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is this FSH considered high?

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

1347 total posts


is this FSH considered high?

I have been having weird mid-cycle symptoms and emailed my RE yesterday to discuss and while discussing I asked her to email me my FSH results. Our initial visit post CD3 testing she gave me a vague "everything looks good" with regards to the blood work and we discussed steps to proceed...

Today she emails me and tells me FSH is 8.7 and that is "normal" - of course I resort to the internet and it seems a bit high. I am 30, DH 32... I have some insulin resistance issues but I do not have PCOS - taking metformin to correct the insulin issues and our plan is to do clomid/IUI if we are not successful on our own by April.

I have heard that ideal FSH is about 5 or so but the internet can be an evil please share your thoughts with me!


Posted 2/20/09 5:57 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Blessed beyond belief

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Re: is this FSH considered high?

This is from

FSH is often used as a gauge of ovarian reserve. In general, under 6 is excellent, 6-9 is good, 9-10 fair, 10-13 diminished reserve, 13+ very hard to stimulate. In PCOS testing, the LH:FSH ratio may be used in the diagnosis. The ratio is usually close to 1:1, but if the LH is higher, it is one possible indication of PCOS.

My RE said he likes to see FSH <10.

Posted 2/20/09 6:03 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: is this FSH considered high?

fsh fluctuates. Your fsh is good.

My highest was 18.2 and the last without meds was 8.7. I get judged on my age of 41 more than anything.

Your fsh sounds fine with your age.

I wouldn't worry. If your doc worries then you worry.

Posted 2/20/09 8:41 PM

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