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Jealous... but happy... but sad...

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Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07

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Jealous... but happy... but sad...

In college, I had a group of 7 friends. The 8 of us lived together, vacationed together, did everything together. 5 of them have children now. I found out today that my good friend, the only other one who wanted kids, is pregnant. I'm so happy for her, really I am, but it was hard to hear the news. It's like, everyone I grew up with is out there with beautiful healthy children, and I can't even ovulate. At our "family reunion" next summer, I will be the only one there without a child. Chat Icon

Sorry, I think the Provera I'm on is making me emotional. I feel like an awful cow about this and can't tell anyone IRL so here I am.

Posted 7/27/10 11:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Thank you St. Gerard!

Member since 8/09

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

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Posted 7/28/10 12:05 AM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

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But, how do you know you will be there without kids next summer? Chat Icon It's way too soon in the game to have that type of attitude!!

Posted 7/28/10 4:00 AM

I'm wide awake

Member since 4/09

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

I know exactly how you feel Chat Icon . I know it's become "cliche" to say but all we can do is have faith that our time will come. (I'm actually rolling my eyes at myself here Chat Icon )

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Posted 7/28/10 6:03 AM

Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07

4970 total posts


Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

Posted by ns1011

I know exactly how you feel Chat Icon . I know it's become "cliche" to say but all we can do is have faith that our time will come. (I'm actually rolling my eyes at myself here Chat Icon )

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Thank you girls. I'm kind of sorry I wrote that during a late-night pity party with myself. I know that I'm doing all I can - going to a RE, changing my diet, taking whatever meds she prescribes - but it just feels like it's not enough. Although, DH pointed out last night that I have no idea what any of my friends went through to get pg. I'm not telling them about my trips to the RE, so I have no idea how long some of their roads were. No one talks about that; they only start telling you when they have happy results. So it would seem like everyone I know only has happy results. I don't know what went on "behind the scenes."

Posted 7/28/10 6:41 AM

can't wait to meet Sophia!

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

Posted by DavaDay

In college, I had a group of 7 friends. The 8 of us lived together, vacationed together, did everything together. 5 of them have children now. I found out today that my good friend, the only other one who wanted kids, is pregnant. I'm so happy for her, really I am, but it was hard to hear the news. It's like, everyone I grew up with is out there with beautiful healthy children, and I can't even ovulate. At our "family reunion" next summer, I will be the only one there without a child. Chat Icon

Sorry, I think the Provera I'm on is making me emotional. I feel like an awful cow about this and can't tell anyone IRL so here I am.

im so sorry for you...but how do you know that you will be the only one without a child?? you could def have a LO by then, you just have to stay positive!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to you

Posted 7/28/10 7:32 AM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

Aww I throw myself the same pity party at least once a day in my head, and feel guilty immediately afterwards.
Its part of the hormones and the intense feelings of wanting to have a LO.

Feel free to always vent on here because most people in our lives will definitely not understand what we all go through

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Posted 7/28/10 8:01 AM

We are so in Love with you!!!

Member since 10/09

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

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Posted 7/28/10 8:03 AM

Thank You St. Gerard.....

Member since 12/09

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

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I'm sorry you are feeling so down.

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Posted 7/28/10 8:18 AM


Member since 1/09

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

so sorry to hear your feeling down. I had a pity party last night as well

Posted 7/28/10 9:38 AM

St. Gianna Pray for us

Member since 9/09

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

Chat Icon Chat Icon You never know if any of them struggled to get pregnant and might have been feeling like you do at one point

And im sure the rest of us have felt this way at one point - especially those of us that have been on here a long timeChat Icon

Posted 7/28/10 9:42 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

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Posted 7/28/10 9:46 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

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Posted 7/28/10 9:57 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

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so tru about not knowing what goes on behind the scenes for everyone else.... next summer is a long time away!! heres some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/10 11:43 AM

My loves <3

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon It is hard I am going through something similar with my SIL and its hard to not show on the outside how you are really feeling. Your day will come and you can all sit around and enjoy your children together.
For now you can vent to us about itChat Icon

Posted 7/28/10 1:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/09

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EDD April 25th 2011

Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

When I was TTC my first my best friend told me she was pregnant. It as an "accident" and she had a one night stand/reunion with her ex. It absolutely destroyed me especially because she knew we were trying.

2 weeks later I got a BFP! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/10 8:17 PM

Now a mom of 2!

Member since 6/07

4970 total posts


Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

Thank you so, so much everyone.

It's nice to have a place to vent like this and not be judged or rationalized with. I said something briefly to a colleague today and the first words out of her mouth were, "you're only 31! You have plenty of time!" That's not what this is about. She didn't get it. You girls do, and I appreciate that so much. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/10 9:28 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/10

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Re: Jealous... but happy... but sad...

I hope you are feeling better. i completely understand you post! It is annoying to be judged by people who have no clue.

I HATE when I say something in conversation and people respond with, "You dont have kids, you dont understand or Your not a mom you wouldnt understand"

So annoying! Those comments irritate me so much now, especially after my M/C.

Posted 7/28/10 10:51 PM

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