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Member since 1/10 21015 total posts
Name: Ang
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by ModDot
how is it that this post can go for 7 pages, but a non-drama post (ie a JOKE someone took the wrong way) was immediately pulled from the preggo board?
because someone asked for it to be removed... theres no way that was taken down because LIF felt like it
Posted 4/23/14 9:32 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 13973 total posts
Name: D
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by PearlJamChick
If you ever peed in the bathroom at CBGB, ain't no bathroom gonna bother you.
This might be my favorite response of any thread ever.
Posted 4/23/14 10:53 AM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
For all the people who think it's rude because their garbage men suck- maybe you should call the town.
Posted 4/23/14 11:55 AM |
Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08 6765 total posts
Name: Heather
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by kimks1fan
Posted by luvbuffet
Posted by kimks1fan
I'd probably call the cops if someone did that in my garbage cans. I live in a nice neighborhood that would not fly.
.......says the woman with an assss the size of guam
You know I'm not really Kim right?
To answer the question....its garbage. I wouldn't care one bit but I am an animal lover and where I live, our cans are city property.
Posted 4/23/14 1:16 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by kahlua716
For all the people who think it's rude because their garbage men suck- maybe you should call the town.
My garbage men don't suck. We put our garbage in garbage bags, which if we have multipule bags, they go into the garbage can to make it easier to bring to the street. They, in turn, pull the bags out of the garbage can and toss them into the truck. There is absolutely nothing wrong with how they take my garbage.
Posted 4/23/14 1:31 PM |
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by luvbuffet
anyone have a cat? digs in poop and urine infested litter box, does its thaaang , then jumps on the couch.. shiit particles everywhere! right where you rest your face and fall asleep watching the Lifetime network.. mmmmhmmm
Excuse me. *I* don't watch Lifetime.
Posted 4/23/14 2:30 PM |
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by PearlJamChick
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by luvbuffet
anyone have a cat? digs in poop and urine infested litter box, does its thaaang , then jumps on the couch.. shiit particles everywhere! right where you rest your face and fall asleep watching the Lifetime network.. mmmmhmmm
Not to mention my cats lick their own and each other's asses...and I still kiss them on the mouth. I'm sickkkkkkkkkkkkk
Same here...I cuddle with my little shitbag all the time. But I'm gross. Dog poo bags don't bother me, someone blowing their nose in the shower doesn't bother me, I sit on toilet seats without a paper cover. Sometimes I pee in the shower and EVERYONE ELSE ON HERE DOES TOO AND IF THEY SAY THEY DON'T THEY ARE A LIAR. If you ever peed in the bathroom at CBGB, ain't no bathroom gonna bother you.
Got you beat.
I work at a folk festival every summer. With porta potties.
You haven't lived until you smell a weeks worth of THAT baking in the heat.
Posted 4/23/14 2:32 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/06 1752 total posts
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by jerseypanda
I really don't get all the hostility.
The OP asked for opinions. The opinions are going to go 1 of 2 ways. Some people are fine with random strangers putting bags of dog poop in their garbage cans. Other people think it's rude and gave, IMO, very valid reasons why they wouldn't like it.
Why do we have to attack each other for having an opinion? To those of you who think that those of us who consider it rude are spending every waking moment angry about this, you are wrong.
The topic came up, I read it, I thought about it, I personally find it rude because the bags would either end up at the bottom of my garbage can or on my property due to the way my garbage men collect garbage, I gave my opinion and moved on with my day. It's not like we are up at night thinking about it. Geez.
Because every thread has the moral rulers. They are cooler, more laid back, and just overall more awesome than everyone else.
Posted 4/23/14 7:41 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/13 2352 total posts
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Thank god I didn't click the "notify me when someone replies to my post" option for this one!
Thanks for all the opinions on this clearly controversial topic!
Message edited 4/23/2014 8:36:50 PM.
Posted 4/23/14 8:36 PM |

Member since 10/06 15979 total posts
Name: BahBahBlackJeep
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by Saphire01
Posted by jerseypanda
I really don't get all the hostility.
The OP asked for opinions. The opinions are going to go 1 of 2 ways. Some people are fine with random strangers putting bags of dog poop in their garbage cans. Other people think it's rude and gave, IMO, very valid reasons why they wouldn't like it.
Why do we have to attack each other for having an opinion? To those of you who think that those of us who consider it rude are spending every waking moment angry about this, you are wrong.
The topic came up, I read it, I thought about it, I personally find it rude because the bags would either end up at the bottom of my garbage can or on my property due to the way my garbage men collect garbage, I gave my opinion and moved on with my day. It's not like we are up at night thinking about it. Geez.
Because every thread has the moral rulers. They are cooler, more laid back, and just overall more awesome than everyone else.
I'm curious as to why the only people being attacked are the ones against it? Why is it not possible that there are just differing opinions?
No one is attacking anyone.
I'm so sick of hearing this battle cry. No one is attacking anyone.
Posted 4/23/14 11:16 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by HoneyBadger
Posted by Saphire01
Posted by jerseypanda
I really don't get all the hostility.
The OP asked for opinions. The opinions are going to go 1 of 2 ways. Some people are fine with random strangers putting bags of dog poop in their garbage cans. Other people think it's rude and gave, IMO, very valid reasons why they wouldn't like it.
Why do we have to attack each other for having an opinion? To those of you who think that those of us who consider it rude are spending every waking moment angry about this, you are wrong.
The topic came up, I read it, I thought about it, I personally find it rude because the bags would either end up at the bottom of my garbage can or on my property due to the way my garbage men collect garbage, I gave my opinion and moved on with my day. It's not like we are up at night thinking about it. Geez.
Because every thread has the moral rulers. They are cooler, more laid back, and just overall more awesome than everyone else.
I'm curious as to why the only people being attacked are the ones against it? Why is it not possible that there are just differing opinions?
No one is attacking anyone.
I'm so sick of hearing this battle cry. No one is attacking anyone.
I can only speak for myself, but as I read this ridiculously long thread, I keep coming upon comments basically telling those who think it's rude to get over it or find something bigger to worry about it. Basically saying their opinion isn't valid. But hey, I think attacking on here is equal opportunity so if I missed any jabs being thrown from those who do think it's rude, I would gladly acknowledge those.
Message edited 4/24/2014 8:42:25 AM.
Posted 4/24/14 8:25 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/12 870 total posts
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
It also stinks in our area. Our garbage men also do not dump the can into the truck they just pull the big bags up. The little dog dropping bags drop to the bottom and never get taken out.
Message edited 4/24/2014 9:08:04 AM.
Posted 4/24/14 9:06 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 10/12 333 total posts
Name: Mema
Is it rude? Honest opinions!
I think the point that is missed here is while you may not think it's rude or gross to drop a poop bag in someone's garbage can, the owner of the can may think it is.
My dog usually does his business in my yard, which I clean up after. If he happens to poop during our once a day walk, I carry the bag home with me. It's not that big of a deal.
Posted 4/24/14 9:36 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/06 1752 total posts
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Posted by jerseypanda
Posted by HoneyBadger
Posted by Saphire01
Posted by jerseypanda
I really don't get all the hostility.
The OP asked for opinions. The opinions are going to go 1 of 2 ways. Some people are fine with random strangers putting bags of dog poop in their garbage cans. Other people think it's rude and gave, IMO, very valid reasons why they wouldn't like it.
Why do we have to attack each other for having an opinion? To those of you who think that those of us who consider it rude are spending every waking moment angry about this, you are wrong.
The topic came up, I read it, I thought about it, I personally find it rude because the bags would either end up at the bottom of my garbage can or on my property due to the way my garbage men collect garbage, I gave my opinion and moved on with my day. It's not like we are up at night thinking about it. Geez.
Because every thread has the moral rulers. They are cooler, more laid back, and just overall more awesome than everyone else.
I'm curious as to why the only people being attacked are the ones against it? Why is it not possible that there are just differing opinions?
No one is attacking anyone.
I'm so sick of hearing this battle cry. No one is attacking anyone.
I can only speak for myself, but as I read this ridiculously long thread, I keep coming upon comments basically telling those who think it's rude to get over it or find something bigger to worry about it. Basically saying their opinion isn't valid. But hey, I think attacking on here is equal opportunity so if I missed any jabs being thrown from those who do think it's rude, I would gladly acknowledge those.
Exactly! Someone actually said that all their friends and family must be so laid-back because they would never care about such a thing. We can all read between the lines. It is a passive-aggressive way of saying that those who don't care, particularly this person's amazing circle of friends and family, are superior. This happens all the time of this site. I guess people just need ways to feel superior to others, so certain topics will bring this out. "I am superior because I do xyz."
Posted 4/24/14 10:22 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 2/11 1706 total posts
Name: kat
Is it rude? Honest opinions!
lol i am not reading 8 pages about dog poop but find it funny it's that long! i guess i would care less, how would i even know if people put poop in the garbage if it was collected a couple of hours later? DH would probably care, he's territorial about our stuff.
Posted 4/24/14 10:39 AM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Message edited 4/24/2014 4:19:31 PM.
Posted 4/24/14 4:14 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 4/14 333 total posts
Name: stephanie
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
I am scarred for life after stepping foot in a porta potty at Woodstock....shudder
Posted by lipglossjunky73
Posted by PearlJamChick
Posted by NervousNell
Posted by luvbuffet
anyone have a cat? digs in poop and urine infested litter box, does its thaaang , then jumps on the couch.. shiit particles everywhere! right where you rest your face and fall asleep watching the Lifetime network.. mmmmhmmm
Not to mention my cats lick their own and each other's asses...and I still kiss them on the mouth. I'm sickkkkkkkkkkkkk
Same here...I cuddle with my little shitbag all the time. But I'm gross. Dog poo bags don't bother me, someone blowing their nose in the shower doesn't bother me, I sit on toilet seats without a paper cover. Sometimes I pee in the shower and EVERYONE ELSE ON HERE DOES TOO AND IF THEY SAY THEY DON'T THEY ARE A LIAR. If you ever peed in the bathroom at CBGB, ain't no bathroom gonna bother you.
Got you beat.
I work at a folk festival every summer. With porta potties.
You haven't lived until you smell a weeks worth of THAT baking in the heat.
Posted 4/24/14 6:39 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 6791 total posts
Re: Is it rude? Honest opinions!
Please don't put shit in my garbage pail, yours, mine, the Pope's blessed, your dogs. It's shit, shit is gross. Thank you and have a nice day.
As for CBGB, that and then Boardy Barn when the line is 17 miles long, you have 400 girls who just drank a "tray" of beer and the stalls have run out of toilet paper, Ive seen people just pee in the corner of the bathroom, please dont do that or let your dog do that either.
Message edited 4/24/2014 11:03:53 PM.
Posted 4/24/14 10:58 PM |
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