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kids playing w/o having someone watching

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I'm a lucky mama

Member since 1/10

7585 total posts


kids playing w/o having someone watching

I live in an apartment complex. my apt is in a courtyard.
a new family moved in a few months ago and they have young kids that play outside every day by themselves. I feel like no one is ever watching them. I think they are too young to be playing outside by themselves.
when my step son is over i watch him when he goes outside and hes 12.

Posted 8/13/10 1:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

6263 total posts


Re: kids playing w/o having someone watching

When I was young, we moved into a condo I was 8, sis was 6 - we were allowed to play w/ friends the same age but not leave the block. Things are different now.

Posted 8/13/10 1:06 PM

I'm a lucky mama

Member since 1/10

7585 total posts


Re: kids playing w/o having someone watching

i mean we live in a nice development but these kids i dont think cant be any older than 5 or 6--but my aging may be off.

Posted 8/13/10 1:08 PM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Re: kids playing w/o having someone watching

How old are they?

I think I played outside by myself since I was 6 or so.

Posted 8/13/10 1:09 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: kids playing w/o having someone watching

I don't even let my kids out in my fenced in backyard w/o watching them!! I never let my kids out front unless I am with them. You can never be too careful.

Posted 8/13/10 1:10 PM

Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07

17227 total posts


Re: kids playing w/o having someone watching

Posted by jenny

I don't even let my kids out in my fenced in backyard w/o watching them!! I never let my kids out front unless I am with them. You can never be too careful.


Posted 8/13/10 1:12 PM

Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05

14470 total posts


Re: kids playing w/o having someone watching

Times have changed and some haven't changed with them.

Also I think its cultural too.

I go see my aunt often and in her neighborhood kids much younger than 5 are out and about playing by themselves. It tears me up to see a 3-4yr old on their big wheel that they can't even reach the pedals on, pushing along down the sidewalk. No adult anywhere to be seen. But it is very very very normal here.

ETA: i should say its normal THERE because in my suburb no one lets their kids out unattended. Even older than 6 the parents aren't far behind while they are out on their bikes. Oddly enough I live in a community that is multicultral with all over represented versus my aunt where it is still primarily mexican. I'm not dissing mexicans so don't flame me. Just they have a different approach to parenting it seems.

Message edited 8/13/2010 1:15:53 PM.

Posted 8/13/10 1:13 PM

I'm cranky

Member since 7/06

18178 total posts

Mama Cranky

Re: kids playing w/o having someone watching

This makes me nervous, but I recognize that at some age kids should be allowed to play outside when I'm not watching

What age that is, I'm not sure. I'm just glad I have a big backyard, I'll be ready for that sooner!

Posted 8/13/10 1:15 PM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

7919 total posts


Re: kids playing w/o having someone watching

My children are only 4 and 3. They play outside alone - and we dont have a fence. I do watch them the entire time out the window because I can see the whole play area.

Posted 8/13/10 1:25 PM

I'm a lucky mama

Member since 1/10

7585 total posts


Re: kids playing w/o having someone watching

i understand the backyard but this is just an area between all of our apt doors.
maybe their mom read this bc they arent outside annymore lol

Posted 8/13/10 1:30 PM

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