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LIF Infant
Member since 2/13 330 total posts
Just stressed , how are you coping ...
No school Have to work , essential but only work weeeknds as perdiem Really worried about dying and leaving my child alone My husband is a good care giver but not really intuitive or commanding so the kids walk over him Trying really hard to hold it ...
have declined school online for both the kids , one doesn’t know any thing anyway and the other is just too wired for me to deal with at home
After working on weekends, weekdays spent in taking care of them, cooking .cleaning , engaging them .. Taking one day at this point and surviving it
Don’t know how long will this last ...
Message edited 4/2/2020 2:26:20 PM.
Posted 4/2/20 2:23 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/17 2249 total posts
Re: Just stressed , how are you coping ...
It's been really rough. I have two kids. My 7.5 year old is mod/severe autistic with lots of needs. He doesn't understand that we can't be out and about. My younger one who will be 5 in a few months is OK as she can entertain herself with her dolls etc. My son gets teletherapy (BIS which is like ABA) 3 x a week for 90 min and I have to sit with him through it. His other therapists (OT/PT/Speech) have offered to call or email me once a week with tips to try (But I know he won't follow) Plus both kids teachers are posting stuff on google classroom... all the while I am expected to work from home myself. I was hoping the kids would be back by May but I don't think that's likely.
Posted 4/3/20 6:10 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15659 total posts
Just stressed , how are you coping ...
My son is older, and doesn't require AS much attention (he is 21), but this is getting bad for us. He was supposed to start a vocational program that we have been working on getting into since August. Now that has been delayed. He hasn't been to any of his social programs obviously. No exercise class, no mingling with people like him. He keeps complaining about not being able to go to the movies, or to go visit his Grandma in Michigan (he goes there often). He's been watching a ton of TV and playing video games, and reading his books. I've been trying to get him on walks and biking because we have a Greenway behind our house. He complains. He loves going to the beach for walks, town beaches were just closed though. We did drive out to Montauk yesterday and he really enjoyed that, and it got away from 4 walls. It's hard. It sucks. Hang in there!
Posted 4/7/20 6:34 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/17 2249 total posts
Re: Just stressed , how are you coping ...
I am at my witts end. My son is always upset, whining, crying screaming because he wants to go out. If we do go for a drive somewhere (like sometimes I will drive to the mailbox to put in mail) it is not enough for him, as soon as we get home he whines and cries again. He needs his routine back and he needs to be out of the house. I am praying that summer session actually happens.
ETA oh in the midst of all this I am also expected to work from home and call people. Right.
Message edited 4/15/2020 1:24:35 PM.
Posted 4/15/20 1:24 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/13 330 total posts
Just stressed , how are you coping ...
I hear you My son is non verbal, lots of behavioral issues Still running out of toilet before wiping .. Taking him for a long walk to tire him out and he must have removed his jacket every few minutes. And me again zipping , then same cycle , did it more than 15 times in an hour And he is still hyper So fed up of life
Today is especially a bad day . He didn’t sleep last night either despite magnesium, melatonin and Benadryl at various time points last night
Did I say fed up
And I am working this weekend.
Message edited 4/15/2020 3:17:57 PM.
Posted 4/15/20 3:14 PM |
My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10 2943 total posts
Re: Just stressed , how are you coping ...
I want to take my son for a walk but my husband is super paranoid about him running away from us no matter how tight a grip we have or worse throwing a huge tantrum and us having a big problem getting back to the house (even if we are down the block).
So we go in the backyard (but haven’t the last couple days because it’s been cold) and he’s picked up some new behaviors including putting rocks in his mouth and trying to climb on top of our car. I can’t blame him as he has so much energy. We have a trampoline in the house and lots of sensory stuff. It’s just exhausting.
Posted 4/18/20 7:23 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Just stressed , how are you coping ...
I am mentally exhausted. My younger one has significant learning disabilities but is not behavioral at all and she is copiing well. She likes to sit at home anyway and is content playing and watching movies. On line work is not for her as she cant read yet so it is pretty useless unless I sit there for every single thing she is doing so we dont do much education wise and I feel guilty about that but it is way to difficult. I am not a special ed teacher and I can not teach her the way she needs to be. My older one is a disaster. She is higher functioning but VERY behavioral. She thinks she is typical but she is FAR from it, she has severe social deficits and being home is a nightmare for her. School work is ok, because she is pretty independant and smart but she can not handle any change or speak to anyone for more than 5 minutes before having an all out blow out. She craves to communicate with her friends so I have to sit there in the background while she talks to them on Facetime to make sure she is behaving correctly and not getting overwhelmed. I do not have one second of the day to myself and NEED that. She really drains me and we were close to sending her to inpatient last week. She only acts out to me but when she has a melt down it is all verbally abusive and really demoralizing. She is a hard child and really needs her therapies.
Posted 4/18/20 8:59 PM |
Live and RUN like a Ninja!

Member since 5/06 3104 total posts
Name: MrsDrMatt
Re: Just stressed , how are you coping ...
Posted by KarenK122
I am mentally exhausted. My younger one has significant learning disabilities but is not behavioral at all and she is copiing well. She likes to sit at home anyway and is content playing and watching movies. On line work is not for her as she cant read yet so it is pretty useless unless I sit there for every single thing she is doing so we dont do much education wise and I feel guilty about that but it is way to difficult. I am not a special ed teacher and I can not teach her the way she needs to be. My older one is a disaster. She is higher functioning but VERY behavioral. She thinks she is typical but she is FAR from it, she has severe social deficits and being home is a nightmare for her. School work is ok, because she is pretty independant and smart but she can not handle any change or speak to anyone for more than 5 minutes before having an all out blow out. She craves to communicate with her friends so I have to sit there in the background while she talks to them on Facetime to make sure she is behaving correctly and not getting overwhelmed. I do not have one second of the day to myself and NEED that. She really drains me and we were close to sending her to inpatient last week. She only acts out to me but when she has a melt down it is all verbally abusive and really demoralizing. She is a hard child and really needs her therapies.
Posted 4/19/20 4:43 AM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Just stressed , how are you coping ...
Posted by MrsDrMatt
Posted by KarenK122
I am mentally exhausted. My younger one has significant learning disabilities but is not behavioral at all and she is copiing well. She likes to sit at home anyway and is content playing and watching movies. On line work is not for her as she cant read yet so it is pretty useless unless I sit there for every single thing she is doing so we dont do much education wise and I feel guilty about that but it is way to difficult. I am not a special ed teacher and I can not teach her the way she needs to be. My older one is a disaster. She is higher functioning but VERY behavioral. She thinks she is typical but she is FAR from it, she has severe social deficits and being home is a nightmare for her. School work is ok, because she is pretty independant and smart but she can not handle any change or speak to anyone for more than 5 minutes before having an all out blow out. She craves to communicate with her friends so I have to sit there in the background while she talks to them on Facetime to make sure she is behaving correctly and not getting overwhelmed. I do not have one second of the day to myself and NEED that. She really drains me and we were close to sending her to inpatient last week. She only acts out to me but when she has a melt down it is all verbally abusive and really demoralizing. She is a hard child and really needs her therapies.
Thanks : ). I know many more people have it much worse than I do. Getting it all out helped lol!
Posted 4/19/20 6:08 AM |
Live and RUN like a Ninja!

Member since 5/06 3104 total posts
Name: MrsDrMatt
Re: Just stressed , how are you coping ...
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by MrsDrMatt
Posted by KarenK122
I am mentally exhausted. My younger one has significant learning disabilities but is not behavioral at all and she is copiing well. She likes to sit at home anyway and is content playing and watching movies. On line work is not for her as she cant read yet so it is pretty useless unless I sit there for every single thing she is doing so we dont do much education wise and I feel guilty about that but it is way to difficult. I am not a special ed teacher and I can not teach her the way she needs to be. My older one is a disaster. She is higher functioning but VERY behavioral. She thinks she is typical but she is FAR from it, she has severe social deficits and being home is a nightmare for her. School work is ok, because she is pretty independant and smart but she can not handle any change or speak to anyone for more than 5 minutes before having an all out blow out. She craves to communicate with her friends so I have to sit there in the background while she talks to them on Facetime to make sure she is behaving correctly and not getting overwhelmed. I do not have one second of the day to myself and NEED that. She really drains me and we were close to sending her to inpatient last week. She only acts out to me but when she has a melt down it is all verbally abusive and really demoralizing. She is a hard child and really needs her therapies.
Thanks : ). I know many more people have it much worse than I do. Getting it all out helped lol!
Life is not a competition of who has it worse than you. You sound like a great caring mom who is super stressed right now. You deserve all the good wishes/prayers to get through this. No need to feel guilty about feeling badly.
Posted 4/20/20 4:27 AM |
My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10 2943 total posts
Re: Just stressed , how are you coping ...
Yes. There is no competition. Everyone has it differently and we (and our kids/families) are all suffering in some sort of way.
My son’s verbal stimming is maddening. It’s nothing new, but the constant hearing him at the top of the lungs from 6am-9pm is wearing on all our nerves. I’m trying not to lose it bc of course I know it’s autism and not his fault but some days I have to step outside and just take deep breaths to get through.
When DH or I have work conf calls/meetings we take turns going to the basement with our laptop while the other stays with our 3 kids. He’s just so loud we hear him downstairs (even outside). Ugh. Sure there are moments he stops but this goes on all day. I know it’s a regulating thing for him. His brothers can’t stand it. One of them asked me if we can ship him away.
Sorry just needed to vent to get this out.
Posted 4/24/20 9:18 PM |