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my princess

Member since 10/05 2936 total posts
moms of newborns 0-3 months
I know there is a handful of us that just had babies recently so I was thinking we could share their schedules
I know at this young I should not really expect much but Jorgia's nightime habits are exhausting me!
She is 3 weeks old today
during the day 3-4 hours and she barely opens her eyes to drink 2ounces, she is asleep by the time she is finished
10:30 bottle 2 ounces
1:30-4:30 AM fully awake 6 ounces, 1 pooppy diaper and 30 minutes worth of hiccups!
Now she is still sleeping at 9;30
I am so tired!
Posted 10/22/07 9:32 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 9/06 5307 total posts
Re: moms of newborns 0-3 months
DD is 3 weeks tomorrow too. our schedule is very similar. DD is up pretty much every 2-3 hours. she seems to like a longer nap in the late afternoon sometimes (she does seem to sleep in her carseat all the time if we go out)
Posted 10/22/07 9:49 AM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: moms of newborns 0-3 months
schedule? Clover is pretty much getting 2.5oz every 3 hours. During the day she is very fussy and often will not take the full bottle, fall asleep briefly and wake cranky but not want the bottle. Come around 9pm she is good about drinking and going straight to sleep for about 3.5 hours each time until about 7am. She is 12 days old.
I'm still working out the kinks with Roman who's schedule has somewhat fallen apart.
Posted 10/22/07 10:05 AM |
Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06 6470 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: moms of newborns 0-3 months
My little Charlie is 6 weeks and is pretty consistent with eating every 3 hrs (although usually once a day he wants it after 2hrs or so, in the evening)
sleeps 10pm - 8am waking every 3hrs to eat...sometimes he goes one stretch of 4hrs.
Then bath at 8am or 9am, then he'll usually be up a few hrs here and there....his sleeping is inconsistent during the day but he does still nap a good part of the morning and mid afternoon. Then he is usually up from about 5pm to 10pm.
I think he eats about 5-6oz each feeding (I'm BFing) and he ALWAYS has a poopy diaper!!
Posted 10/22/07 11:00 AM |
Re: moms of newborns 0-3 months
Well, I have to wake DD up every 2 1/2 hours to nurse during the day (she loves her sleep). Sometimes she finishes, other times she doesn't, meaning that she will wake pretty soon again to feed. We give her a tiny bit of formula at night in addition to BM after her 9pm feeding. After that, she can wake anywhere from 3-4 hours to eat. Just so I can get some rest, DH gives her one formula bottle during the night. Her awake times are the only thing that aren't consistent. Sometimes it's late evening, sometimes it's breakfast time, she's a little confused
Posted 10/22/07 11:11 AM |
My life:)

Member since 6/06 9589 total posts
Re: moms of newborns 0-3 months
My Michael is 1 month old today! He is pretty regular with eating (every 2 hours when nursing, and 4 oz. every 3 if I give him formula or expressed BM). He is starting to sleep longer through the night (we have 4 hour stretches sometimes), however, he is difficult when putting him down to sleep after his bath around 8 o'clock...he fights his Miracle Blanket for hours...he just plain hates it lol...however, it helps him sleep so well through the night that I am hoping that he will eventually give in and start liking it...
I have definitely adjusted to the lack of sleep since my husband doesn't get up through the night (he works so I don't want him to) but I do catch up throughout the day or in the evening when he comes home.
I'm loving motherhood and I love to stay home with my son and watch him grow...however, I would not be able to be a SAHM...I give SAHMs A LOT of credit!!!!!!!!
Posted 10/22/07 11:27 AM |