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Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

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My lil cowboy

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Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My son is in first grade. I used to dress him in whatever. Now he refuses to wear anything but sweatpants/track pants/wind pants..whatever you want to call them. He will not wear jeans. Do your sons wear jeans or other types of pants to school? I don't want the teacher to think we are uber cas people with no fashion sense. LOL He tells me nobody wears jeans but I want to hear that from other moms. Is he lying or no? LOL

Posted 1/24/18 1:07 PM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

I just wrote a post very similar a few months back Chat Icon .. my DS is the same and in 3rd.. only wears those athletic pants or those tights under shorts.. he only wears jeans to church or if it’s a concert day at school, heaven forbid he would wear khakis, or nice pants, apparently that is only reserved for Easter and Christmas. I’ve been volunteering a lot at school recently and its basically all the boys wear.

Posted 1/24/18 1:23 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My older ds will not wear jeans - only wears sweat pants or softy pants as we call them. He has been like this since 1st grade he is now in 4th.
My 2nd ds will wear whatever I pick out he does prefer soft pants over jeans. He is in 3rd.

It definitely is normal. More comfy to run around in

Posted 1/24/18 2:41 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

Thank you both. Now I feel better!

Posted 1/24/18 2:58 PM

LIF Adult

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Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

my DS is also in first... so far, he's not picky AT ALL. he'll pretty much wear whatever i pick out for him. which is mostly jeans and different graphic tees, or like striped tees, or thermal henleys or whatever.
i only have him wear track pants/ sweatpants on the days he has his boys gymnastics right after school, or if his jeans are in the wash.

My younger son is 4 and he's just built a little differently, so the soft pants/ track pants/ whatever are more comfortable for him so thats what he wears the most

Posted 1/24/18 3:02 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My boys are 8 and 6. In 3rd and 1st grades. They do wear jeans once in a while, but prefer sweats or sports pants. My 3rd grader only likes Adidas, Under Armour, Nike, etc. He'll wear jeans, but he likes the softer jeans. They are also both skinny so I buy the skinny from Children's Place. They don't seem to bother them.
1st grader likes anything with superheroes. LOL. nothing too itchy, soft, big, etc. LOL
They are getting picky, but not too bad.
Most of their friends are similar. Boys don't have as many options.

Posted 1/24/18 3:06 PM

Waste not, want not

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My DS only wears sweatpants. He'd wear shorts if I let him!

Nothing with buttons or zippers pretty much ever. Even khakis have to be elastic waist band, but those are for holidays.

I haven't bought him jeans in over 2 years because it was a waste of money.

Posted 1/24/18 4:06 PM

Christine Braun - Signature Premier Properties
LIFamilies Business

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

No boys wear jeans to school, or -- God forbid - khakis! My DS just turned 9, he's in third grade. He wears athletic type pants and sweat pants (Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, etc.) and t-shirts and hoodies, or a sports jersey. Sometimes he wears shorts with high socks. Yes, even in the winter. I don't fight that battle.

This is what all of his friends and classmates wear, too.

He owns like one pair of jeans and one pair of khakis in case we go to a nice dinner or a dressier event. But they are definitely not everyday wear or even in the regular rotation.

Posted 1/24/18 4:39 PM

5,000 Posts!

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Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

I put my 2nd grade nephew on the bus 3x a week and he’s always in athletic-type pants. I just think it’s more comfortable for them! If I was permitted to wear sweats to work, I totally would!!

Posted 1/24/18 5:00 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My 4th grader only wears athletic pants or sweatpants to school as well as shorts for as long as he can. He occasionally wears jeans or khakis on the weekend. My kindergartener is the same way.

Posted 1/24/18 8:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

Yes, since 1st grade (now DS is in 7th Chat Icon) DS has not worn jeans. In K it was easier since he wore what I told him to. I think it is uncomfortable for them, for recess and to sit in the classroom or the rug. I had a deal before and it was sweatpants only in gym days. Now he choses what he wants to wear and it is always sweat pants or those elastic waist pants. Warmer days, on the 50's, he wears shorts. His school gets hot and in recess they run a lot.

Posted 1/24/18 10:11 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

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Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My boys wear athletic type pants or shorts, and long sleeve or short sleeve t-shirts.

It seems to be the norm at school.

Posted 1/25/18 8:54 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/15

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Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My son is 8 and only wears pants with an elastic waistband - sweatpants, track pants, and some khaki (if no zipper). For tops, only short sleeve tshirts or long sleeve tshirts. Nothing that buttons. And he wears the same pair of sneakers until they get a hole then we buy another pair of sneakers until *they* get a hole.

Posted 1/25/18 10:57 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

If it makes anyone feel better, my DAUGHTER refuses to wear jeans. She says they are uncomfortable and always fall down.
She will only wear leggings, jogger type sweats or dresses.
So yeah, I think it's definitely a comfort thing for them.

Posted 1/25/18 11:06 AM

Love my fur baby

Member since 8/07

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My DS is in 2nd Grade and does not even own a pair of jeans anymore. All he wears is Nike, Underarmour, etc... On top of that, he wont even wear button down shirts including a polo, so for picture day I have to make a deal that he wears a polo and after pic's you can change and I pack another shirt Chat Icon

Posted 1/25/18 11:12 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/14

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My son wears both jeans and joggers/sweatpants. I don't like the idea of him wearing sweats all the time. He must though have pockets in whatever pants he wears to carry "stuff". My daughter wears jeggings / leggings.

Posted 1/25/18 1:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My oldest DS, in 1st, will wear whatever is in his drawer. He has mostly athletic pants, but there are jeans in there and some khakis/chinos. He does wear them.

My middle DS, he's 4, will only wear "soft" pants.

Posted 1/25/18 2:13 PM

Life is Good!

Member since 7/07

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Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

DS is in first grade and wears jeans everyday. Athletic/sweatpants on the weekend. He is super skinny (17th percentile for weight), so athletic pants look very baggy on him.

Posted 1/25/18 10:51 PM


Member since 3/09

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

They wear everything. Check out a class picture (do they Twitter?).

DS wears jeans, khakis and sweatpants. Fleece sweatpants are his favorite. I don’t mind unless it doesn’t match (stripe shirt with camouflage pants). He wears a lot of stuff like my DH.

Posted 1/26/18 9:57 AM


Member since 10/13

1397 total posts


Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

DS is now in 4th grade and rarely wears jeans, It's always sweatpants and track pants. I only care that he's comfortable and dressed for the weather. Jeans never fit him right because he's tall and thin so sweatpants it is!

Posted 1/27/18 8:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/10

3797 total posts


Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

I teach in an elementary school. Most of the boys wear athletic pants or the tights under shorts. And everything is neon lol. There are a few boys that wear jeans/skinny jeans.

Posted 1/27/18 6:01 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

8 y/o lives in skinny jeans.. Mostly with graphic tops or polo shirts, also sweater and oxford.

Posted 1/28/18 9:56 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

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Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

My ds wears whatever but my theory is if he’s clean who cares what he is wearing!!

Posted 1/28/18 8:03 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

Posted by MichLiz213

DS is in first grade and wears jeans everyday. Athletic/sweatpants on the weekend. He is super skinny (17th percentile for weight), so athletic pants look very baggy on him.

Same here.

But I am the one who picks out everyone's outfits the night before, lol, so jeans, khakis, it's all up to me.

Posted 1/29/18 10:02 PM

Miracles Do Come True

Member since 8/10

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Re: Moms of boys - what do they wear to school?

Posted by NervousNell

If it makes anyone feel better, my DAUGHTER refuses to wear jeans. She says they are uncomfortable and always fall down.
She will only wear leggings, jogger type sweats or dresses.
So yeah, I think it's definitely a comfort thing for them.

My 4 year old daughter just started this, she will not wear jeans. I think its a comfort thing too. DS who is in kindergarten is fine with whatever I put him in however I tend to stay away from buttons and zippers since I know it is still hard for him. On gym days I put him in sweats and lose pants comfortable clothes.

Posted 1/30/18 9:52 PM
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