.
Posted 1/27/10 1:38 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
awesome! thanks for the insight ! it definitely helps!
Posted 1/27/10 1:39 PM |
Happy Family

Member since 8/09 6266 total posts
Name: JO
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
Cloth diapers are not for me..and if I told DH that I was washing his clothes in the same machine as his sons poopy diapers he would FREAK!
Posted 1/27/10 1:43 PM |
Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07 12820 total posts
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I've thought about it. My problem is that we're in a coop and cannot have our own washer/dryer. So that means we'd have to use the coin operated building washers and to be honest, I'm not sure if we would be allowed to since there's waste in them, KWIM? Also, they're very simple washers unlike the ones you can have at home with steam settings or extra rinse, etc, so I'm not sure they'd get as clean as possible.
My MIL used cloth with DH and his brother, so I really was considering it.. just don't think we can.
Posted 1/27/10 1:48 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
i do know that the cloth diapers i would be using.. will have a liner in them. so they really wont have waste on the actual diaper. you just throw the liner out .. then wash the diaper.
but still.. i dont know ... i am not a fan of poopie diapers in our washer either.. even if there is nothing on it. so its a dilemma!! haha
Posted 1/27/10 1:51 PM |
Party of 5

Member since 4/08 6489 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I will NOT. To be honest I'm too lazy for that. I get being green, but IMO its not all that green with the extra water for laundry and flushing all that poop, plus the oil you use to heat the water to wash the diapers. I have chosen some ways to be green in my life, but this is just one I'm NOT doing and I don't feel bad about it either.
Eta: I do, however, give major Kudos to the people who can commit to it and do cloth diapers. That is comendable, but its just not something I can do.
Message edited 1/27/2010 2:04:03 PM.
Posted 1/27/10 1:56 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 2/09 312 total posts
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
Ive been thinking about it and i would really like to TRY. I just havent done any research on it yet. I guess i will start soon.
Posted 1/27/10 2:03 PM |
love my boys!
Member since 4/06 5648 total posts
Name: Nicki
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I use cloth but didn't start until my DS was 1, we use BumGenius and Fuzzibunz. He has been back in disposables right now as I have a newborn and I was afraid the extra laundry would be too much, but as soon as this package runs out we will be going back and once the baby is sleeping more at night (and me too :)) I will put the baby in cloth too. I do laundry every 2-3 days and had it down to a system. I highly recommend a diaper trial, I did the one thru you pay money upfront, they send you a bunch of different cloth diapers for 3 weeks and you send back what you don't want at the end and they refund you all the money minus $10 (unless you decide to keep 1 or however many diapers, they you just pay for them) Feel free to FM me any questions.
Posted 1/27/10 2:03 PM |
Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05 7919 total posts
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I really really want to, but DH doesnt. He is a great help when it comes to the kids so I want him to be comfortable with it, and he's not. So we're not
Posted 1/27/10 2:04 PM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I would love to but it is something that I would have to talk to my mother about since she will be watching the baby for me after three months.
We will be using the 7th generation diapers though, better for baby AND the environment!
Posted 1/27/10 2:11 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I was open to it, but DH was not. When I explained that the poop went into the toilet and we were to put the diapers into the washing machine, his face was not pretty.
Posted 1/27/10 2:12 PM |
Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08 4985 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I've used cloth since Alexa was born. I LOVE IT!!! I've spent $250 on diapers and she's almost 1
We use prefolds and thirsties covers, one of the cheapest options.
Newborn poop is easy it all goes right into the wash. Once they eat solids you just dump the poop in teh toilet. I was dipaers every 3-4 days. I usually start them at night. I have an HE washer. I run a sanitation cycle with a prewash and extra risnse which takes about 3 hours and then they go right into the dryer
I LOVE IT!!! SUPER EASY!!!......I initially was worried because i'm HORRIBLE at laundry... you should see the piles in my laundry room right now but diapers are ALWAYs Clean!!!
There is a great forum called that is great for research
Lauren, Sweettooth is a CDing twin mama!
Posted 1/27/10 2:21 PM |
Let's Go Rangers!
Member since 1/07 14818 total posts
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
Update: just called my mom and she laughed her behind off LOL
who am i kidding? i am so lazy, i have big plans but no follow through!
Posted 1/27/10 2:35 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
Posted by Tilde
Update: just called my mom and she laughed her behind off LOL
who am i kidding? i am so lazy, i have big plans but no follow through!
Posted 1/27/10 2:40 PM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I'd love to be able to do it, but I just don't think I could keep up with it. Dh gags at everything, who knows if he will be able to change poppy diapers, let alone help me wash them.
It just doesn't seem like a logical choice for us, but if anyone else can and does do it...that's great!
Posted 1/27/10 2:42 PM |
Member since 10/08 4952 total posts
Name: Whatever
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
Posted by Tilde
Update: just called my mom and she laughed her behind off LOL
who am i kidding? i am so lazy, i have big plans but no follow through!
My old school italian mom would too! She laughs at so many things I say that are not according to "Italian mentality"
Posted 1/27/10 2:42 PM |

Member since 3/06 22093 total posts
Name: *********
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
Honestly, I can't even imagine using cloth! Besides it being a ton of work, I think I would gag at every poopy diaper. if you can do it, kudos to you!
Posted 1/27/10 4:00 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
I would love to. Just at home...not out and about.
Posted 1/27/10 4:04 PM |
So in love with my little man!
Member since 6/08 5172 total posts
Name: Mama
Re: is anyone doing Cloth Diapers , or thinking about it?
Posted by mishka
there is another alternative...theyre sort of in-between...gdiapers.
i looked into that option but i dont think its "cheaper"....just more green.
I was gonna post the same thing. I'll be using G-diapers at home and chlorine-free to go out.
Posted 1/27/10 5:34 PM |