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Ladies, who BF and started pumping questions?

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Love green icing!!!

Member since 5/05

4691 total posts


Ladies, who BF and started pumping questions?

Hi Ladies,

Gavin is almost 10 days old. We have been exclusively BFing. I am going back to work 3 days a week in the beginning or mid June, so I am starting to think about pumping and how everything is going to work.

My questions are:

1. Should I start pumping now and store milk?

2. I am thinking I will try and introduce the bottle with breastmilk when he is 3 to 4 weeks old, what you do you ladies think?

I am excited to have Phil start feeding him with the bottle of breastmilk in about 2 weeks or so, because I feel and he feels he missing out on the experience.

It really is an amazing experience, very exhausting, but so worth.

I am so happy to finally be on this board! I am a Mommy!!!!!!

Message edited 4/17/2008 2:36:01 AM.

Posted 4/17/08 12:01 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies, who BF and started pumping questions?

No advice but welcome aboard!!

Posted 4/17/08 12:09 AM

Love green icing!!!

Member since 5/05

4691 total posts


Re: Ladies, who BF and started pumping questions?

Posted by Jamie

No advice but welcome aboard!!

Thank you Jamie! I am so happy and excited to join all you all!!!!

Posted 4/17/08 12:10 AM

Love green icing!!!

Member since 5/05

4691 total posts


Re: Ladies, who BF and started pumping questions?

Bumping for the day crew! Hopefully some of you working moms have some advice.

Posted 4/17/08 10:23 AM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

13341 total posts


Re: Ladies, who BF and started pumping questions?

Hi Tara!
I have been EBF Ryan and introduced a pumped bottle at about 2 1/2 -3wks old. DH gave it to him and has given him a few since then. I TRY to pump after his morning feeding (you have the most milk then) and have been freezing it all. I reserve what I have now for if I need to run errands or if I'm just totally zonked and need DH to do a feeding (plus he misses him so much when he is at work that he enjoys feeding him at night). I'm unsure if I'll be still BF when I go back to work in July part-time but I'm hoping what I pump now and don't use will hold us over a bit when I go back. I believe a freezed bag of milk will last 3 months.

Posted 4/17/08 10:41 AM


Member since 10/06

2938 total posts


Re: Ladies, who BF and started pumping questions?

I started pumping everyday when ds was about 6 weeks. He had his first bottle at about 3 weeks but I would just pump once a week to fill the bottle so dh could feed him. I used playtex drop in bottles and ds had no issues going between breast and bottle. But he prefers the breast. He will drink enough of the bottle to end the hungry feeling but not enough to be full. He still does that at 3.5 months but I work from home so he only has a bottle a couple days a week if Dh gets up with him in the morning. I have built a nice stash in the deep freeze just in case I need it. Also for when he starts cereal.
Congrats on becoming a mommy and good luck with bf'ing. It can be exhausting but so worth it.

Posted 4/17/08 10:44 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

838 total posts


Re: Ladies, who BF and started pumping questions?

First of all congrats!!!!!!
I started introducing the bottle of BM at 4 weeks. I did a bottle a week then slowly increased to 2 bottles etc. When I was getting closer to going back to work I increased the bottles so DS would get used to them. DS is almost 6 months and we are still BFing but my supply has decreased a lot so those frozen bottles have now started to come in handy. I used to pump after I nursed. That way I didn't take anything from the baby. In the beginning you are going to produce more than the baby needs until your body settles more into the supply and demand of the baby.
Good luck. any questions feel free to ask.

Posted 4/17/08 11:09 AM

I love this boy!

Member since 4/07

3372 total posts


Re: Ladies, who BF and started pumping questions?

i know they talk about nipple confusion, but rocco didn't have it and he was given bottles of bm fairly early. i would pump in the morning after feeding (ur fullest then) and freeze that batch to stockpile a decent stash. i started freezing early on and am glad i did b/c now that he is going through growth spurts - my milk supply doesn't know it till we're home b/c he's at daycare so i have to supplement w/ extra frozen bottles for him.

good'll be nice for you to get a break to.

ooo, i also pumped when he was getting a bottle to keep my supply regular so pump and save for the next day or freeze

good luck and congrats!!!

Posted 4/17/08 11:15 AM

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