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Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

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J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

I thought this would be the best forum for talking about this awesome movie Chat Icon Chat Icon

first of all - I have never been surrounded by so much estrogen in my life as I was at the theatre last night Chat Icon

second - the MOVIE!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon how awesome was that??!

a couple of things that I can't stop thinking about:

1. the wedding Chat Icon I was so angry at Big - I would have punched him if he was next to me Chat Icon and honestly, I am not sure I was happy at the end when they got married

2. the very end - when Carrie talks about not needing "labels" Chat Icon Chat Icon the entire show and movie was ALL about labels - and the last 20 seconds of the movie she says you don't need them. That was a little weird IMO.

3. Miranda & Steve - so it's ok to forgive a cheater? they were all pushing her to forgive him. why! I really didn't get that.

4. Samantha - not sure I liked the whole living in LA story. it just seemed so unlikely for someone like her.

5. can anyone remember what Charlotte said to Big outside that restaurant right before her water broke? All I heard was "I was always on your side". and "I curse the day you were born" not sure how I was distracted by the rest, but I was.

discuss Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/08 9:26 AM
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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

OMG the movie was great I felt like I was watching the show at home with 100+ of my girlfriends...
1. I was soo mad at Big and that Carrie was Ok at the end and got married (It made me feel like you have to accept all the crap from a man for 10 yrs and still be Ok if he have cold feet the day of the wedding).
2. Mirand and Steve I think I understand where that came from and I am glad that they solve their problem but not just right away...
3. Samantha I didnt like that she finish by herself while the other have a family she is going to be alone with her dog in her 50...
4. That dress that carrie get married at the end iss sooooo not her at alll. I think is the most "boring" piece of cloth she had ever use.

Posted 5/31/08 9:55 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by browneyes

OMG the movie was great I felt like I was watching the show at home with 100+ of my girlfriends...
1. I was soo mad at Big and that Carrie was Ok at the end and got married (It made me feel like you have to accept all the crap from a man for 10 yrs and still be Ok if he have cold feet the day of the wedding).
2. Mirand and Steve I think I understand where that came from and I am glad that they solve their problem but not just right away...
3. Samantha I didnt like that she finish by herself while the other have a family she is going to be alone with her dog in her 50...
4. That dress that carrie get married at the end iss sooooo not her at alll. I think is the most "boring" piece of cloth she had ever use.

I have to answer #4 first - ITA - that ivory suit she wore was Chat Icon SO NOT Carrie! but I guess it ties in to what she says at the very end, about not needing labels. after 7 years of the show and then the anticipation of this movie with all the high fashion - which did NOT dissapoint btw... I found it so strange that it would end that way (no labels). I bet all the deisgners who provided the wardrobe for the movie were p*ssed when she said that Chat Icon

Samantha was always a loner. so I am not surprised she ended up alone - that's how she liked it. she is not the type to be in a relationship. but how funny was her humping dog!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 5/31/2008 10:09:07 AM.

Posted 5/31/08 10:07 AM

True love

Member since 6/05

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

I loooooved the TV show, one of my favorites of all time, and I was SO disappointed with the movie. I wanted to love it so badly and was so disappointed. I went with 7 other women, and we all left feeling the same disappointed. I thought the ending was so flawed and over the top, it was ridicuous. While fashion was always a center point, the blatant materialism in the movie was sickening. I love fashion but it was all about lables, one upping others, just a really bad message...

I also thought Charlotte's story line was so over the top and fake.

On the up side, I thought the ladies looked amazing. SJP and Cynthia Nixon did an AMAZING acting job. And the middle half hour or so (from the wedding scene through Mexico), I thought was touching and heartfelt.

So sad I didn't like it...

As for your questions:
1. ITA with you!
2. I agree, and think theirs was the most realistic story in the whole movie
3. I think Samantha found her true self, and to accept who you are is a beautiful thing, even if your choices are different than others.
4. ITA!

Posted 5/31/08 10:10 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by Shanti

I loooooved the TV show, one of my favorites of all time, and I was SO disappointed with the movie. I wanted to love it so badly and was so disappointed. I went with 7 other women, and we all left feeling the same disappointed. I thought the ending was so flawed and over the top, it was ridicuous. While fashion was always a center point, the blatant materialism in the movie was sickening. I love fashion but it was all about lables, one upping others, just a really bad message...

I also thought Charlotte's story line was so over the top and fake.

On the up side, I thought the ladies looked amazing. SJP and Cynthia Nixon did an AMAZING acting job. And the middle half hour or so (from the wedding scene through Mexico), I thought was touching and heartfelt.

So sad I didn't like it...

As for your questions:
1. ITA with you!
2. I agree, and think theirs was the most realistic story in the whole movie
3. I think Samantha found her true self, and to accept who you are is a beautiful thing, even if your choices are different than others.
4. ITA!

I agree with you about wedding-Mexico. that IMO was the best part of the movie. it was touching and very well done. I honestly think they all did an outstanding acting job! those 4 women can act better than 90% of the "stars" these days! but Cynthia Nixon & SJP def stood out the most with their acting abilities. Chat Icon

I was disappointed with how it ended... I did not walk out of the theatre thinking - WOW! but the movie itself was really great. I just wish it had a different ending. way too "Hollywood" IMO

Posted 5/31/08 10:16 AM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

Posted by Shanti

I loooooved the TV show, one of my favorites of all time, and I was SO disappointed with the movie. I wanted to love it so badly and was so disappointed. I went with 7 other women, and we all left feeling the same disappointed. I thought the ending was so flawed and over the top, it was ridicuous. While fashion was always a center point, the blatant materialism in the movie was sickening. I love fashion but it was all about lables, one upping others, just a really bad message...

I also thought Charlotte's story line was so over the top and fake.

On the up side, I thought the ladies looked amazing. SJP and Cynthia Nixon did an AMAZING acting job. And the middle half hour or so (from the wedding scene through Mexico), I thought was touching and heartfelt.

So sad I didn't like it...

As for your questions:
1. ITA with you!
2. I agree, and think theirs was the most realistic story in the whole movie
3. I think Samantha found her true self, and to accept who you are is a beautiful thing, even if your choices are different than others.
4. ITA!

I agree with you about wedding-Mexico. that IMO was the best part of the movie. it was touching and very well done. I honestly think they all did an outstanding acting job! those 4 women can act better than 90% of the "stars" these days! but Cynthia Nixon & SJP def stood out the most with their acting abilities. Chat Icon

I was disappointed with how it ended... I did not walk out of the theatre thinking - WOW! but the movie itself was really great. I just wish it had a different ending. way too "Hollywood" IMO

ITA - it was way, way too Hollywood. I feel like Steve/Miranda's story was true to life and I did really feel moved by some parts... I just feel like the movie lost the heart and feeling that so engaged me during the series.

Posted 5/31/08 10:18 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by Shanti

ITA - it was way, way too Hollywood. I feel like Steve/Miranda's story was true to life and I did really feel moved by some parts... I just feel like the movie lost the heart and feeling that so engaged me during the series.

I think what bothered me the most was after 10 years of Big's bullsh*t, Carrie went back to him YET AGAIN! when is it time to cut someone toxic like that off?

Posted 5/31/08 10:22 AM

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

Posted by Shanti

ITA - it was way, way too Hollywood. I feel like Steve/Miranda's story was true to life and I did really feel moved by some parts... I just feel like the movie lost the heart and feeling that so engaged me during the series.

I think what bothered me the most was after 10 years of Big's bullsh*t, Carrie went back to him YET AGAIN! when is it time to cut someone toxic like that off?

I know! And the way she blamed herself for making it all about the wedding???? I didn't get that at all from the movie so I was Chat Icon Other than the dress and big guest list, she seemed lowkey.

What really bothered me was that he had been married 2x before and his wedding to Natasha was big and romantic. So it's not that he was a lifelong bachelor. Made the storyline lack authenticity to me.

Message edited 5/31/2008 10:24:32 AM.

Posted 5/31/08 10:23 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by Shanti

I know! And the way she blamed herself for making it all about the wedding???? I didn't get that at all from the movie so I was Chat Icon Other than the dress and big guest list, she seemed lowkey.

What really bothered me was that he had been married 2x before and his wedding to Natasha was big and romantic. So it's not that he was a lifelong bachelor. Made the storyline lack authenticity to me.

and I also thought he was being selfish by complaining about how big the wedding was getting and about being on "page 6". he may have been married twice before, but Carrie wasn't.

Posted 5/31/08 10:27 AM

We are complete <3

Member since 12/07

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

I loved the movie.

Posted 5/31/08 10:54 AM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

I loved it, but I too was disappointed... more so that BIG left her on her wedding day! and was shocked to see that samantha didnt have any rauncy sex scenes...but Miranda did! Chat Icon
shocked they flashed frontal male nudity too!
anddddd I have to say I LOVE Charlotte! she was my fave throughout the movie.

As far as the storylines I feel the same way the rest of you do... walked out saying great movie, but not as great as I suspected it would be.... left feeling a lil disappointed.

Posted 5/31/08 10:55 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by Bebalina

I loved it, but I too was disappointed... more so that BIG left her on her wedding day! and was shocked to see that samantha didnt have any rauncy sex scenes...but Miranda did! Chat Icon
shocked they flashed frontal male nudity too!
anddddd I have to say I LOVE Charlotte! she was my fave throughout the movie.

As far as the storylines I feel the same way the rest of you do... walked out saying great movie, but not as great as I suspected it would be.... left feeling a lil disappointed.

Charlotte's part was really boring - everything in her life was perfection. obviously that was not the case with the TV show - she dealt with plenty of heartache. but I guess they had to ground the movie with her - since the rest of them all had problems.

and yea - no Samantha sex scenes Chat Icon I was totally shocked by that - so was DH Chat Icon I guess Dante next door made up for her lack of sex. Dante was the male version of Samantha. Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/08 11:02 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

I loved it.

I think Charlotte's perfect life represented her marrying for love and only love...not money, not looks...she was so funny in the movie.

Shocked that Miranda took it there in the sex scene! I am glad she got back with Steve...I think IRL, that is what someone would do. 6 months in a sexfree marriage is a long time...she realized she put the marriage on the back burner.

Samantha looked great. I felt so sorry for Smith.

SJP...the flower scene in the streets broke my heart with Big. So sad...

worst makeup artist ever worked on this movie. I thought it was soooo caked on, wrong coloring...reminded me of beetlejuice.

Jennifer Hudson...***(and I am a huge meet me in st. louis fan) she did not fit at all!

Posted 5/31/08 11:10 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by Janice

worst makeup artist ever worked on this movie. I thought it was soooo caked on, wrong coloring...reminded me of beetlejuice.

Jennifer Hudson...***(and I am a huge meet me in st. louis fan) she did not fit at all!

I liked the MU - but not SJP for the wedding - SO FAKE! so not her.

I actually thought Jennifer Hudson did a good job with that roll. she can def act.

Posted 5/31/08 11:22 AM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

something else that's "bothering me"...

after what happened at the wedding, the most Big could do was send Carrie a bunch of emails? Chat Icon Chat Icon that is BEYOND messed up! he should have hunted her down like he did during the show (the last season) and BEGGED.

it was approx 9 or 10 months (Charlotte's entire pregnancy) between the day of the wedding and when they saw each other again in the 5th Ave apartment. weird

Posted 5/31/08 12:24 PM

Kelsey Elyse = Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

I wondered the whole time why Big never attempted to show up at her apartment??? My friend and I kept saying...HE KNOWS WHERE SHE LIVES!!!!!

I LOVED the movie and can't stop thinking or talking about it!

I liked when they were having drinks and Carrie mentioned the "bird" on her head and Miranda looked at her and said "Oh, is that what that was???" Made me laugh real hard!!!

Charlotte pooping herself was GREAT too!!!

Posted 5/31/08 12:50 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by FLaCaTaCa

I wondered the whole time why Big never attempted to show up at her apartment??? My friend and I kept saying...HE KNOWS WHERE SHE LIVES!!!!!

I LOVED the movie and can't stop thinking or talking about it!

I liked when they were having drinks and Carrie mentioned the "bird" on her head and Miranda looked at her and said "Oh, is that what that was???" Made me laugh real hard!!!

Charlotte pooping herself was GREAT too!!!

I died laughing when Samantha was talking about Miranda's lack of waxing

"Charlotte's married too but she isn't growing a national forest" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/31/08 12:54 PM

Kelsey Elyse = Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by SweetestOfPeas

Posted by FLaCaTaCa

I wondered the whole time why Big never attempted to show up at her apartment??? My friend and I kept saying...HE KNOWS WHERE SHE LIVES!!!!!

I LOVED the movie and can't stop thinking or talking about it!

I liked when they were having drinks and Carrie mentioned the "bird" on her head and Miranda looked at her and said "Oh, is that what that was???" Made me laugh real hard!!!

Charlotte pooping herself was GREAT too!!!

I died laughing when Samantha was talking about Miranda's lack of waxing

"Charlotte's married too but she isn't growing a national forest" Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

HA HA!!! "Wax much?" That really was GREAT!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I knew Samantha would make her way back to NY! Made me miss the city too!

Posted 5/31/08 12:56 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

I just had to find "the shoes"! Chat Icon Chat Icon

External Image

A blue pair of Manolo Blahniks have towering role in 'Sex'

Meet the fifth star of "Sex and the City": she's tall, bright and blingy. We're talking about a pair of sky-high blue Manolos that play a 'big' role in the new movie, in theaters tomorrow. While Carrie Bradshaw wears everything on her dainty feet from Dior to Proenza Schouler, a pair of satin blue Manolos with a massive silver buckle are the star. The shoes, custom-made by Blahnik for the film, are involved in a glass-slipper style plot twist in the film.

"I love what Manolo made for the movie," Parker tells In Style. "It's a beautiful shoe."

And it can be yours for a paltry $885 on June 9, when an exact replica will be available at Manolo Blahnik's New York store . This may be the first heel Manolo designed expressly for Carrie and her fan club, but it's not the first time a shoe has stolen the spotlight in the series. In fact, a pair of strappy, feathered Jimmy Choos that Carrie loses on a ferry in season three were such a hit with viewers, they're being reintroduced by the brand. For those who can't get enough SATC shoe nostalgia, consider these highlights in Carrie's heel history:


Carrie is at Manolo buying a pair of shoes when her credit card gets rejected. Surprisingly, her friend has just breezed into the store from an extended European vacation, and insists on picking up the tab. Fast-forward a few nights later when Carrie is out wearing the new shoes with her friend and all her Euro-boyfriends. Carrie goes home with one of them, and he tries to leave her money in the morning. Turns out her friend isn't independently wealthy - she's a high-class hooker. And Carrie's Manolos are more of job incentive than gift.


As Carrie sails through the park with Big in a brand-new pair of hot pink feathered Christian Louboutins, she gets a call from Miranda - she's in labor. Carrie rushes to the hospital, only to have Miranda's water break all over her shoes.The woman who lived in a ... On a shopping trip, Carrie stops for a moment to ponder all of her shoe purchases over the years. After a mental audit, it dawns on her. If she had saved all that money instead of spending it on shoes, she would own her apartment. She is literally the woman who lives in her shoe.


During a terrible fight with Aidan, Carrie comes in to find Aidan's trusty dog pal, Petey, has gnawed her Manolos - she goes ballistic. This time, the shoes are a talisman to the demise of their romance. Work it, girl Selected to walk the Fashion Week runway at Bryant Park Tents, Carrie spies a pair of towering stilettos backstage and tells the stylist, "Put me in the big-girl shoes" with an air of stiletto-wearing confidence. Out on the runway, looking gorgeous and chic, Carrie makes a misstep in her huge shoes and wipes out. But she manages to rise from the catwalk and stroll to triumphant applause.

Posted 5/31/08 1:06 PM

Kelsey Elyse = Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

They are a gorgeous looking pair of shoes!!!

Carrie and her shoes!!! It was all so sweet!!

MY FAVORITE accessory of the movie though was Charlottes daughters cupcake purse!

Posted 5/31/08 1:08 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

Posted by FLaCaTaCa

They are a gorgeous looking pair of shoes!!!

Carrie and her shoes!!! It was all so sweet!!

MY FAVORITE accessory of the movie though was Charlottes daughters cupcake purse!

I LOVED that little purse. SO cute!

I am sure there will be a lot of replicas from the show coming out very soon

Posted 5/31/08 1:09 PM

Life Coach

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

I can't stop thinking of the scene on New Year's Eve....

when Carrie was running to get to Miranda and syas..."you're not alone", um I cried! That was just so great!

I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEDDDD this movie. It was great! I want to see it again!

Posted 5/31/08 1:12 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

External Image


Here comes the bride . . . in a custom-made Vivienne Westwood gown. Camilla Bazzanti, the vice president of sales at Scatola Sartoriale, the British designer's New York showroom, says the custom-made gown's starting price point is $18,000, including veil. "The price goes up based on fabric, work, etc.," says Bazzanti, adding, "I think that one is priceless."


The brightly colored bridesmaids gowns are all from designer Zac Posen's spring 2008 collection. A knee-length version of Miranda's blue silk Ibis dress is at Bergdorf Goodman for $3,200, while the floor-length one in the film costs about $5,300, according to


Christian Dior's "Extreme Gladiator Platform" sandals are Carrie's "it" shoes in the film, making a special bejeweled appearance at her wedding. Their price on is $770, but after "Sex" stylist Pat Field customized them with Swarovski crystals, they'd fetch at least another $100.


Galit Bartleson, makeup artist to Kelly Clarkson, says Carrie's wedding-day face and hair would each cost $1,500, while it'd be about $500 to beautify the bridesmaids.


Manhattan florist Dejuan Stroud estimates that Carrie's bridal bouquet of white roses and ranunculus would cost around $350, while the girls' bouquets would probably cost $200 each.


Carrie's "Chick Lit" wedding is in the New York Public Library's Astor Hall and McGraw Rotunda. The landmark space can be rented for receptions, starting at $50,000.

External Image
External Image

Posted 5/31/08 1:20 PM

Kelsey Elyse = Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

There's the bird!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I also cried when Carrie showed up at Mirandas door on NYE. I looked over at my friend Mary and said....That'd be us! She giggled.

Posted 5/31/08 1:28 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

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Re: Lets talk about SEX! (SATC SPOILERS!!)

oh - and... how about Stanford & Anthony kissing on NYE! Chat Icon they HATED eachother on the show

Posted 5/31/08 1:59 PM
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