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Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

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Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

I was in this situation - and after asking for advice on here, I went outside one morning at 6am to ask the owner to please not let the dog bark so early.

It actually worked, and we've become very friendly.

I suggest talking to them in a calm manner first.

Of course I tried it with another neighbor and the drunk a-hole of a hubby came out and told me he ain't gonna let his dog crap in his house because of me!! Um I wasn't asking you not to let the dog out, just to let him back in when he is done at 5am!!

Posted 3/24/08 10:39 PM
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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

Yesterday (Easter Sunday) I screamed out the window to "shut that dog up". The neighbors dog barked for hours on end. This is not an uncommon occurance -- it happens all the time. Thank God I am rarely home. I think the letter is a fine idea and was contemplating doing the same.

I am ready to get a BB gun --- to shoot the OWNERS, not the dog. Chat Icon

P.S. I'm sure I will get flamed for this post. C'est la vie!

Posted 3/24/08 10:51 PM

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog


Message edited 3/25/2008 8:17:27 AM.

Posted 3/25/08 8:16 AM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

I have two dogs and sometimes the one barks the other is not really a barker. I am very concientious (sp) of them being out in the am before work that she barks a little too much, mostly b/c the kids walking down the street torment her as they walk by.

If my neighbors had a problem, I would hope that they would come to me directly, not send a note. Also, 15 minutes is not really egregious, it's annoying.

I had a problem with some of the boys that live down the street from me, they were throwing rocks at my dogs in the yard (6ft chain link locked fence). Also, my neighbor busted a few of them climbing the fence when I wasn't home to get a ball. I went down the street to each house iwth a teenage boy (only 7 houses on the block) and introduced myself, explained the problem and that I needed their assistance, because I can't reason withthe dog not to bark, but they can reason with the kids to ignore the dogs. I think it worked out really well, we all have a better relationship and the kids ignore the dogs.

Posted 3/25/08 9:06 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/08

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

As someone who has to deal with an annoying barking dog, I'd like to throw in my 2 cents.

My grandma got a female sheltie a few years back, and soon after she had an accident which broke her hip and wrist. After numerous surgeries, she still has a very difficult time moving around. My aunt and cousin live with her, but they have work and school respectively, meaning my grandma is alone the majority of the time. Now, back to the dog.

This dog is pretty misbehaved and tends to take advantage of my grandma and use the dining room floor as her personal toilet. To try to prevent that, my grandma lets the dog outside for extended periods of time to ensure this doesn't happen. Unfortunately, a neighbor two houses down has a male dog, and these two tend to go into barking fits, though even when the other dog isnt out, my grandma's dog will bark to get him to come outside. Needless to say, this is very annoying and I wish it wasn't the case.

My family and I have tried to convince my grandma that this dog really isnt for her as her disability prevents her from keeping the dog in check, and the expenses to clean the house and just the nuisance she is to the neighbors is more than it's worth. However, she refuses to give her up as she has grown too attached to it for companionship during alone time, and she won't consider other options to remedy that.
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I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes there are reasons why a dog is outside more often. If you say the dog isn't being neglected, then there may be an explanation. I'd prefer to talk to a neighbor in person in that regard to get an answer and see if anything could be done to mitigate the noise. A letter may just be ignored and even worse, it could make that neighbor less likely to cooperate whenever you do confront them! I do hope you can find a solution to this problem as it's very frustrating to be in such a situation.

Posted 3/25/08 10:47 AM

2 under 2...whew!!

Member since 2/07

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

I'm going against everyone else and siding with you. Put the letter in his mailbox. This is an uncomfortable thing to have to confront someone on--and it's not your problem. I also think it would be better if it's not JUST coming from you.

I will go out of my way to avoid confrontation, so maybe that's why I feel the way I do about this. But I think YOU should do what you feel COMFORTABLE doing, and I think the letter you wrote is just fine. It lets your neighbor know what his neighbors are thinking without the awkwardness of having to confront him face-to-face!

Posted 3/25/08 12:12 PM


Member since 7/07

1712 total posts


Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

My neighbor sometimes leaves his dog out all night and miraculously doesn't hear the dog bark incessantly from 1 am to 3 am, and then again from 6 am to 7 am.

I've told him about it and he just says "sorry." Or sometimes "oh, really?" Chat Icon When I said that DH and I have resorted to wearing earplugs to bed, he laughed.

Thankfully he is moving soon...

Posted 3/25/08 12:17 PM


Member since 8/07

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

I am a very non confrontational person so I would probably write a letter. I would be too nervous to approach them.

Either way, I think the letter is well put and not nasty.

I am very aware of my dog barking outside. The second he does , if its early or late we bring him right in or tell him no, sometimes he will stop. If its the middle of the day I may let him bark a little more but nothing more than 5 min, if that. I cringe as soon as I hear him bark

Posted 3/25/08 12:55 PM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

maybe since this is happening mostly during the day they don't even realize that it's bothering you. They might think everyone is at work, and they want to let the dog have some air, and let him bark his head

I think you should go knock on thier door and talk to them, do it in the vein of "I'm not sure if you're aware, but sometimes sparky barks for an hour or so at a time, and I was just wondering if maybe there was something specific he was barking at, or a way that maybe we could fix it?"

if you send the letter, you get no feedback from your neighbors, if you go and talk to them in person, at least you'll have a better understanding of them.

eta: did they just move into the neighborhood? maybe this is happening because the dog is now outside more (because it's getting warmer) and the dog is getting used to the people and the sounds, etc, he might get better the more he gets used to it.

Message edited 3/25/2008 1:29:27 PM.

Posted 3/25/08 1:28 PM

live laugh love

Member since 8/06

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

Posted by LFitzy79

I think you should go knock on thier door and talk to them, do it in the vein of "I'm not sure if you're aware, but sometimes sparky barks for an hour or so at a time, and I was just wondering if maybe there was something specific he was barking at, or a way that maybe we could fix it?"

I like this idea. I think if I were the neighbor getting the letter, although it's written in a nice way, it'd be easy to misinterpret its intent and react defensively - kind of like what happens here on the boards sometimes, since we can't hear one another's tone of voice, see their faces, take social cues, etc. Whereas if a neighbor approached me with a smile, asked how I was doing, and then brought up the dog barking for such long periods of time, it'd be clear to me that they meant it in a friendly way, and I'd have a chance to apologize and let them know what I plan to do about it (if anything).

Posted 3/25/08 2:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

I would try two times to go over and speak to them in person. If you aren't getting an answer I would leave a note and mention that you tried to get to them in person a few times but always missed them.

Posted 3/25/08 3:19 PM

enjoying every minute

Member since 12/07

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Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

I don't really think it matters what the dog is barking at, if he's barking for 15-60 minutes straight, It's not considerate of the neighbors. The owner needs to correct the dog for barking or bring him back inside.

I'm always very considerate when it comes to my dog barking to come back inside. Especially early am/ late pm - 1 bark and I'm out there getting him. I don't want to be awakened by a barking dog and I'm sure my neighbors don't want to either.

In person is probably better, but I think a letter is okay.

Posted 3/25/08 5:39 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 8/07

400 total posts


Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

Confronting the individual could be dangerous. Also, since it is more than one individual a letter seemed the appropriate way to deal with the situation. One individual should not bear the brunt.

All countiies, cities, etc. have noise ordinances. Usually anything more than 15 minutes is considered a nusciance. You may file a complaint, an investigator is sent out to observe and then a notice to comply and/or summons is issued.
If it is early or late hours then police may be called.

Message edited 3/25/2008 6:33:36 PM.

Posted 3/25/08 6:31 PM


Member since 4/08

1880 total posts


Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

Posted by LaPetiteSirène

Is it a puppy still?

I would just approach them. A letter might be just a little too much.

Dogs do bark, ya know? Chat Icon

Dogs DO bark, but usually for a reason. If my dog is out and I hear him bark, I tend to him and bring him in or try to stop him. Then again, I have a Bullmastiff and they are not excessive barkers. If he hears something, he will bark for a minute or so and then soon as he sees all is ok he stops. I don't think the letter is a bad idea if it is from ALL the neighbors. If I got one, I would not laugh it off and ignore it, I would try to fix the problem. The dog may be distressed to be barking so much, or just may be hyper and excited. What was the outcome?

Posted 4/25/08 12:00 AM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

Posted by stephaniea

It will be the middle of the day and everyone is either at school or work and this dog barks non-stop. Sometimes for over an hour. Its been as long as 3 hours.

First you said that it's been 15 minutes and now you say it's been 3 hours. That is a huge difference. I have a dog that likes to bark to make his presence known. He has gotten used to some of the sounds of the neighborhood and that has helped. If these people are new to the area, give the dog time to adjust.

As a person who has a dog that likes to bark, I can tell you that I let him out MORE in the middle of the day if I am home. The late night and early morning barking is more rude.

Posted 4/25/08 12:11 AM


Member since 4/08

1880 total posts


Re: Letter to Neighbor about barking dog

Posted by MrsRivera

I'm going against everyone else and siding with you. Put the letter in his mailbox. This is an uncomfortable thing to have to confront someone on--and it's not your problem. I also think it would be better if it's not JUST coming from you.

I will go out of my way to avoid confrontation, so maybe that's why I feel the way I do about this. But I think YOU should do what you feel COMFORTABLE doing, and I think the letter you wrote is just fine. It lets your neighbor know what his neighbors are thinking without the awkwardness of having to confront him face-to-face!

Once again, I think the letter is fine esp. if it comes from a few people. I agree w/ MrsR!

Posted 4/25/08 8:22 PM
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